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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2007 in all sections

  1. 4 points
  2. We got up early the following day and packed up. We were completely unaware of the impending attack from the ominous treeline we had noticed earlier in the weekend. We were all chillin', having the last few beers and BBQing the last meat, when out of the trees come... VULTURES. VULTURES! They circled the sky above us. And they landed where our tents used to be. But there was nothing to be found. There was only Voodoo Cup. And Voodoo Cup prevailed. This is the spot where we had bonfires. Bonfires aren't allowed cause they burn the shit out of the grass/ground. We tried to enclose it as well as we could, but shit still got burned pretty bad. Fat dude was a green thumb, and piled some official looking earth/grass on top of it. On the way out we stopped for a few more touristy shots. I love that light on the wires. It's just an ordinary highway street lamp tied haphazardly to the cables. That's how shit is done here. We stopped by some docks on the coast to catch the last sunset. This picture has ATTITUDE. Look at all that attitude. This should be the album cover art for some shitty band. The End. I hope you all enjoyed.
    4 points
  3. i figured something out,the only way you can prop someone again after you have done so is having the persons name gone from the latest prop window ( example look) 336 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received Thread Date Posted By Comment E-CRED ROUND 2 12-12-2007 12:26 AM CACashRefund PROPS! E-CRED ROUND 2 12-11-2007 11:34 PM Omniscient E-CRED ROUND 2 12-11-2007 08:43 PM Pfffffffffft propppssssssss <<< 12Oz... 12-11-2007 06:10 PM shai_hulud FINALLY!!! E-CRED ROUND 2 12-10-2007 09:58 PM Poesia [T] Finally. Booom. now if i got 1 more prop poesia will be erased and then he will beable to prop me again
    3 points
  4. 162 and im out of propssss
    2 points
  5. sour puss hahaha i have had this thread for awhile now atleast i didnt go and make another special one saying King Seffiks 2.0 or some shit i recycle my threads
    2 points
  6. My shit will be on lqate night I owe 12-12-2007 04:23 PM Mellow hahahhaha wow Stats Facts and... 12-12-2007 02:37 PM EarMuffs excellent E-CRED ROUND 2 12-12-2007 11:26 AM Milk Grenades weeeee FYI i always prop back. That leaves one prop left. I think the limit is 4 a day
    2 points
  7. prop me nukkas shai you owe me
    2 points
  8. eatso, you still owe me according to my user panel onesecondpie, i just tried to prop you again and was rejected yet again. how many do you need for 4 bars?
    2 points
  9. people on my list that i still owe props to: inkie goneroner crimestoppers the crooked pffffft eon orc bojangles booty tubesock onesecondple ill get you guys when i can.
    2 points
  10. but i cannot pay the rest of u bak yet ive given to much out right now!
    2 points
  11. There u go Sefficks lets get that algorithm down
    2 points
  12. Ive been gone for a minet.ill try to get into the habit of propping.
    2 points
  13. i got you earlier tails
    1 point
  14. Props NOW! Don't make me hit you with a chair.
    1 point
  15. ok, im in the building prop away.. whos first?
    1 point
  16. one dead/three wounded--moving units
    1 point
  17. I'm on the hunt I'm after you. Smell like a sound. I'm lost and I'm found. And I'm hungry like the wolf.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. got a bunch of people on the last page..
    1 point
  20. Oooooohhh... another thread about e-cred and props. :rolleyes:
    1 point
  21. btw: i propped a bunch of you in here.
    1 point
  22. i still have 1. WINNER.
    1 point
  23. first to 5 i think ( Thank You very much 12oz)
    1 point
  24. man i got hit with three new props but no points, whammy
    1 point
  25. hey booty whats up with props we haven't exchanged so I think It would work
    1 point
  26. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola With all due respect have you guys even met each other?
    1 point
  27. I got ya TST but you gotta wait till after 12...
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. where's spread aids? Did I props you back yet?
    1 point
  30. special thanks to these people... 35 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received Thread Date Posted By Comment E-CRED ROUND 2 12-12-2007 10:47 AM onesecondple give me them flicks E-CRED ROUND 2 12-12-2007 07:55 AM Pfffffffffft NO MORE red E-CRED ROUND 2 12-12-2007 03:11 AM Poesia [T] reciprocate Michael Vick Gets Pwned 12-12-2007 02:39 AM TubeSockTerror thats real E-CRED ROUND 2 12-11-2007 10:38 PM dosoner proped
    1 point
  31. there you go commie. hope this helps.
    1 point
  32. damn i still can't prop. this is evil
    1 point
  33. Right after she said this you should have punched her in the forehead and said "pwned!"
    1 point
  34. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola He is younger than me. I'm a cougar.
    1 point
  35. we take homo comments without /no homo after them mad serious son, mad serious, unless youre rage, then its ok
    1 point
  36. Only one more chapter out of 33 being posted tomorrow. Like it so far? Get the whole shiny, fancy book at http://www.lulu.com/content/1017033 Already ballin' in your hometown with it? Leave me a review at the site. I feel like I'm running a telethon.
    1 point
  37. well, everyone knows bling bling is in the dictionary for some stupid reason actuallym wonk saggin should be the word for 2008, w00t!
    1 point
  38. holy fucking shit.... .......... .......... jealous.
    1 point
  39. Code to fight Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch Out: 007-373-5963
    1 point
  40. so the cops are watching my house can I get some props? /nopolice
    1 point
    1 point
  42. i dunno why you dudes are pussies about the little things like this. yea, they pay rent too, but if somebody is clearly ruining your daily life, then set them straight. You live there too, right? shit.
    1 point
  43. props for me figuring out the code
    1 point
  44. im at 162 right now, out of props, fuck shit cock. why am i addicted to this shit
    1 point
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