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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2010 in all sections

  1. Some of you are already familiar, for those of you that are not here's the recipe. it actually doesn't look terrible here, but after reading the ingredients it sounds disgusting. So I did some chopping. after this guy i realized i had a slapchop handy, so i used it. So. Olives and celery get mixed into the jello along with vinegar and salt. I am missing pictures somehow, i think my room mate deleted them from her camera. Jello before things being added. Don't have an after picture, but i know i took one. This is tuna along with cucumber and the other part of the jello mixed in before chilling. End. So you can't see it, but the celery and olives are on the bottom of the half sphere jellos (jelloes?) only 1 of my 6 room mates tried it. I had a piece as well. The tuna over powers pretty much everything, but the consistency of the jello and tuna combined is almost unbearable. the jello by itself was hard to even hold in my mouth, let alone choke down. i lost a lot of pictures. im sorry. this thread is terrible and the food was disgusting, this week has been horrible.
    5 points
  2. I know a lot of people are intrested in getting new music. Here is a cool site that will map stuff you like and help you find new stuff that is similar http://audiomap.tuneglue.net/ I found some bands I am going to check out based on some searches. Hope this will help
    5 points
  3. its real easy for people to find a false sense of security with spouting racist remarks when they dont have to be face to face with their potential audience. now THIS would be epic! homie, you have been away from detroit for too long. asking a black person to spit shine your shoes, esp if you are an older white male....is asking for conflicts. did the black dude get what he deserved.... absolutely. was the person who said "fuck that white boy up" wrong..... absolutely. i refuse to invest in the concept of "reverse racism". racism is racism...no matter who it is directed towards and no matter the racial make up of they aggressor. if you ask me... RACE IS AN IDEA WHOS TIME HAS PASSED. people need to learn how to get past the notion of race dictating the outcome of this scenario and start acknowledging the content of their character. black dude=hella ignorant white dude=mentally ill no matter their race...those two elements combined will almost result in conflict. p.s. who was acting like an animal? in my opinion they both were acting retarded.
    3 points
  4. not sure she likes gatos the rest got blurred with booze. next mornnig while walking i saw l0l graf. the end.
    3 points
  5. cool chair lots of drinking.. anoter cool chair
    2 points
  6. It's been discussed in one of the top five threads in here. Very briefly. I think everyone feels the same. Sorry it had to happen, now waiting for the fallout.
    2 points
  7. Are you fucking kidding me? You do realize that was like 3 years ago right.......? Right?
    2 points
  8. I never ever like anything posted on this piece of shit forum, but this is a small jello sphere of genius. Thank you.
    2 points
  9. Easily one the best directors out there entertained me too many times I just saw Shutter Island didn't disappoint as usual Top 3 films IMO Txi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas keeps coming with the good shit never fails De Niro is a better actor than Di Caprio but he's not far off.
    1 point
  10. Apocalypse Now tpbm got 0 sleep last night.............
    1 point
  11. pre dinner. menu.. got drunk, burnt popcorn..
    1 point
  12. random weekend in pies. wake up, she's still tierd. need excercise.. gots to get a flat fixed. drive.. rapletterz good as new.. car wash.. they be busy get fade. home.
    1 point
  13. Some suggestions.. http://www.pickyourshoes.com/item.asp?itemname=11776 http://www.sneakerhead.com/302519-113.html http://www.sneakerhead.com/nike-blazer-premium-retro-lifestyle-shoes312457111.html http://www.pickyourshoes.com/item.asp?itemname=12694
    1 point
  14. who are all these new screen names ?
    1 point
  15. I used to get in trouble playing Oregon Trail because I'd use Teacher's names for my characters and intentionally starve and drown them .
    1 point
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear injury, you found an aa pamphlet. Another of their sayings is "this too shall pass." I find that one quite usedrul when the shit hits the fan... ~respectingeveryalcoholic.
    1 point
  17. Not just the Asians but the world's greatest polluter, China. Koalas aren't real, they're just a tourist campaign to lure gullible Americans.
    1 point
  18. haha, how you have changed from your other rants on how America is a backbone superpower
    1 point
  19. real high real tired self promo
    1 point
    1 point
  21. Saw this earlier. Gonna try it out.
    1 point
  22. this is my ink i make looks like this when it gets buffed you cant buff it it stains and smears if you would like the recipe let me know...this is also another color you can make this ink in any color it runs in mops and markers...
    1 point
  23. bump big baby jesus r.i.p ol dirty. fuck hedake esk big bump for hedake stk. satan all day everyday 666 kill police and rape there wives and slay there children right in front of them. all day everyday
    1 point
  24. ..Dont forget to at least trade and get sumthn in return for Cro. AJ..its more discomforting to think another playoff game with Nate "the choker" Kaeding in it!
    1 point
  25. I love this cuisinart griddler!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  26. HOLY SHIT... I just read back through this thread and am amazed by the foolishness. I'm not from Philly- but I've known of PRE/ACURA for about 15 years now. And have seen nothing but fly shit. As for the rest of you little bitches bumping gums... STILL NEVER HEARD OF YOU. Grow up and learn. Then talk.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. sex pest. this dog was goin nuts....it got all camera shy. so much booze , so little time bump into a dude i know. i don't know about greatest hits.. lucky boy got house arrest. mmmm interesting. heckled a mate from an unfamiliar car wall needs proactive. white sugar. got paints. dropping the kids off at the pool.
    1 point
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