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The Fred Nurk Guide to Being More Awesome


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It's cool, I'm here. I've been painting pretty much all of my young adult life and if I can help I will. Just don't ask me questions which you can get the answers from the sticky threads at the top of this forum or from google.


Other things I've also done a lot of include but are not limited to - making fine art, travelling, pleasuring women.


I also make a mean sweet potato salad.



Get at me and I'll do what I can.

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For sure man, I would have liked to get sick with it and do some step by step photo's but unfortunately I don't have the means at the moment.


Anyway it's a pretty simple salad.



Cut around half a large sweet potato into bite size chunks, boil it in lightly salted and oiled water (check it regularly, if you over do it it becomes very soft and a bit bland) Drain put in a serving dish.


Add bite size cheese (I normally add brie, depending on what I'm serving it with and who I'm serving it to I sometimes use bulgarian feta or chedd@h).


Add baby spinach leaves (you can also use rocket)


Add cherry tomato's (I normally cut them in halves).




Around half a cup extra virgin olive oil (more or less to taste)


Add around 1 table spoon honey (more or less to taste, this goes with all the ingredients really)


Stir the two vigourously until honey is fully binded with olive oil


Add juice from half a lemon (or you can also use a splash of balsamic), A handful of slivered almonds (get them in the baking section, they're normally more reasonably priced than whole roasted ones), A splash of red wine, salt and pepper.


pour dressing in serving bowl and toss yo salad (n/h)


et voila , you're done




I grew up in Australia, so would I usually serve this with kangaroo meat steak (which after a few attempts I learnt how to cook to perfection) topped with a dollop of whole grain mustard and a slice of pumkin loaf on the side or something.


If you cook something like this for a woman then play 'just the tip' doggy style and she doesn't let you put it in her butt?...Well maybe you should think about inviting a different girl over for dinner next time. haha


If you end up actually making that salad feel free to post a pic. Be cool to see someone elese take on it.



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haha, I've missed this forum. Turns out the country Im in has blocked 12ozprophet. Obviously I can still access it. But its very slow so I doublt I'll be around much. ([probably for the best).


Lugr, thanks for the service announcement.


Ash, I've never paid for sex. Just incase you're being half serious a lot of people do it though.


Ob, I've actually never stolen someones girl before. I have slept with women who had boyfriends but this was mainly while travelling and their boyfriends were in other countries. Those girls always approached me.


So I might not be the best guy to give you advice but I guess if you're honest with yourself you can tell if she's interested or she's just smilling out of politeness or to spice up her life with some harmless flirting.


If you feel she's interested, I guess I wouldnt be all that direct. Id just watch for body language and make a little harmless physical contact. Let us know how it goes.



Reack - Listen to KRS ONE, practice the elements (I'm being sarcastic).

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