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Mayor tried to shut down dispensaries, and liquor stores here in Denver as "non essential".

Gov said "may not be essential for you" and reopened them, after huge lines formed from people trying to stock up at the last minute before they were shut down.

The black market here is weak when it comes to weed because the legal weed is so cheap now, hovering at $100 per ounce average.

Edited by Mercer
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Our govt folk aren't able to access whatever they want (understand it's different over there, though). They live lives relatively similar to upper-middle class Australians, for the most part. Bunch of them have been busted breaking the rules with non-essential travel and have lost their jobs (as in cabinet role, and likely pre-selection at the next election) as a result.

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On 4/26/2020 at 6:29 AM, Fist 666 said:

Oof. I'd have had a hard time not punching that (assuming fat) bastard.


There was a sort of protest within much of my brigade when we got back. Most of my unit (a cavalry squadron) refused to wear our Combat Action Badges earned through being blown up, in firefights, direct engagement with the enemy, etc because half the pogs back at KAF had been awarded the same CAB--because they'd been standing within 100 or 200 yards or some bullshit of a rocket attack. Air Force dudes were even being given ARMY awards to make their class-As look more developed over events like this. Our Sergeant Major eventually ordered us to wear them...


At KAF there is a boardwalk area full of shops and restaurants (FUCKING RESTAURANTS AND COFFEE SHOPS IN WAR), at some point a rocket landed in the middle of a volleyball court or some shit and hundreds of those pogs got their awards for seeing a flash and hearing a bang, no visible injuries or fatalities whatsoever.... Still bitter, but I don't plan on ever putting on that uniform again so I guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure @WorldBench could add to this conversation.


As an aside, I of course will not downplay the seriousness or severity of TBI/PTSD or other so-called "invisible injuries," but there are a lot of motherfuckers out there telling stories about shit they've got not business talking about. 



And also, the few times I was at KAF it was fucking awesome to be able to grab a coffee from Tim Hortons or a Subway sandwich, I was just jealous of the fuckers that got to have that shit daily




eh, now back to the regularly scheduled pictures with words and shit on it...






I'm with Fist on this one, alot of people go out of their way to get badges (lickies and chewies) so they can pretend they are something they are not. Our brigades to (both sister brigades to Fists') hardly wore any badges or combat patches from those units too and if we did it was our EIB.  I was Infantry, and we never had to front, they way we walked and held ourselves spoke for ourself. Like Fist said KAF was a POG overload. We used to go there to refit and supply. Often times we would get kicked out of restaurants and dining facilities because our uniforms were worn down, had holes, we stunk, were dirty, etc but those same people were the ones wanting all the awards for "being attacked" and so forth.

I was at a Vet Group one day and some of the vets in there for PTSD weren't even combat veterans. But hey to each their own.

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1 hour ago, Mercer said:

Funny how this shines a spotlight on what's truly considered essential (by individuals) not their government overlords that have the resources to access whatever they want any time they choose. Tobacco is a big one also.

I looked into this a bit and reason they deemed them essential is because they didn't want to deal with addition and detox in the middle of all this mess. Makes sense when you think about it like that, but yeah... People should be free to do what they want as long as they're clear they are also responsible for themselves. Shame its unlikely to ever get that way without a collapse or without moving out to a rural area like mine where Government is just so small that they have to find equilibrium with the governed or people just stop listening.

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1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

Our govt folk aren't able to access whatever they want (understand it's different over there, though). They live lives relatively similar to upper-middle class Australians, for the most part. Bunch of them have been busted breaking the rules with non-essential travel and have lost their jobs (as in cabinet role, and likely pre-selection at the next election) as a result.

I remember when it used to be like that here. Not long ago we'd look at South America as the banana republic. Now, South America is hardly holding their shit together and the USA is the banana republic. Assume you guys are just further down the curve, but good luck with all that. My guess is the USA will be the precedent that emboldens a lot of other nations to follow the example.

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9 hours ago, misteraven said:

I remember when it used to be like that here. Not long ago we'd look at South America as the banana republic. Now, South America is hardly holding their shit together and the USA is the banana republic. Assume you guys are just further down the curve, but good luck with all that. My guess is the USA will be the precedent that emboldens a lot of other nations to follow the example.

I think there are a number of reasons why, one of them is that we don't have the level of wealth accumulation like you do in the US. We have stupidly rich people, they are the folk that own mining interests and the LNP (current govt) are well within their pockets. There's also a culture of tall poppy syndrome here. We often compare ourselves to the US - an American looks at a big house with 5 ferraris out front and he says "One day, I'm going to have all that too", where as Australian sees that same house and thinks "What a dick, how can I take him down".


That culture is obviously toxic but it has its benefits as well. We have the 'Aussie battler' here, some one who puts up a strong fight to provide for family as the worker that's constantly beat down by the arseholes. It's a very working class mindset and it's mostly fake, but it's similar to Obama going to a burger joint, the Aussie politician wants to be seen in a pub having a beer with the good ol' Aussie battlers, you know, one of the people. It's why it will be hard to ever have some one like Trump in the head shed, because he's clearly not one of the people but the privileged few. But it also means that we are susceptible to other problems like populists (nationalists and covert racists) that just 'tell it how it is'.


Our politicians are largely non-authentic, they're politicians, largely from a law background. And that makes it easier for a plain-speaking person who used to own a fish and chip joint to come in with a populist agenda and attract people because they seem 'real'. Sometimes they are, but 'real' racism is still racism and sometimes you really want some one who understands law, international relations, economics and all those other things you need university degrees for. Because leading a country is fucking complex and hard, and running a small business, whilst 'real' and important, doesn't always qualify you to understand legislation, deal with other cultures and guide a massive and complicated economy.

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2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

"One day, I'm going to have all that too", where as Australian sees that same house and thinks "What a dick, how can I take him down".

You'd be surprised, there's been a major shift in this direction culturally in the United States since around 2000. We used to just resent old money rich, and Euro style aristocratic types during most of our entire history. We celebrated innovators, and the self made titans of industry. These days all's someone has to do is label you as rich, (or just upper middle class in some areas) and there's a sort of built in, invisible resentment you can feel. It's everywhere now but obviously more prominent around higher concentrations  of broke ass people.



2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

It's why it will be hard to ever have some one like Trump in the head shed, because he's clearly not one of the people

You've just outlined what i find the strangest thing about Trump's appeal to his base in the United States. It's not his fellow New York City slicker crowd showing up at Trump rallies. It's the blue collar, maybe high school educated at most rural vote that has his back like no other. Crazy when you think about how much they supposedly hate the "coastal elite", and you'd be clowned on if you would have ever predicted he'd be put into the white house by the rural working class before Obama. I've noticed similarities between Australia, and the United States when it comes to this culture of strong work ethic. Probably one of my favorite things about Australia outside of Kangaroo burgers. Jokes aside, I wouldn't be too surprised if I were you if the same thing happens there sometime. You'd be surprised what a politician can accomplish if they forgo developing sensible (any coherent) policy, and focus on playing the right dog whistle notes for their devout working class tax slaves.


2 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Our politicians are largely non-authentic, they're politicians, largely from a law background.

You probably know what I'm going to say next, but I'll say it anyway. Same shit everywhere. The funniest shit I ever saw was Michael Bloomberg (former NYC Mayor, and multi Billionaire) embarrass himself pretending to play stickball in the streets of NYC for a photo op. 2005ish. So fake. I was praying he broke the window of his own limo that day. He probably never visited the inner city as a kid, and even if he would have (still can't picture it) it's obvious he'd be the stool pigeon, ratting out the other kids when someone's apartment window down the street got broke by a foul ball. Occasionally you get someone popular like a Ron Paul, or Bernie Sanders who you can tell authentically believes in their own bullshit, but the other 99% of the time a political platform is designed around what the politician thinks will win the next election, and nothing more.

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17 hours ago, WorldBench said:

but those same people were the ones wanting all the awards for "being attacked" and so forth.

This kind of makes sense looking back at the few times I've seen people complain about not receiving special treatment, or demanding a certain type of unequal respect. Those that demand it, and constantly mention these accolades  make fools of themselves IMO. Those that carry themselves properly never really need to demand it.


I've even seen non-combat veterans rant about not being thanked enough on Veterans day, even knew a "military husband" (his wife served before they met) that basically boycotted, and hated a couple businesses because they couldn't get a military discount there like that was a law, and not a voluntary (meaningful) way to show appreciation for veterans. This even crosses over into skateboarding, and graffiti elitism like "you don't know who I am?" type statements expecting the other person to be like "Damn, wtf wrong with me, best recognize this person as my superior".

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