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12oz's current state makes me fap/complain


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11 members currently active.


Remember the good ol' days? There were at least a few thousand on at a time in just Channel Zero. That was a slow day.


Are the glory days done and gone? Did admin at least fight a good fight to keep the member base up or was it just too much shit to scrap the old database and start anew?


I dunno, ya'll. This is just sad.



P.S.- No hate aimed at Raven and the crew. It's just weird to come back and see this site, the number one graffiti forum in the world, decimated. Seems like a shell of its former self.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed




This place use to have alot of innovative ideas and little things going on.

Last really cool thing was KIR's photo thread to be honest.


There was alot of problem but I cant believe people didnt stick around.

Its a shame, 12oz is like the only place I like/liked on the net anymore.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed




This place use to have alot of innovative ideas and little things going on.

Last really cool thing was KIR's photo thread to be honest.


There was alot of problem but I cant believe people didnt stick around.

Its a shame, 12oz is like the only place I like/liked on the net anymore.



This was the place to be. I remember some hot threads that I'd come in here to look at nearly every day. Arguing about dumb shit with DAO, wet tittays in t shirts, seeing new shit from the Transcend cats, Cope's ashy elbows, Seeking and Glik going on banning streaks, etc. So many good memories. Seems kind of a shame to let it all go.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


yeah its a bummer to come on here and see the same thread at the top that was there 2 hours ago. It used to be hard to keep up with everything going on here...that was awesome..now its like almost just a habit. plus they banned my real username for bullshit...i honestly was about to quit this shit for good. It seemed fucked up to ban one of the only recently contributing members like that....i mean this place is dying for real. gimme a god damned peanut. I have a feeling its not only 12oz...i think a lot of forums are dying out.



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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Maby the ones of us left just need to step it up.


Where the fuck did everyone go, and does anyone know how many people

atleast still check this?


There have definately been some epic threads about an assortment of shit.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Forum updates never end well.



Not when they're rife with login errors, they don't. I've changed the password for my lord_casek account no less than a dozen times, tried three different browsers, and emailed Raven a few times. I know Symbols was trying to get my account fixed, then Mercer, and Christo to no avail.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Everyone who I personally know who used to come one here got sick of everyone being a bunch of assholes so they stopped coming. I personally felt the same, the only reason im on here now is cause Im broke as shit for two more weeks living in a new state and bored outta my mind.


I do miss the photoshops, i'll continue to drop them off from time to time but you wont see much conversation from me anymore.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Everyone who I personally know who used to come one here got sick of everyone being a bunch of assholes so they stopped coming. I personally felt the same, the only reason im on here now is cause Im broke as shit for two more weeks living in a new state and bored outta my mind.


I do miss the photoshops, i'll continue to drop them off from time to time but you wont see much conversation from me anymore.



Meaning mods or members being assholes?

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


the whole website became an ad.

there were some interesting things going on... early on. then the retard troop came through and everything became ignant. this website became the asshole of forums as soon as people realized they could just log on, call a couple people faggots or niggers and call it a day instead of coming up with original, interesting content. that on top of regurgitated memes and people just reposting shit they saw on 4chan or reddit, it became old.


there was no true discussion anymore. any time someone would bring up a new idea he would be called a faggot quickly and the rest of the thread would turn into chaos. "props" was also a stupid thing to add and took away from the possibility of creating an identity for yourself. you were no longer a name/personality. you were a number. one guy doesn't like something a new guy posts and puts him into the red, that kid is generally doomed. Any sort of visible system like that is just an all around terrible idea. why? well, lets say you make a thread about some stupid shit you did last night. Including pictures and hilarious story to go along with it. you are about to get the same amount of "props" that the guy who just called you a faggot without reading the OP. Why try when the bar is set so low?


all that, along with moderators that just didn't care anymore so they don't get rid of problem posters, makes for a website that everyone leaves. That's why I did... and I probably should have left long before I did.


I just popped in to see how everything was going since I left. Seems like it's been plummeting. Take care.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


I've been saying this, the photo sections, specially brick slayers and metal heads are going to be some treasure shit in +20 years.


As in this cultural heritage sense. If graffiti painting ever dies and/or becomes even remotely an interesting phenomenon for ppl outside the scene, it's going to be not among art isms but social sciences/historians. So I really hope this thing is kept on some hard drive even if it goes offline. Even if it collects dust just so some dumbass researchers can get hardons over freight train graffiti in 2057 and make conclusions about stuff. Write history naah meene

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Told ya you'd see.


It's bad...even just a year ago there was easily double the activity there is now, even with a lack of cousinfucking, kandybahs and epic DAOguments.


Asshole mentality definitely played a part. When people can't even sling an amusing insult there's a problem.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Swindle: Not much. You doing ok?


ILB: My favorite Jerry. What's up, homie? Sad to hear about 12oz falling into that shit. One thing I saw a problem with is the moderators not being replaced. Several left and we hardly ever saw newer ones to take their place. I remember seeing Symbols handling the entirety of Crossfire and Brickslayers by herself and that was pretty much how it looked for the rest of 12oz. A couple of mods trying to keep the whole thing from caving in on itself.


Realism: you weren't joking. It's a new day. A Kreayshawn rapey day.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


I suppose the only way to turn it around is to try to post more invigorating content, in the hope that heads new and old will engage and perhaps then we'll see a steady increase to people using 12oz like it used to be used. I do think the blog played a big part though, alot of things that usually would have a thread got/get posted and it sort of cancelled out the creation of threads on such topics where alot of discussion about current events, etc would happen.


And i only left because i got locked out of my account, it's only over the last couple months that it's started letting me log in again.

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Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed


Also it's worth noting that whilst there's like 12 members in Ch0 right now, there's also 340 guests. Speculative to say but i'd imagine a fair amount of those will be people who have or have had log in problems and have maybe given up on trying to get into their accounts and just come to take a peak at threads like the documentary thread, tattoo thread, various music threads, etc. I don't think 12oz is dead, but it certainly isn't what it used to be that's for sure.

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