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ATTENTION MODERATORS::: Please fix the forum clock!!


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Well thanks for the semi-help. I'll, uh....look, into it :|


!@#$% I didn't earn 'em. The used tampons were kindly given to me by the jovial members of chan.0 in a nega-frenzy, and it's funny 'cos, I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said you're moving with your auntie & and uncle in bel-aire. You got Bel-Aired :p



edit: but in all seriousness theses tampons are ghey.

edit again: FFS people keep doing it. Come on modman cut me a break, si, fly?

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Sure, I'm a chick. It's gone from 6 to 7 tampons now. ffs, I wouldn't say anything if it was left at like 3 tampons because I could recover from that. This is BS, and I dig this nickname.




Edit: the lame thing is that there has actually been a few nice people out there with mass green bars that have propped me to try help..but as quickly as the props came, four more would jump on the negaprop-wagon. uber-flatulence.

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