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12ozProphet Shop Update


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To sort of continue what got started in the The Official Bootleg Series Volume 2.5 and the Return of 12ozProphet but make it more about various 12ozProphet product in general, I'm kicking of this shop update thread to keep everyone informed and as a place for people to ask questions about specific products or provide feedback. We're still in the process of getting our email list and process sorted out, but I definitely encourage you to ensure the email tied to your forum account is correct and if you really want to be certain you're getting all the emails we send out, register for the mailing list at https://www.12ozprophet.com/mailing-list/.


Also, be sure to follow @12ozprophet on Instagram.


12ozProphet Shop - https://www.12ozprophet.com/shop

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This forum is supported by the 12ozProphet Shop, so go buy a shirt and help support!
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This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.
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HA! Fucked up how easily people get offended these days. Noticed with the Shoot 1st tee, even a few graffiti writers had shit to say about political correctness.


Personally, I'd love to see graffiti turned back into something that offended people, rather than the happy go lucky, hold hands and sip Perrier type scene its become. Guess maybe we had a bit to do with helping make it recognized as an 'acceptable form of artistic expression', so new kick is trying to step on toes and get back to offending everyone.

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Please more 3m reflective options


I can't get w the God shit or else I would cop that one.


They're awesome for night time cycling


Stay tuned. Next release has a 3M version.


Regarding the last tee, you realize that most the founding fathers weren't religious and the ones that were, were mostly Diests? The references in the Bill or Rights relating to God is in regards to any rights given by man, can be taken by man. The most fundamental rights. were therefore, attributed as being granted by God, because they felt it was unlikely that God would ever show up and dispute it. There's lot of recorded debate during the drafting and ratification period that explains that. It's actually more a recent phenomenon (largely pushed by modern Government) that the Constitution is out dated or a living document subject to interpretation, that have pushed the narrative of it being antiquated and cite the religion thing as evidence to support that despite plenty of recorded documentation to show that isn't the truth. Obviously a power grab that the founding fathers tried very hard to prevent by attributing the rights as being granted by an authority that supersedes man (and thus Government).


Just sayin'.

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I understand what you're saying, but I don't think most people who read the shirt would do so with any sense of that interpretation.


I also passed on the shirt because of that (my screen name gives some hint as to my sentiments), but even simply being confused with the religious right is not something I'm keen on pursuing.

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I can understand that. Just hope the anti sentiment applies across the board. Obviously everyone is entitled to an opinion and free to rally behind whatever it is they want, but as far as I'm concerned, the two sides are two halves of the same evil. Just my opinion anyways. Shame that something that is in fact, very brilliant has been appropriated to such a degree that people see it as such. No doubt it's all intentional, but the rebellious spirit and huge skepticism of any governing body is what set us apart and, IMO, what makes this country great.

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Is the AKA silver book the same one as the old one that I think came with a card and a link to exclusive photos? It's been a while so I might have it confused with another book. Lost my original when the ex wife "accidentally" threw it away during the divorce.

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HA! Fucked up how easily people get offended these days. Noticed with the Shoot 1st tee, even a few graffiti writers had shit to say about political correctness.


Personally, I'd love to see graffiti turned back into something that offended people, rather than the happy go lucky, hold hands and sip Perrier type scene its become. Guess maybe we had a bit to do with helping make it recognized as an 'acceptable form of artistic expression', so new kick is trying to step on toes and get back to offending everyone.


One of the things a few of my mentors from Queens told me a long time ago is that graffiti isn't art, artists are fags, and writers do graffiti. I always viewed it as more of a mindset. Sure many people move on to do tattoo work or paint/sell canvases.... but people painting trains are just trying to push an agenda and don't care about being the modern van gogh. It, for me, was about street cred without knowing who to attribute it to. I never wanted people to know who I was except for a few close friends.... and I never made it outwardly obvious that I could even be a person that did paint on things that weren't mine.

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Hey, to anyone interested in the 12ozProphet stacked logo tee... Officially that shirt is sold out, but I just came across a half box that was set aside and buried. We'll always rerun the logo tees, but here's a chance to get one without the wait if you're interested. DM me the size and color you want and I'll let you know if we have that exact one.









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