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12oz Cholesterol Test


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I had a thread about this a few years ago, but couldn't find it. I got my first check up in many years and found out that i'm good - with the exception of massively high cholesterol. because of my age (working towards mid 30s) he wants me to take action. which of course, sucks.


The shitty thing is I do work out out...so the food is the problem.


Anyone else working on lowering it? Tips?




cholesterol total = 300. normal is 100-199

triglycerides = 247. normal is 0-149

HDL cholesterol = 47. normal is >39


eating pizza right now, possibly for the last time for a few months...


doctor says beer/alcohol is not responsible for this, so...thats the good news.

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i just plan to eat whatever i want untill i can make an "i'm having chest pains" thread and post to facebook before i call 911. it will be epic.

but i do find myself eating a lot more fresh vegetables and skipping fast food lately. /dontwanttoknowmynumberoner

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Isn't oatmeal supposed to be good for helping lower cholesterol?


YES! I have been eating that shit 7 mornings a week since I can remember. I recently went to the DR and mine is looking good. I also run a lot and try to eat lean stuff. I avoid fast food as much as possible. It costs more to get a good meal, but it's wroth it. A lot of fast food restaurants have a healthy option though. Taco Bell, surprisingly, has some pretty healthy options and they're cheap as fuck too. Also, I gave up soda about 6 years ago, but I'm not sure if that has anything to with your cholesterol.

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I went to the free health clinic at school and they flagged my cholesterol for almost being too low. Said I was the lowest they'd seen since working there. Really the only cholesterol I eat is from eggs, which are from my own chickens. I eat like 2 a day but it's good cholesterol i hear. No fast food, ever. No soda, no candy, no processed food. 90% of what I eat I cook myself. It's not a very hard habit to get into...Gnars was right on running and x'ing soda, but it's NOT more expensive to eat healthy. It's MUCH LESS expensive. Bananas, potatoes, and cabbage make up most of my diet and its dirt cheap. Run a mile or two in the morning, takes 15 minutes. It's not a hard habit to get into, and you feel fucking great all day.

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I ate bacon last night, but also ran 3 miles. Off on a vacation with the wifey, all inclusive, going to live it up..Then focus on this problem. Thanks for the advice all. The sacry thing is I already so a lot of the things that are supposed to keep it down..so it may be partly hereditary. I'm going to give it from 10/25ish thru early January and re-test.


oh, and the fish oil pills are no good? i've been taking them for a while, along with red yeast rice extract, and flax seed oil.

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this may sound sort of weird but i've heard many many cases of simply switching to 'cleaner' meats to cure cholesterol problems.


there is a guy who writes for a survival website that moved to a remote area of the US and his entire meat sources consisted of wild meat. deer, elk, bear, etc. his wife urged him to go to the doctor for a check up and got blood work done. the doctor ordered him to get 3 more tests because he had never seen bad cholesterol so low.


on a body building/weight training site i frequent another guy had basically the same problems with high cholesterol. granted he was eating 8 whole eggs, 8-12 oz of red meat a day, etc. he switched to solely grass finished beef, chicken, and eggs from pastured hens. these methods result in proper omega 3 balance in the final product. the meat has CLA in it. apparently it only takes 7 days of grain feeding a cow right before slaughter to make the CLA disappear. cholesterol and fat is lower in all the pasture based meats. the guy went back to the doctor 6 months later and was still eating 8 eggs a day, 2 table spoons of grass fed cow butter, and 8 oz of beef a day and his cholesterol was now in the good range.


another story joel salatin (biggest well known proponent of grass based farming in the US) related a story in his new book that says his mother in law had cholesterol problems and all they did was switch to eating pasture produced eggs. her levels were then in the good range.

dont fall for the organic egg bullshit. there is virtually no difference in an egg that is from tyson or from an organic 'cage free vegetarian' producer in terms of the nutrients and chemical composition of the yokes. chickens are omnivores, not herbivores. the yolks should be a deep dark orange, not pale bright yellow. the yokes of tyson and an organic producer are indistinguishable in color and only have marginal differences in nutrition.


another person did the same thing at my wife's work. the switched to eating buffalo instead of grain finished ground beef. same story . blood work came back good.


its worth a try.

cut out all bad fats and replace with good fats, switch to pasture produced eggs and grass FINISHED beef... check around till you can find it. upping your cardio is also a good idea

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this may sound sort of weird but i've heard many many cases of simply switching to 'cleaner' meats to cure cholesterol problems.


there is a guy who writes for a survival website that moved to a remote area of the US and his entire meat sources consisted of wild meat. deer, elk, bear, etc. his wife urged him to go to the doctor for a check up and got blood work done. the doctor ordered him to get 3 more tests because he had never seen bad cholesterol so low.


on a body building/weight training site i frequent another guy had basically the same problems with high cholesterol. granted he was eating 8 whole eggs, 8-12 oz of red meat a day, etc. he switched to solely grass finished beef, chicken, and eggs from pastured hens. these methods result in proper omega 3 balance in the final product. the meat has CLA in it. apparently it only takes 7 days of grain feeding a cow right before slaughter to make the CLA disappear. cholesterol and fat is lower in all the pasture based meats. the guy went back to the doctor 6 months later and was still eating 8 eggs a day, 2 table spoons of grass fed cow butter, and 8 oz of beef a day and his cholesterol was now in the good range.


another story joel salatin (biggest well known proponent of grass based farming in the US) related a story in his new book that says his mother in law had cholesterol problems and all they did was switch to eating pasture produced eggs. her levels were then in the good range.

dont fall for the organic egg bullshit. there is virtually no difference in an egg that is from tyson or from an organic 'cage free vegetarian' producer in terms of the nutrients and chemical composition of the yokes. chickens are omnivores, not herbivores. the yolks should be a deep dark orange, not pale bright yellow. the yokes of tyson and an organic producer are indistinguishable in color and only have marginal differences in nutrition.


another person did the same thing at my wife's work. the switched to eating buffalo instead of grain finished ground beef. same story . blood work came back good.


its worth a try.

cut out all bad fats and replace with good fats, switch to pasture produced eggs and grass FINISHED beef... check around till you can find it. upping your cardio is also a good idea




now that's a take on it i've never heard, sounds interesting and more desirable quite frankly. thanks, i'm going to look into this more.

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