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  1. ayo fuck that modrater forreals.........bitch ass nigga aint even from d town.............
  2. what do you mean?.........................sensitive shit? wtf on request? by who?...............a pig?
  4. i aint gonna lie dallas is the home of the cheerleaders...got bunch of them faggots in dirty d
  5. caught these in the portland thread
  6. yo foreals i miss seeing that boy CHANT...that boy Gomer...that boy Dayser that boi Dazer shiiiiit to many to name
  7. my thread lmao..................osama bin dead bitches......i love it...........bitches get mad...
  8. oh my my feelings are hurt.....dude you practically live on here...i got a lfe......you need to get one.... what the fuck are you talking about..."bring it on" kid.....fuck you you dont know shit.......and keep thinking you know every thing.you are the true joke on here.
  9. you are a funny ass disinformant..............funny............"loud-mouthed kid with a computer who talks a big game"......lol lol so what ARE YOU? BIG SHOT...
  10. and your lack of willingness to comprehend the hogwash thrown at your idiotic mind of yours, make you a incompetent useless twit. yes really. gtfo
  11. wake up people.................oh that night vision shot is actually from black hawk down........................yes.black hawk down.......wake the fuck up people..its actualy not that hard....
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