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Virginia Gearing up For Boogaloo 2020 - New American Civil War Edition


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Incase you haven't been following, Virginia has just passed some pretty harsh gun control laws that have essentially turned a 3rd of the population into felons overnight. Some of the new laws forbid paramilitary training, which is defined so loosely could send you behind bars for teaching your kid how to use a hunting rifle. I'm not making this stuff up, it's been quite the big deal in Libertarian circles.


Here's where it gets interesting. Hundreds of independent Law enforcement agencies have vowed to not enforce the new laws. Cities and towns all over the state have started declaring themselves 2A sanctuary cities. So the State is now threatening to send in the National Guard to these sanctuary cities to enforce the laws, and as a threat to Law Enforcement. Needless to say, the Law enforcement community isn't very happy, and the citizens are now forming militia vowing to protect Law Enforcment agencies who are refusing to enforce the unconstitutional gun laws. 





Virginia – Earlier in the week, we reported on how lawmakers over in Virginia were threatening to use the National Guard if members of local law enforcement refused to enforce laws passed in the state that they felt violated the second amendment.


Well, looks like Tazewell County isn’t going down without a fight. On top of calling themselves a second amendment sanctuary county, they’re also crafting a militia as well. The Virginia county has taken the movement that has swept across the state and added an element that is sure to trigger pro gun-grabbing politicians in the state.


Just this past Tuesday, on December 10th, the Board of Supervisors from Tazewell County passed two different resolutions in light of controversy circling those who are pro-gun. The first resolution declared the county to be a second amendment sanctuary. This is not at all surprising to see, as 76 out of 95 counties, 9 out of 38 independent cities, and 13 towns have adopted second amendment sanctuary resolutions.


The second item on the agenda was the proposition of establishing a militia in the county. When both of the resolutions passed, the crowd cheered loudly in support of the decisions.  Also, the resolutions didn’t exactly pass by a small margin; the votes were unanimous, with more than 200 citizens standing by in support.


The motion of the creation of the militia had already succeeded in an unofficial way based on the results of a survey conducted earlier in the month by county officials. But Board Chairman Travis Hackworth said people have persisted to press for the district to declare itself a second amendment sanctuary.


Hackworth went on to state that there were three attorneys on the Board of Supervisors. Many of the other declarations made from other counties in Virginia were closely checked by the three attorneys to ensure nothing important would be glossed over or left out.


Two of the biggest factors in resolutions such as these can be boiled down to funding and prosecution. 


The resolutions in Tazewell County would remove funding for any law enforcement department that would infringe residents’ right to keep and bear arms.


Yet, if the state wanted to combat the resolutions, they could deny the county funding in areas other than law enforcement, or perhaps attempt to evict public officials from their held offices. Those are rather valid fears, considering this week’s warnings from Northam and Congressman McEachin.


County Administrator Eric Young reportedly considered that element, and that’s why they opted for the militia aspect:


“Our position is that Article I, Section 13, of the Constitution of Virginia reserves the right to ‘order’ militia to the localities. Therefore, counties, not the state, determine what types of arms may be carried in their territory and by whom. So, we are ‘ordering’ the militia by making sure everyone can own a weapon.”


Thus, if anyone from the state tries to remove the Sheriff from their elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens within the state.


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11 hours ago, Mercer said:

Yet, if the state wanted to combat the resolutions, they could deny the county funding in areas other than law enforcement, or perhaps attempt to evict public officials from their held offices. Those are rather valid fears, considering this week’s warnings from Northam and Congressman McEachin.

And there we go

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They're going to find that knocking over newspaper dispensers and breaking store front windows isn't actually effective against people that own weapons and are willing to defend the Constitution.


Remember, this isn't the politicians that just dreamt this up, this is a result of people supporting the idea and the politicians being willing to enact it.

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Turns out former NYC mayor, and potential presidential candidate (if Biden Drops Out)  Micheal Bloomberg funded the campaign that lead to the gun ban in Virginia. He outspent the NRA's $300k by dropping over $2.5m on tha campaign.






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Twitter bots spread white supremacist’s bogus story about Virginia’s proposed assault weapons ban

By Daniel Funke on Friday, December 20th, 2019 at 5:03 p.m.


Ahead of a potential vote on an assault weapons ban in Virginia, some Facebook users are posting misinformation about the legislation.


The source of the false information is a white supremacist with a rap sheet and a history of spreading conspiracy theories.


One post published Dec. 16 includes a screenshot of a tweet from user @cindyseestruth, which appears to be an automated account. The tweet claimed Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, is planning drastic measures to take away guns.


"WARNING… VIRGINIA GOV RALPH NORTHAM SET TO.. Cut off electric… telephones… faxes… cellular phones & cellular data, Internet, so #Virginia residents cannot reveal what is happening once gun confiscation begins to take place," the tweet reads.


The Facebook post, which has been shared nearly 10,000 times, was flagged as part of the company’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)



(Screenshot from Facebook)


There’s no evidence for this disconnected conspiracy.


While a variety of gun control legislation has been introduced in Virginia, one bill is particularly relevant to the Facebook post and tweet: Virginia Senate Bill 16. The measure, which was introduced in late November, would ban the possession, transport and sale of assault weapons. The bill includes six definitions for "assault weapons," which include anything from a semi-automatic rifle to a shotgun with a revolving cylinder.


Democrats will take control of both the Senate and the House of Delegates in January, which helps the chances for passage. But there’s no evidence that Northam would cut off the state’s electricity to enforce the legislation or suppress news about enforcement.


SB 16, which would make the possession of an assault weapon a felony, does not spell out how it would deal with firearms that Virginians already own. Northam has said he would call on law enforcement to enforce the bill, and he’s pushed back on resolutions that deem certain cities "Second Amendment sanctuaries." 


"We're not going to take people's guns away," he told reporters Dec. 11.


In its tweet, which got more than 2,000 retweets, @cindyseestruth linked to a story published Dec. 13 by the Hal Turner Radio Show. Other Twitter bots have also amplified the article, according to Hoaxy, a tool that tracks automated accounts.


Hal Turner is a white supremacist who uses internet and radio broadcasts to float conspiracy theories and hate speech. In 2010, he was sentenced to 33 months in prison for threatening three federal judges over their decision to uphold handgun bans in Chicago.


The story contains the tweet’s claim about shutting down cellular infrastructure almost verbatim. In an email, Alena Yarmosky, Northam’s press secretary, said that it is "absolutely false."


"People who spread lies like this should be ashamed of themselves," she said.


We reached out to Turner for more evidence to support his site’s claim, but we haven’t heard back.


The Facebook posts are inaccurate and make a ridiculous claim. We rate it Pants on Fire!

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I watched a few of these city council meetings first hand and there were a lot of people that informed city council that if they backed richmond and sent police to their house to violate their constitutional rights that there would be a pile of dead police at their doorstep. 


Second of all, the weekend warriors of the armed forces know that they will get mopped up in VA. There is an ultra high concentration of active duty and retired military here is South East Virginia sprinkled with a higher than usual concentration of IIIpers ready to string the national gaurd up by the nearest light post. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Mercer said:

Looks like January 20th is the kick off date.



Im debating on going to richmond on the 20th. I saw how they were setting up the barricades and they are constructing them in "death tunnel" format. Three ways in 1 way out. Then I saw this contraption to help scoop dead bodies out of the way and Im just not so sure anymore.

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