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So this could easily go into the crossfire thread, but I know a lot of you would be interested in knowing a bit more about this particular bill that just about to go to the senate.



It's s.510 aka The Food Safety Moderization Act aka The government will "regulate any food grown, sold, bought, or traded in the USA". What that means: YOU CAN'T GROW SHIT IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD OR YOU CAN GET ARRESTED AND/OR FINED!!!!!!!!!!! What bullshit is that???


"This new bill will place a great deal of authority over farmers, and even freelance gardeners simply growing fruits and vegetables in their own backyards. Practices such as saving seeds for use the next year would be prohibited and doing so could result in a federal offense, punishable by fines and prison time. Some speculate that the practice of saving seeds is being banned in order to give seed companies, such as Monsanto, a monopoly over the seed industry."



You know heirloom tomatoes? Those would be illegal. And if you don't know about Monsanto, look into it - completely evil. They basically genetically modify seeds, patten them, then sue your ass if they find it on your land, even small farmers. Most higher up's from Monsanto end up on the senate, donate money to congressmen, and end up being apart of the FDA or USDA. Not to mention their food is unsafe and can resist most chemicals - which isn't natural.






Any thoughts about this? Honestly, I want the government out of my life as much as possibly, and definitely not into my food...




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swear to god this was talked about years ago.


It was...




Should people also be able to pedal toys that they made in their garage and painted with some old ass lead paint that was found in said garage?

And in the same token, should any random person be able to sell food that they grew by who the fuck knows what means in who the fuck knows what back yard to the public?

How do you know that you're not buying tomatoes that were grown in a backyard that was built over a toxic land fill?

Government deregulation lead to the recent Salmonella outbreaks.

We need more regulation of the food industry.

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i just want to be able to grow food on my own property and eat it without the government getting all up in my business.


organic or all natural small farms is the way to go...smart farmers and gardeners KNOW how to keep it safe and legit. the government just wants us to use GMO seed so they can get more $$$


they dont give two shits about our health or what we eat. they care about how big their wallets are.

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Move to Canada, problem solved.


we apparently own that too...




"For 40 years, Percy Schmeiser has grown canola on his farm near Bruno, Sask., about 80 km east of Saskatoon, usually sowing each crop of the oil-rich plants with seeds saved from the previous harvest. And he has never, says Schmeiser, purchased seed from the St. Louis, Mo.-based agricultural and biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. Even so, he says that more than 320 hectares of his land is now "contaminated" by Monsanto's herbicide-resistant Roundup Ready canola, a man made variety produced by a controversial process known as genetic engineering. And, like hundreds of other North American farmer, Schmeiser has felt the sting of Monsanto's long legal arm: last August the company took the 68-year-old farmer to court, claiming he illegally planted the firm's canola without paying a $37-per-hectare fee for the privilege. Unlike scores of similarly accused North American farmers who have reached out-of-court settlements with Monsanto, Schmeiser fought back. He claims Monsanto investigators trespassed on his land -- and that company seed could easily have blown on to his soil from passing canola-laden trucks. "I never put those plants on my land," says Schmeiser. "The question is, where do Monsanto's rights end and mine begin?"




I love this poor poor man....


edit, he had to pay thousands of dollars to Monsanto....

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Nobodie's going to arrest you for growing your own tomatoes.

You need to reconsider whatever source you got that info from.




The HHS will require registration and payment of a fee by any "person (excluding farms and restaurants) who manufactures, processes, packs, distributes, receives, holds, or imports an article of food. Individuals who partake in food handling without official registration are subject to a maximum 10 year prison sentence."



an 'article of food' includes tomatoes....

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The HHS will require registration and payment of a fee by any "person (excluding farms and restaurants) who manufactures, processes, packs, distributes, receives, holds, or imports an article of food. Individuals who partake in food handling without official registration are subject to a maximum 10 year prison sentence."



an 'article of food' includes tomatoes....


In other words, you can't sell food to the public.

Nowhere in what you just posted does it say that you can't grow your own tomatoes in your own back yard for your own consumption.


There's real government conspiracies out there if you want something to bitch about.

And locking you up for growing your own tomatoes is not one of them.

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manufacturing produce = grow per the government's terms.


among that it will criminalize seed saving - so you will HAVE to buy new seeds every time to grow...and Monsanto has a monopoly in the US for seeds - 99% of theirs are GMO as well because they want to patten them all. I personal try to stay away from as many GMO products that I can.


‘(3) CONTENT- The proposed rulemaking under paragraph (1) shall-- [<-Struck out]

‘(A) include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to soil amendments, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water; and [<-Struck out]

‘( B ) consider hazards that occur naturally, may be unintentionally introduced, or may be intentionally introduced, including by acts of terrorism. [<-Struck out] ftw?



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Scare tactics to make people read your thread. Nicely done.


Michelle Obama's alright in my book. THere needs to be government regulation of food because as much as the food industry wants to regulate themselves, they don't deserve it. Not while they're marketing products like chocolate milk as "fat free" while it has as much sugar as soda.


It says if you don't have a license to commercially handle food, you will be fined. That license is what's holding food growers and handlers to abide by the government's safety regulations.


Michelle's rad. I like Obama's main bitch.

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manufacturing produce = grow per the government's terms.


among that it will criminalize seed saving - so you will HAVE to buy new seeds every time to grow...and Monsanto has a monopoly in the US for seeds - 99% of theirs are GMO as well because they want to patten them all. I personal try to stay away from as many GMO products that I can.


‘(3) CONTENT- The proposed rulemaking under paragraph (1) shall-- [<-Struck out]

‘(A) include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to soil amendments, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water; and [<-Struck out]

‘( B ) consider hazards that occur naturally, may be unintentionally introduced, or may be intentionally introduced, including by acts of terrorism. [<-Struck out] ftw?




You've been drinking Fox news kool-aid.

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