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I seriously cannot understand WoW at all.

if you wanna go play with dragons, fairies and all that shit hit up Zelda.


I'll take WoW over Zelda any day.


Sorry, I said it.


Here's someone else that is also disillusioned by zelda.






The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is video-game busywork. Eiji Aonuma and Shigeru Miyamoto had a long weekend and didn’t have time to come up with a lecture, so they handed out some old worksheets at the beginning of class. Like High School teachers who subject children to Xeroxes until they think word problems are interesting, ZTP gives you tons of shit to do until you think it’s your duty to go play games just like it.


It isn’t. It’s nobody’s responsibility to finish what amounts to video game homework. We game for fun, for adventure, for revelation. We game for the pleasure of a well-designed, properly balanced combat system. We don’t game to sit through a re-skinned version of a Barnes and Noble discount books puzzle.


There is no reason to find a twig somewhere to light a candle to open a door to get a bigger stick. There’s no bliss in shifting blocks around till they line up. And there’s no fun in bringing a barrel of water across an ugly field. Maybe I’d do these things if they were entertaining, but Twilight Princess is a cover; it only reminds you how much you liked the original song.


And the trick is momentum, teasing you into thinking that Fun Is About To Happen. Zelda: Twilight Princess is the Eyes Wide Shut of Gaming.


I hate games without choices, and there are so few choices in this newest Zelda. Every moment is muted by the clamor of a committee. The game hides in the corner, frightened that you’ll discover its insubstantial self, and deflects your investigation with fishing rods and “more arrows!” It’s so afraid of real exploration (and curiosity’s consequences), that it places you gently at a doorway after a fall into a bottomless pit. Sure, that’s Zelda for you, but at what point are we going to stop making excuses for these games, and start taking them to task? Link doesn’t have extra lives. If human being falls into lava, he shouldn’t wake up next to a door holding his head. UNLESS HE NEVER MOVED TO BEGIN WITH.


Maybe every action is a dream of Link’s?


Or are his failures the only fantasies he has?


We play Zelda because we feel a Gamer’s Obligation to do so. To be up on the current conversations, to say we’ve played it. We’re a community of abused wives, staying in a relationship because it’s our duty. What we should be shouting is after he hit me again, I stomped on his throat and threw him out the window. We shouldn’t hold our heads down and apologize for mistakes that aren’t ours. ZTP is not your fault. Well, it might be. You should have bought a copy of Wind Waker. At least that game made some honest mistakes.


And the truth is, I guess, that none of The Tasks would be so grating if not for the fact that the entirety of Hyrule is populated by Idiots and Retards. Even the fucking cat is retarded. In the first and most maddening of quests, you have to catch a fish for a cat, and the cat refuses the first fish. This serves nothing but to make you hate the cat, and sets the tone for the rest of the world. There are stupid snowmen who can’t remember where the fuck they put a box, sub-human rock creatures who’ve lost their ability to talk, and then there’s that fucking mailman who shows up just to stop you from dashing across the countryside. God, I hate that mailman. He’s a credit card phone call during tedious sex.


Doing things for the people of Hyrule does not elevate Link to the role of hero. He’s just a country-wide caretaker; a blithe pill-giver in a nursing home. Link’s lack of frustration is passed on to the player. He doesn’t give a shit what he does, so the joke is on you.


I swear the game feels like a well-crafted prank. Or like the designers hated us just a little. Splitting hearts into 5ths carries the sting of mild spite. Carry that bottle of water across a field, and you’re rewarded with a 5th of a heart. You know, I’d rather pick up an Actual Bottle of Water and carry it across the street. At least when I’m done, I can drink my Actual Bottle of Water -OR!- be across the street, as opposed to back where I started with a 1/5th of a piece of paper or something.


Imagine doing a favor – and that’s what this whole game is, favors for retards– doing a favor for a friend, and in return, they hand you a bite of sandwich. “Do me four more favors, and I’ll give you the rest of your lunch!” You know what you’d say to that person? “We are no longer friends, dickfuck.”


The story isn’t rewarding enough to put up with block-puzzles and fetch quests. The graphics aren’t so startling that you charge through the world just to catch the next vista. And the control is so stupid, it’s like playing Mario 64 with a Dual Shock broken in half. Swing-swing-swing, crackly swoosh sound — I’m already tired of the Wii-mote. Thanks, Nintendo. With your flagship launch title, you’ve told me “It gets old after a while.”


What’s worse, this is a game that speaks a vocabulary only known to gamers. Show it to a friend who doesn’t game, and they’ll disarm you with the simplest question: Why? Ask the game why, and it falls apart like a sculpture of ash. Ask your professor why and he’ll reply, “Because that’s your assignment.” The fact is he was too busy getting drunk to come up with a new lecture. I know. I’ve dated teachers.


At this point, the language of Zelda is stunted. Twilight Princess is inbred, the offspring of games fucking other games in the same small town. If the series wants to flourish, it’s going to have to head out into the wild.

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all of that can be twisted around and pushed upon WoW.


and why? that can be asked for any videogame. why keep leveling up my midnight ogre day elf? why make snake plant these bombs here so i can go to the next part of the game? why watch klonoa's fucking cute ears waving in the wind while im running through one of the best side scrollers ever created? because we have fun doing it.




dont get me wrong, there were parts in there that were funny, but that same shit can be used against any other game which makes it suck.



you still havent answered my question though. how do mmporgs not suck?

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Yea that can be put on WoW as well, as it pretty much is the definition of busywork. I just thought it was a funny review :lol:


Why doesn't it suck?


I dunno I have fun with it =p


There's the economic aspect of it where you can sell shit you find in game, or sell shit that you make yourself.


It's fun playing with other people, that's no surprise, look at the success of microsoft live.


And it's a blizzard game. I haven't played a game that blizzard has made that hasn't been hands down amazing. This happens to be one of those games.


From the outside I realize it doesn't look fun, thats why I didn't start playing it until it had been out for two years and I copped a free demo. Did any of you guys like Diablo? This is live diablo and it's 1000X bigger. Did diablo suck?

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Haha, to each their own.


It's not the only game I play, I have a DS, Wii, 360.


I'll smoke any one of you at Halo / Gears.


WoW just gets shit on cause people are like oh man, orcs and trees and lightning bolts n shit.


Halo is about aliens and a Master Chief. It's totally retarded. But you don't play it for the story, you play it for the fun of the game.

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i dont like it because you never actually complete anything. thats actually one of the main reasons i stopped playing CS. even with the leagues after we made it to cal-m it just was the same shit over and over again. mostly because all cs is is strategies and team work. it has almost nothing to do with how good you are at headshots and such. all that matters is the strategies. so i started doing just strategies for a team and teaching people team building skills because i didnt want to let go of something i have spent so much time on. after awhile though i realized i was never going to be satisfied because there is no end. i mean. one day you're going to look at that shit and just be like.. fuck... i wasted hella time... and im a level 400 nightwolf magic star stapler mage, but i havent fucking done shit. all you can ever say about that game is you stopped playing where as with games that have a point you actually get to finish and be like, yeah son, i conquered this mother fucker, everything that was thrown at me i fucking ass fucked in the ear. infact after fucking the game in the ear you even get a bumper sticker that says "my other q-tip is a penis"



i think i went way off track there. basically what im saying is personally, i feel the need to have an end to something. and thats it.

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Haha, no I completely understand.


I think it might be because I haven't reached the highest level yet so I actually am accomplishing things within the game, even if that is as basic as reaching the highest level you can be.


And once you do reach level 70, there are endless quests to get gear and such.


I understand what you mean though, a need for an end. My favorite game hands down is Warcraft 3. You start a game, build an army, battle, it's over. WoW doesn't stop, ever. I'm not going to say I wont get tired of it. I very well could. But seriously, if you have never played it, you won't understand. Blizzard makes gold, and this is one of em. Even if you don't get serious into it its worth checking out just to see what all the fuss was about. Especially if anyone was a fan of the Diablo series.

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i dunno, i find it fun because a lot of my friends play it and it's fun to fuck around on ventrillo while we are ganking noobs and shit. I guess mmo's can be boring if you dont have anyone around that shares a simular interest in the game or plays it. I like wow because its a time sink, nothing else to do. Seriosuly besides me writing in the black book im usually playing WOW or in ch.0.

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I still don't know why you would play WoW when you can play Secondlife and actually pickup chicks and fuck them. That sounds alot more interesting to me than some ugly witch or whatever is in WOW. Adn you can make money from that game too, it is even better when you can find a hookup to low bulk real money on you. Shit you just all don't know....

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Anyone here have a DS? Any game suggestions?


-Pokemon Diamond

-Pheonix Wright Ace Attourney (the best lawyer game I have ever played...)

-Mario Kart is good but I hate it, same with the new mario game.

-Brain training is good fun.

-Weird Japanese cooking games etc ftw.

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-Pokemon Diamond

-Pheonix Wright Ace Attourney (the best lawyer game I have ever played...)

-Mario Kart is good but I hate it, same with the new mario game.

-Brain training is good fun.

-Weird Japanese cooking games etc ftw.


You hate the new mario bros game?! That shit is the only reason you need to buy a DS! And Mario Kart is pretty cool (not as cool as the SNES and N64 version) and you can play online with peeps which is pretty cool.

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Here you go Mindvapors!






"Hottest game in Japan? According to Amazon, it's SNK's witch toucher Doki Doki Majo Shinpan. The game was previously known as Doki Doki Majo Saiban ("Throbbing Witch Trial"). A quick summary: Search for witches lurking in a junior high school. When the search is narrowed down, the suspected junior high school witch is examined with the touch pen. Usually, there's a "witch's crest" hidden somewhere on her body which can appear in "Witch Check Mode."


The DS game isn't out until July, but it's already topping Amazon Japan's "Best Seller" list. It's more popular than Final Fantasy Tactics and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. No, really! Over on the Doki Majo blog, the game's producer writes that he can't believe this has happened and gives out a big thank you. This crazy little game could be SNK's biggest hit in like forever. Brian Ashcraft" -Kotaku

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