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I got two awesome Bioshock merch-stuff off of e-Bay a couple of weeks ago and they finally came in, check it out:


Faceplate that was limited to 5000, extremely rare but there are a few on eBay right now:





And a special shirt that was only given to some game store employees and the lucky bastards that went to the launch party and E3, extremely rare and none are available on eBay now:








The back shot is a little blurry, but trust me it is awesome. These are the only official shirts, there are a couple of knock-offs on e-Bay, one of which I bought, but those are just ironed on decals. This shirt is the real deal, it's actually got an American Apparel tag on it but I am sure they are not selling it in stores.


I'm even thinking of getting a Big Daddy tattoo on my arm or something, I dunno though. I love the game a lot and even if I didn't, I think the Big Daddy character is so awesome looking. I love all the art-deco 50's shit in the game.



Here's a link to all the faceplates on eBay: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=bioshock+faceplate&category0=


They seem to be going for about 50 bucks or so right now, which I am pissed about because I bought it off eBay right when the game came out and people were going nuts for the thing, so I paid a little too much for it, but whatever, it's fucking awesome.

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When contacted by Pro-G a Microsoft rep confirmed rumours that gamers who play Halo 3 early will have their LIVE accounts banned. Simply not connecting to the internet doesn't appear to be a solution either. The rep also confirmed that Microsoft is able to ban accounts based on information collected by the console which shows when the game was played.




i'd be careful....

fuck halo though, i never got into sci fi shit, i've playing resident evil on the wii for like 2 weeks now... should beat it by next...maybe.


anyone know which ps2 games will be working on the 80gb ps3's? i readeded that some won't play cause they took some shit out of the newer ps3's... i just want to be able play god of war 1 + 2.

Come on man, gotta keep up on your gaming news:


Microsoft has backtracked on its original threat to ban the LIVE accounts of gamers who have purchased Halo 3 early following high street retailer Argos' admin error.

Earlier today, a Microsoft rep told Pro-G that gamers who played Halo 3 early would have their LIVE accounts banned. The rep also confirmed that Microsoft was able to ban accounts based on information collected by the console which showed when the game was played.










"We can confirm that Microsoft is not taking any action (such as banning Xbox Live accounts) against gamers who are playing Halo 3 before the official street date. Any rumours or speculation to the contrary are false," reads the statement issued by Microsoft this evening.



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BTW, I've lost a lot of respect for this one dude I know. He claims to be a big FPS fan, but only JUST heard of BioShock. I've been trying to convince him to buy that shit, but he won't.


So I'm gonna have to get it one day when I buy a 360, which proably won't be until late next year, or next summer, at earliest.


Seriously, who buys a 360, claims to like FPS games, and then won't buy a FPS that eveyrone on the planet is saying is at least a 9/10?

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I'd buy that Bioshock faceplate in a second if it was a horizontal design. I can't stand my Xbox on its side like all the other cool kids do.



Having the 360 vertical is better to keep the system cooler, because it is able to vent more easily. I also bought one of those fans you attach to your 360 and the only way to use it is if you have the system vertical.


The faceplate I had before was some stupid generic white faceplate with a Billabong-type of logo for some company, bought it for 3 dollars in clearance. I glued a sick collage to it and it looks fucking awesome, but the Bioshock plate has priority over the one I made, for now, because it, too, is fucking awesome. Plus, it's like, a limited edition man, like omg fuckin' leet.


The shirt fuckin' rocks, too. That's gonna be like a twice-a-week wear.

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Dude, I love it. Probably one of the best single-player experiences I've had. Up there with Arkanoid, Doom, King's Bounty, Oblivion, Strider.and Duke3D. Well, it's pretty far from Duke3D. Seriously one of the most amazing and depth games I've played considering the genre (First-Person) and the world is so fantastic, amazing, and moving, that I can't resist buying something off e-Bay because there is no official merchandise for sale and these shirts and faceplates are limited and will probably not see commercial release, same goes for the pen, shirt, and coasters that people got at the launch party.

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Having the 360 vertical is better to keep the system cooler, because it is able to vent more easily. I also bought one of those fans you attach to your 360 and the only way to use it is if you have the system vertical.



Its funny you say that because i've never heard anyone say vertical is better. And i've also noticed that the "bottom" when vertical is basically completely a vent, so i wouldn't want to block that myself.

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