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The gulf coast is finished


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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


better idea = being prepared for a disaster in the first place.



politicians "i have no fucking clue how i would have solved this but im not being blamed so il jump on the bandwagon" answer.

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


politicians "i have no fucking clue how i would have solved this but im not being blamed so il jump on the bandwagon" answer.


actually, what i was referring to is the whole "put a box over it" situation

in that they were supposedly already built and ready to be used in case of a disaster

but then when the disaster happened... bp was like durrr we didnt build it yet

we didnt think this was going to happen derp derp derp

so thats what i meant. anyways.

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


Im sure those are the leading engineers in the world who decided to use that "box" you speak of.

Do you have a better idea, the world can use you hero!!!!


The same leading engineers who built a pipe system that they weren't sure would work. I'm not saying it's all their fault since the oil company went ahead with the shit anyway, but come on. Why pass the bigwigs a plan that might work instead of carrying on with your research until you have a well laid out system that has minimal risk of destroying everything around it? You think a nuclear power plant could get away with half assing it's structures? But this is the ocean, so it doesn't matter because only fish live there.


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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


derp derp derp blowouts like this are very rare so we were just like its all good it wont happen u guys


if blowouts like this are rare then why is there an entire industry that builds shit to save your asses and fix your crap

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


Nobody built half assed structures, and they didn't just start building these boxes either.


They had fucking blowoutt. They didn't build a half assed structure, some methane gas blew the fucking thing up.



And from what I understand, those boxes were used after Hurricane Ivan , they just never used, nor tested them at over 5,000 feet.


But anyway this little article kinda puts it in persrective, instead of babbling about half assed structures and boxes.


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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


Why pass the bigwigs a plan that might work instead of carrying on with your research until you have a well laid out system that has minimal risk of destroying everything around it? .


because they probably had several billions of dollars in grant money to be used however they pleased dangled infront of their face if they got it done by a deadline. I work at a facility whose funding comes from grant money, people will do ANYTHING for grant money.


and besides, its all about the money. they wont be alive for another 50 years. fuck it.

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


What if they can't get it closed? The bottom of the ocean has less data collected on it than outer space, we don't have much experience with working at these depths, and have only developed viable submersables for 25 years max. There's a lot of stuff going on that deep, what if they can't get it closed? They don't really know how much oil is in there... They barely know how oil is deposited at those depths...

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


Theybare talking now that since the tar balls are travelling in ocean undercurrents the booms do nothing to stop there movement. The projected flow it supposed to toss them as high up the coast as Virginia if it remains unchecked. This might end up way bad if the "top hat" fails, and the backup plan, the "big straw"

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


naw yall are trippin this shit is under lock. doghair gonna fix this.




iv also heard rumours that the red headed cast from the mia video are shackled together by the feet and are hung upside down in the gulf acting as human mops.

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked


Theybare talking now that since the tar balls are travelling in ocean undercurrents the booms do nothing to stop there movement. The projected flow it supposed to toss them as high up the coast as Virginia if it remains unchecked. This might end up way bad if the "top hat" fails, and the backup plan, the "big straw"



i wonder if they would be worth anything.

yes, livingonthenorthcarolinacoastoner

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Re: The gulf coast is fucked



They're hiring people to help clean up. No experience needed... $60,000/year for the next 3+ years.


Friend's unemployed broke ass cousin walked into the worksource while they were having a jobfair, handed a one paper resume and ended up on his way to louisiana.







My boy got a job, which I'm guessing is just that. $36.50 an hour, 10 hours a day... He's probably gonna do this over summer... He told me anyone that owns a boat that seats atleast 4 and is willing to help out is getting paid even more.


from this site http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0506/How-to-help-BP-oil-spill-cleanup-Stay-home.-Let-locals-do-it.


I found "The Vessels of Opportunity program is hiring local boatmen for as much as $2,000 a day to deploy containment booms and perform other tasks on the water.

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