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Gay arguing over an abandoned subway station


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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


i say, fuck anyone who goes to a chill spot and just disses anything without dropping something over it



i don't care if the spot is some epic abandonded subway tunnel or a normal old spot under a bridge or by some drainage shit or whatever


and i don't care if the person getting dissed is the most cocksuckingest street art superstar faggot or total toy writer or mediocre kid or king or some retarded nigger on pcp with a missing finger



just leaving some shitty half handstyle or splashing bucket paint on something is some wack shit



it's like slashing your enemy's tires instead of fighting, except gayer

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


Sun Tzu would disagree with you.

Chanks know how to battle.


Sun Tzu would say something like;


strike where you are not expected


if you are far, appear close.

if you are close, appear far.

if you are strong, appear weak.

if you are weak, appear to be a threat.

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


there was a time when "street art" and traditional graffiti coexisted perfectly fine in NYC. but...the niggas that were doing the so called street art came from a graff background so they knew the rules. i think street art started getting a bad rap was when niggas started wheatpasting over tags, fillins and pieces.

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


The internet made it all lame.


Street art is what it is and just like graffiti there is a ton of good and a ton of bad. Both are in their own worlds, but kind of relate due to being illegal activities for the most part. That's how people like Shep Fairey and Banksy got the respect they once had. They put in a ton of work, hit high profile spots, and were everywhere. People didn't seem to hate them as much 15 years ago.


But then the internet opens it's wings a few years later and starts finger banging all the little children. Like everything, street art became the new hot thing while the blog craze is happening. Photo sharing sites take over the shoebox mail exchange and forums like this one begin to pick up momentum. So now everyone has a voice in something that was once secluded to a small community. You have people self promoting dog shit thrown on walls and stencils thrown on that, and the perfect place for the two to bitch, moan, and beef for all to see. Good times.


On top of that, you have people like Swoon going over people like Betz. This could have been handled easily with paint, or fists if Betz wanted to get his sister to punch Swoon, but instead every nerd with a keyboard goes online like the Fuk U militia. "Street art faggot shit" or "i'd rape that dumb slut with my foot" starts popping up. Then you've got a whole hell of a lot of people involved in something they have no part in. Some kid living on an island off Nova Scotia is online saying "COPE2 should kill her!" Then two days later some kid goes in and posts a photo of a stencil. Everyone starts screaming "fuck that art fag shit" and "COPE2 should kill her!" This happens again and again and evolves to where you just have a bunch of people following a lead they never even saw.


So Soup, the whole thing evolved because of the internet. If there were no internet, and everything evolved on it's own, as far as street art/graffiti, it would probably be whole hell of a lot different. You'd probably see shit called out in magazines or on videos, but there would be no real voice for all the idiots outside the spectrum. I think there would definitely be some kind of rivalry due to the politics on either side, but I don't think you'd have as many people "trying" it out.


The other day I saw someone made a collage of cut up fashion magazine pages. They decided to paste/glue it on some wall and probably took a photo for their flickr, facebook, blog. I picture some naive girl with large rimmed glasses and a "sense of fashion" only her mother would love. She's telling her friends and blog followers that she's "getting up" in Brooklyn "Yo!"


She's so down!


Or even better, you've got some kid going into train yards, abandoned buildings, neighborhoods and doing the same shit as above, but even worse, going on every forum he can find to hype his shit and hate on everyone else.


It was better when people like me were just a guy walking around with no voice and people's mailbox was Flickr.

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


and no one seems to be wondering..who might of taken these people down there?....i mean whats worse..an interested credible artist/street artist...or a 20+ year graffiti vet who took them down there but should of known better...i mean..just an idea.. but as they do in prison..you check ur own people first...maybe i just dont think most artist are smart enough to figure it out on there own..so naturally im assuming the location..planning..and what ever else had to of been done by someone whos pretty knowledgeable about the ny subway system and graffiti..but hey...thats just another stupid idea....fuck art fags right:umm:

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


i think poeple are missing the point. the artwork isnt the problem.the problem is how they went about telling people about it.they went and told folks at a newspaper? fuck that.they should have just flicked it or made a video and put it on here or some other graffiti related site or even just flickr.it would have eventually made its rounds...instead they went and told the times and basically put the whole place on high alert for vandals and shit.thats my issue with it.now fools are getting caught up trying to go spot it or diss it or whatever else...the artwork was nice though,even the stuff from folks i didnt recognize i could dig.i can kinda understand why some ny cats would maybe feel disrespected that some out of towners went ahead and hit up the subways and whatever but it didnt look like they went over anybody like any old heads or shit.i just wish people wouldnt down shit that isnt strictly letters.i mean if its up on a wall and is pleasing to the eye who gives a fuck who put it up there or why or how or any of that shit.even if you dont like it give the dudes the courtesy of letting it ride for a minute.



i wish they would have done it differently though.going to the news media to talk about graffiti is kinda lame to me.let them come to you...








my 2 cents.i await the negz because i know atleast one of you faggots is gonna disagree with me haha.

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Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station


nah, u pretty much hit it on the head i think. although it wasnt JUST about how they told people. this overall was a watered down version of the revs pages, done by a bunch of hipsters no one ever heard of. unless you come from whatever small town these guys came from ala middle america. big fish small pond, go to big pond small fish situation..,, but this could have easily been done right had it been credible people, and word of mouth. the only reason this got blown out of proportion and cops involved was BECAUSE it was in the paper, some congressman or sgt. got ont he phone and said "this shit cant be goin on, i want some arrests, shut it down NOW" and then the trickle down effect happens within the department.


if you live in ny this shit is obvious, thats why nyers dont do dumb public shit like this, this was the actions of n out of towner. it had its 5 minutes, now its old news. nigga we already tired of talkin about kanyes 50 trillion dollar rap video album. we talkin about conan obrian this week.

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