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My semi retarded brother in-law


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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


If he's cutting the nails until they bleed, he's cutting into the quick of the nail. That's not cool at all. That's like someone cutting the tips of your fingers off.


Tell him to stop that shit.


And trimming the whiskers off fucks up the cat's senses.


That shit is animal abuse man. Fuck that dude. Kill him.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


shes awesome,normal attractive......she just has a retarded oaf for a bro.....dude we tell him all the time. Her normal brother is still at the crib and keeps his dumb ass in line.




Hes actually a super shitty person, hes smart enough to use his tard to be manipulative and rude and fucking mean.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


One time at a wedding her whole family was at a table and her dad offered me his steak, I wasn't into it but fat ass retard jumped at it......as a joke I said "frank,you like eating your dads HOT BEEF"....he didn't get it and said "I love heating my dads hot beef" were all laughing and I asked him "so frank how often to eat your dads hot beef"....dude says "oh I eat my dads hot beef when ever I get the chance" now her normal brother,and his chick are crying laughing her parents can't speak english nor can her grandparents but they see us laughing and having fun and are all smiles laughing along.....he clues in "screams i think i'm the blunt of a joke" and runs off............




NOW this was a wedding right.....dude had a on button down with fire and dragons on it......and his nicest track pants and velcro shoes.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


This thread made laugh. You're not supposed to trim the whiskers at all.


If he's cutting the nails until they bleed, he's cutting into the quick of the nail. That's not cool at all. That's like someone cutting the tips of your fingers off.


Tell him to stop that shit.


And trimming the whiskers off fucks up the cat's senses.


That shit is animal abuse man. Fuck that dude. Kill him.


Don't literally fuck him. But literally kill him.




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

this exchange /thread.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


he says "more worser"...on the regular.



Any one hating on me needs to know some of the stories.



I've had this moron screaming "YUMMY YUMMY MONSTER" at the cat 3 feet from my head at 4 am. I've had this fucking moron watch me sleep, i've had to listen to him beat off while farting and burping overtly loud...........


Worst of all when his rents die I'm going to get stuck with this sack of retarded shit living with me.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


he's 33 never had a woman......he refuses to wear clothes, mostly he rocks boxers, sometimes when people are over at the house he wears sleeveless shirts....he often gets semi's(erections) around people............once at this family bbq her brother got wasted and pointed out that his nipples are super close together......we paid a younger kid in the fam to call him out on it..........he's been wearing more shirts since then.



if my chick sees this i'm dead....tomorrow i'm going to fuck you dudes up with some awesome funeral/death stories

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