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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2010 in all sections

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?0udlog8mz65h1tp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZbrWzSX8Ys
    5 points
  2. I got bees on my head but dont call me a bee head.
    4 points
  3. I rip bodices. its a fact. seemingly no one has heard the term bodice ripper otherwise. it is phrase used to describe trashy romantic novels
    2 points
  4. least she wouldnt run away. best lock those breaks down too.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. War in Korea??! STOP!!! Hammertime
    2 points
  7. Yea basically FAGGOT There are no rules to Hardcore as long as you follow the one rule. Don't be a FAGGOT
    2 points
  8. And I'm sorry peanut, but collecting Pogs was on par with collecting Beenie Babies. Same era, same corny shit. The hate probably comes from an age difference. I worked in a music shop back then and little snot nosed shits would always come up and ask if we had any pogs. They all had that lead paint eating pixie stick snorting stare in their eyes, and their mother had that bullshit flight attendent smile and condescending "that's right Jimmy, ask the man politely now" tone. Fuck pogs. Pogs are to "cool" what gay anal sex was to Marines storming the beaches of Normandy.
    2 points
  9. Hey fat ass, don't leave your bigass truck with 4 back tires running unattended outside the bar after last call. What else you think would happen to it? Your lucky I pulled over after I couldn't figure out the headlight situation, somehow you found me and could of kicked the fuck out of me but were so fat you gave up after about 100 yards of chasing me.
    2 points
  10. the nek is ok, and i can see some potential in the coma piece, but it needs some work.
    1 point
  11. saw a doam sticker in gboro last week. weeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk. yall dudes should just quit
    1 point
  12. Wood on My Chest - pretty sure I've seen a movie by that title...
    1 point
  13. woodville and goodwood will do anything you want
    1 point
  14. thanks gays! i actually didn't drink on my birthday. i laid in bed all day and watched re-runs like old ladies are supposed to do. i also weaved my labia extensions in to my labia majora ;) thanks earl and i lubed and dp'ed 88's anal super slide. spanky! :p
    1 point
  15. yo T4M ... that bbq with the shopping cart, true story . ive done it ... xanax is a hell of a drug
    1 point
  16. fuck yea man!!!!!!!!!!! the dude who aired these fools out gets a tip of the hat from me
    1 point
  17. ahhh true that..well get t me....well make some fuckin jiggaboo stew (not racist for all u negga-propers out there is a g.g. allin reference)
    1 point
  18. maybe they sold it for coke....the bitch on the left needs to sniff moar lose moar weight
    1 point
  19. that darling hopper... that ores B&W hopper... funny about those snitch cowards yall got down there.. an interesting flickr find.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/29345028@N02/5164650631/ ^toys getting aired out
    1 point
  20. that goes for pretty much every old head that still writes.. alotta graff kings are dope heads and crack heads.
    1 point
  21. my boy turned 100 dollars into about 1000 at the casino. I had to take a day off yesterday just to recover. Alot of whisky, a lot of mdma, a lot of cocaine... Basically a whole lot of bsm
    1 point
  22. Xen I'm pretty sure you made the right choice.
    1 point
  23. I guess I'll have to inform you when Justin Bieber turns 18. i don't hate on your life choice.
    1 point
  24. An excerpt from the just published book "War Is A Lie" http://warisalie.org After two world wars with a depression in between, none of which Americans had submitted to voluntarily, President Harry S Truman had some bad news. If we didn't set off immediately to fight communists in Korea, they would shortly invade the United States. That this was recognized as patent nonsense is perhaps suggested by the fact that, once again, Americans had to be drafted if they were going to go off and fight. The Korean War was waged in supposed defense of the way of life in the United States and in supposed defense of South Korea against aggression by North Korea. Of course it had been the arrogant genius of the Allies to slice the Korean nation in half at the end of World War II. On June 25, 1950, the north and the south each claimed the other side had invaded. The first reports from U.S. military intelligence were that the south had invaded the north. Both sides agreed that the fighting began near the west coast at the Ongjin peninsula, meaning that Pyongyang was a logical target for an invasion by the south, but an invasion by the north there made little sense as it led to a small peninsula and not to Seoul. Also on June 25th, both sides announced the capture by the south of the northern city of Haeju, and the U.S. military confirmed that. On June 26th, the U.S. ambassador sent a cable confirming a southern advance: "Northern armor and artillery are withdrawing all along the line." South Korean President Syngman Rhee had been conducting raids of the north for a year and had announced in the spring his intention to invade the north, moving most of his troops to the 38th parallel, the imaginary line along which the north and south had been divided. In the north only a third of available troops were positioned near the border. Nonetheless, Americans were told that North Korea had attacked South Korea, and had done so at the behest of the Soviet Union as part of a plot to take over the world for communism.
    1 point
  25. IR can do equations like 9n^2-n-35=9n but i cant seem to get a start
    1 point
  26. what do you think I mean? person who originally posted it said it looked like it was shopped I was putting the disclaimer out there.....
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I dont know if i'll ever be in another adult situation again because of the shit I've done in the past. Here's everything I can think of: 10. With my six year old cousin on the back of a jetski, going about 50 mph, I jerked the handlebars to the right, flipping the jetski and catapulting her across the lake, her tiny flailing body skipping across the water. 9. Had sex with some girl who's name i didnt even know in some kid's dorm room (who i also didnt know) that i broke into. 8. I lost my virginity to three hookers in Cuba. 7. Drove a couple classmates who had never been in a car before from Hollywood to Fairfield at about 140 mph while they were screaming for me to let them out the whole time. Then I did it again with a couple different people in the car from SF to LV in six hours. 6. Tore up my best friend's favorite painting because i didn't like the painter. 5. There was a lie about me going to UC berkeley a few years ago that I just went with because this girl wanted to smash. She wanted me to be her boyfriend so i told her the truth. We dated for about a week. 4. Ran over a dorm RA with my car. 3. Spent an entire semester going to shows, getting drunk, embarrassing people that knew me, crashing at people's houses that didnt know me because they didnt know any better, and just making a fucking fool of myself. 2. Lied constantly to everyone about everything all through art college. Different name, different occupation, always changing it up. 1. Most recently: This girl that i had just started seeing invited me to her friend's birthday party at a fancy club with classy people. They even booked a VIP room with champagne and everything. While the girls went dancing the three guys where left with two bottles of champagne, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of patron. I was told not to drink because she wanted to smash that night, In less than an hour I killed all four, blacking out, and ended up puking all over her house for 2 days, then dumped her a day later.
    1 point
  29. cutting fences > GFL
    1 point
  30. ^^^^ i agree. smash all, fuck it some better in others in that one, fuck it, smash all
    1 point
  31. it was still a horrible story though
    1 point
  32. you still all giddy about 08? talking all this shit about dynasties, being unstoppable, doc halladay, facts, opinions . blah blah yet you only won once in 08. im just stating facts son.
    1 point
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