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************************ hella sikk tattz thread?

Fist 666

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lolz. but really, just seems that hardly anyone GETS tattoos in here. they just post/gossip about them!? am i fucking wrong? i love looking at the shit too, but i still get tattooed pretty regularly. so does my lady & our kids. i'ts pretty normal & has been for longer than i can remember. "support the people you respect" was a good qoute i heard someone in here say... i currently have 3 healing tattoos in different spots, blah, blaaahh who fucking cares. i am just a god damn fool...or btter yet, drunk!!






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i've been lurking this thread and the previous one for ages...just don't post because one, my knowledge on the subject is miniscule at best, and i like to look at the variety of talent in tattooing. There are many tattoo shops where i live... and i would one day like to learn how to tattoo, but for now i need to increase my knowledge on tattooing before i even dare to search for an apprenticeship.

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ha. it didn't bother me either way.

i don't take offense to much.

i respect your opinion and in most cases agree. i feel like tattooers should be covered and i often feel bad that I'm not. then i meet some cat who's been tattooing for 20 years, does awesome work, and still has half an arm empty and i remember that its not a contest.

its cool though.

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