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buy a house in detroit for less than $500


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...and I think to myself, I am gonna go pull up in the gas station, get out, and flick this cunt, cause I am pretty sure her titties hanging out, at a major intersection, around 11:45 am...




...and she sees me, we lock eyes, and are immediately in love....


"see, I ain't got no dick nigga. come get this sweet black pussy."

"look, I ain't got no dick nigga!!!"----tute.


"put some fucking clothes on ma, there fucking kids out here." me.

the man in the background is letting me know he has a "pistol."


more of her letting me know "she ain't got no dick."

this nigga had no pistol, and almost got deaded for even fucking fronting like he did. he covered her up, and I dipset before the boys show up, cause a nigga still had warrants at the time.



wrapped up by 11:55 am. welcome to Detroit.


see yall another day.





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Bump these flicks Jue, awesome. I've been busy but they make me want to be back out there. In the meantime been trying to think of something relevant re. this $500 house business... so here you go...


Go to www.whydontweownthis.com


That lays out the whole city like a big game of monopoly and right now it really is like that - a feeding frenzy, with big and small time players going at it.


In all but the most gentrified neighborhoods however there's still $500 spots, but like DSD666 says you've got to be careful.I actually bought a house last year at the auction. Turned out to be a trap house ... funny story if you want to hear it.


This website gives you a rough guide on what neighborhoods they're gonna make an effort to 'save'...10yrs look into the future. If that's possible.




Don't vote Duggan.

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Boris is the fucking truth. if you a detroit nigga you know Boris runs motherfucking russia flicks. boss flicks like Don King slapping the shit out of Betsy Ross.


last night a friend and I had to run from the police on some rap letter shits, and they tried to get smart and ran parallel to us. we dipped a random left down an alley, and ended up at an east side staple, voted best trap house 2 years in a row at the annual where the best reggies?award.


got out, went up, copped a nick, kicked it at the trap till the boys dipped, go home.


cool story? fuck no.

fun life. you should see this gray afro I got right now...

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So the minimum bid at the annual tax auction is $500, and my rent is $200 so for two months rent you can get a house. In other cities i imagine $500 would not get you that far. Even paying taxes and utilities I would be coming out ahead and not have to live with room mates.


So I found a nice looking spot around 25th and MLK, massive garden, posts for a high fence , the train tracks running along the back of the property. and a block of nothing in every direction. The front door was locked, and all the windows were intact and when i got inside there was an electric fan running (electricity) , a toilet (Running water) and the roof was new-ish so i thought it would need minimal re-hab, like i could just move in. I guess i was so into the idea that i convinced myself that it had recently been vacated.


The place was a mess. There was a room where a kid had been kept and had left a tide-mark of grimy hand prints two feet off the floor all around the perimeter. There was an inch of grease on everything in the kitchen. There was the ominous shadow made by Bed-bug shit outlining where a picture had hung on the wall.


There was all kinds of ammo on the floor too , 9mm, shotgun slugs, 7.62mm for tha chopper etc... but for whatever reason still nothing clicked. I went back over the course of a week and nothing got moved around, I was sure no one gave a shit about the place.


When the lot came up, I bid, was the only bidder and won. The next weekend i went back with a friend and we started clearing all the crap out, just moved everything out into the garden. Turns out the house wasn't in such a great state of repair, one corner was slumping into the ground, and there was so much grime and damp on the floor that it wa rotten out. Anyway, I told myself that i was still saving money.


So I was busily tearing out the kitchen while my friend was in the garden warming himself by the fire when there is suddenly a guy with shades on in the room with me. Startled I stand up, he asks me what's going on, hammer in hand I request that we take the conversation outside. Anyway guy talks nicely enough, asks a lot of questions about my plans for the house etc... by this time my friend is there too. The guy with shades tells me that his Uncle owns the house and then he gets back behind the tints of his Impala and drives off. I ask my friend what's up. He recommends that we stop work for the day and see what happens.


I decide we should carry on. Two hours later two dudes drive by at a snail's pace. I don't tell my friend, don't want to freak him out. Then two hours after that an SUV screeches to a stop outside, two guys jump out, both older. One's short, the other however is 6'5"+ and has the mangled face of a mute bond villain. He's the one who gets up close to me really quickly and starts screaming about me being there. He's got maybe seven teeth.


After that the other guy is like the voice of reason. We talk, truth is, I don't have the deed, it takes a month after the auction for the county to send it out, I agree with this guy to sell the house back to him for what I paid for it - $500 once i get the deed. He says he's going to give me a call. They drive off. My friend, is telling me that I should just sit on the property now, and that I'm alone out here if anyone wanted to shoot the place up ... suddenly the empty blocks in every direction don't seem so appealing.


We pack our bags and leave. The next day I call the county and let them know that i want to cancel the whole transaction and don't mind taking a $500 loss. They ask why? I tell them that I don't plan to live there and have agreed to sell it back to the previous owner. They immediately cotton on "You've been intimidated." Me - "Yeah". Full refund.


My bad. Going to be bidding again this year.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey DSD, in regards to the story above, sorry if I'm naive but I haven't been following the story too closely but I have a question.


Have I got this right - The house you bought is a place of 'business' and your new friends just wanted to keep it that way - or - The dudes who intimidated you owned the house but werre behind on payments (bank, tax or something) and their house had been repossessed. However they want to sit on it, stop anyone else from buying it and then buy it back themselves late when it's worth more money or something?


What's the deal?

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Hey DSD, in regards to the story above, sorry if I'm naive but I haven't been following the story too closely but I have a question.


Have I got this right - The house you bought is a place of 'business' and your new friends just wanted to keep it that way - or - The dudes who intimidated you owned the house but werre behind on payments (bank, tax or something) and their house had been repossessed. However they want to sit on it, stop anyone else from buying it and then buy it back themselves late when it's worth more money or something?


What's the deal?


As I understand it:


Old guy had house taken, not sure of reason.


Boris bought it from bank for cheap.


Kids or relatives of old guy that grew up in house didn't understand. They just didn't want anyone else living in the house, regardless of who actually owns it.


Boris gave it back to bank because he didn't want the hassle.

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I would think that there are people buying land and clearing them. Then they will do nothing with it for 50 years, until values rise.


I was thinking about it, but my concerns would be the environmental liability for whatever is there. Superfund site stuff. It is Detroit, who knows???

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