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2020 U.S. Election


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I think the only people that care about weed laws are potheads (wait..... whatttttt?!), liberals that don't smoke weed, and liberals that want to let "anyone do anything" they want.


Biden was never going to win after his lying and Ukraine scandal they're attempting to cover up with this impeachment show anyway.  I'm not sure why anyone would even be talking about him in any sort of serious fashion.


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Had nothing to do with him not supporting weed laws.  Anyone serious knows this dude is a lying hack.  The democrats will paint this as if he lost support for not supporting marijuana legalization like there is some overwhelming majority of voters that want legal weed..... but that's just another lie and attempt to cover the truth..... like the impeachment that will get Trump elected again.


I expect to see a lot more crying like that lady (?) in post #2.

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edit: sorry for assuming gender.  Didn't mean to offend the sensitive peoples' sensitivities.  Please accept my sincerest of apologies in all of ever.  @Kults


Funny, almost like they may need a business minded person running the country vs. someone that panders to hand waving politics and theatrical shows.  I can't believe it, this is my shocked face.

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It’s because most of us actually do have lives and dont spend endless amounts of time here and then claim we dont have the time. 

That, and the fact that you’re already rambling on about a bunch of fucking nonsense. 

Already regret this thread, someone feel free to close it. 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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  • Kults locked this topic
5 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

It’s because most of us actually do have lives and dont spend endless amounts of time here and then claim we dont have the time. 

That, and the fact that you’re already rambling on about a bunch of fucking nonsense. 

Already regret this thread, someone feel free to close it. 

It's going to have to be one of your buddies that closes the thread.  I don't really "moderate" anything on this forum.... as I've said before or else I'd offer to do it for you.  It'd be like a favor though since you asked and I'm not a huge fan of doing favors for people that consistently try to attack me..... even if it is online.


Check this out though, it's going to be relevant to the upcoming election.



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"Right now in a number of states the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother's womb in the 9th month. It is wrong. It has to change."


No fucking idea how he thinks children are actually born - watch here:



Edited by Hua Guofang
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North Korea’s U.N. Envoy Says Denuclearization Off Table




Ambassador Kim Song said that the “sustained and substantial dialogue” sought by the U.S. with Pyongyang was a trick done to suit its domestic political agenda, according the statement, which was first reported by Reuters.


“We do not need to have lengthy talks with the U.S. now and denuclearization is already gone out of the negotiating table,” Kim said.

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DPRK maneuvering on Trump for the election - sat tests are cover for ICBM testing


N. Korea says it has conducted 'very important test' at satellite launching site


SEOUL, Dec. 8 (Yonhap) -- North Korea said Sunday that it has conducted a "very important test" at its western satellite launching site, saying the successful testing will play a key role in changing the country's "strategic position" in the near future.

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