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Moving Far Far Away

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i up and left cali a month and a half ago to come out to this rock in the middle of the ocean. of course, i had mom out here, so that changes everything. i was in a miserable situation with basically everything crumbling around me and i just jumped blindly into it all. despite some depression from not friends and a little spout with binge drinking, everything worked out. sometimes you just have to dive into shit headfirst and hope for the best... it can lead to awesome shit and help bring much needed change.


i've done it before too, with different circumstances. no job lined up, but i had a homie to sleep down to let me crash and some motivation to make shit happen... and it worked out.


sounds like you got your ducks in a row, and a lot of shit goin' for you that should make it a smooth transition... handle it.

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it's funny cuz you have no idea.


Whatever you say br0 :lol:


Do it then.


Edit: I was in Florida on vacation once and strongly considered not coming home (brother was living down there in a house his girl's parents bought for him, captaining a crab boat, and I could have lived with them/made stupid money), but of course I did. I also thought about moving to Virginia like 6 months ago to take care of my Grandma and start over, but I never did that either.


I won't ever leave RI, and I don't think you will either, but you can try to prove me wrong


Double edit: I realized I sound like a mad hater here, but I'm just drunk and being an asshole haha

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Ive been feeling this shit too.


Just go for it, even if all goes wrong youll be able to say that you did it. And dont be afraid if it seems too easy, you could just be catchin a break on some miracle tip.

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as said,

do it,


but think big, the US or wherever you're at is not the whole world, go somewhere they don't speak english, don't worry about jobs and accomodation and all that shit too much, just be like usual and take care of yourself.. i know people who've left thailand to go live in germany with $100 saved and no official skills and pulled it off fine, come from war torn hell holes and made a life etc, i went to europe for a year and although it was hard at times it was mostly awesome, new stuff opens your mind and you'll learn skills you cant get any other way, fuck it, be a vagabond if you don't know where your life is going yet..

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Yes, have money.


You bigot.








my parents split.my mother stayed in texas before going to kansas and my dad went to DC.i stayed with him for like a year or something and moved back.



thought id explain that a bit more.

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for work i had to move all over the fucking country by myself.

i was never scared, usually excited.

new city, new scene, new people, it was good for me to do.

it helped me build confidence, courage, and just even more aggressive if you will...

good luck, do it!

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I know people who never leave South Philly.

They're nice people and all, but Jesus Christ...

Just getting them to contemplate going to the Jersey beaches is like pulling teeth.


They remind me of dudes dad from A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints "You wanna go to Italy, go to Little Italy. You wanna go to China, go to Chinatown..."


I used to sit and wonder what it would be like to go places I saw on TV.

I saw plenty of dickweeds doing it, so why couldn't I?

Do yourself a favor and go.

Everything that is where you are will still be there and it seriously won't change much.

You'll wake up one day old and pissed that you didn't do this or should've done that...don't be that guy.

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