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I fucking hate vets


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Seriously, why the fuck is health care for an animal SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE?


I took my ferret to the vet today, and found out he has adrenal disease. They tell me that it can be treated, and the best way to do that is an ultrasound and a hormone shot, for $500. That sounds reasonable, and I tell them to go for it.


Bout an hour later they bring my little buddy back to me, and I'm ready to take him home all happy when they tell me to have him back in a month for another $200 shot. Wait, what?


Turns out the shot doesn't cure the disease, as they implied, it merely stops the progression of it. So I go home not knowing what the fuck to do, and decide to look into the problem more myself. Turns out that although the shot does slow the progression of the disease (which it better fucking do for that price), they usually become immune to it after awhile. At that point an $1,800 surgery to remove the affected gland is the way to go. Only problem with that is that after they remove that (the left one, in his case) it's highly likely that the other one will become infected, and since the right one is associated with the main blood supply, the next surgery would be even more expensive. Not only that, but since he'd no longer be naturally producing the hormones he needs from those glands, he'd hafta go back on a daily pill and monthly shot anyways.


Basically it's all one big fucking circle designed to draw every last cent they can out of a person, taking advantage of the fact that they love their pet...FUCK.

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I'm going to give him one round of these antibiotics, and then I'm not going back next month for his next shot.


I love the little bastard, but I'm not the kind of person to throw potentially upwards of 5 stacks at a problem, when that might not even solve it.


Hopefully it turns out like your's did :-/

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hahaha that's fucking harsh... but i'm dying at geez calling it a weasel... i dont know why.


sucks that ferrets end up getting adrenal disease so frequently... they're resilient little fuckers so hopefully your dude pulls through.


we had to have surgery on one of our girls' arms that she broke... had a little pin put in and all that. i don't even know how much my mom dropped on that little shithead.

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my dog had a run with a nasty ear infection and i had to take her a couple times to get that shit straighten out. one vet didn't do shit, and her infection got worse - even after the $500 pills and additional couple hundred for other misc. shit they did. so i went to another vet, same deal - $500ish and some dough for pills. she's all good now, and her ear infection is gone but damn. costs a grip of money. i looked into dog health insurance, and the vet pretty much told me my dog's too old to qualify for it.


sorry for ur ferret, i've never handled one, but they look fucking dope as hell via kindergarten cop

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More so than any relationship with a cat, and very comparable to mine with my dog who I had for 10 years.


They're smarter than cats and dogs, so I don't see why you wouldn't


every nerd ever indicates that smarter doesn't always mean more sociable. thats crazy though, ferrets can distinguish one human from another and shit?

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Couple months ago my 3 yrs old male cat got a urinary tract infection....basically a build up of crystals in the urethra rendering him unable to pee with ease. Left untreated it leads to blood poisoning and an excruciatingly painful death...boo.

I was changing up the laundry one night and caught him in his pan for about 10 minutes just squatting and nothing happening. When he popped out he stayed crouched on the floor motionless, and as I went to pet him he growled and hissed which is completely out of his element. All the local vet clinics were closed so my only option was to pack him up and take him to the emergency animal hospital.

They confirmed it was a tract infection and the cost was between 1100 and 2500 dollars. Urinary tract infections have an excellent prognosis rate and with proper aftercare an almost zero chance of reaccurance.

I was basically given 2 options right there : If I agree to the surgery, I put down the maximum (2500 bucks) upon leaving.

Number 2 : I get no surgery and pay the fee to put him down.


I went with option number 1 and threw that credit card down. It kinda fucked me up financially for a bit, cut back on a few things until I had that card payed back down

In the end it was worth it.



Putting a price tag on the love of a pet fucking sucks. Just imagining having to scarafice a pet because of not being able to afford vet bills...shitty situation.


Yeah....not so cool story bro but here's a picture of the cat.



In the end all the procedures cost me 1100 bucks, still a a good chunk. It was caught in an early stage thank fuck.

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I took my 10 month old kitten to the vet less than a year ago after he stopped eating or going to the bathroom, and was told he ABSOLUTELY, 100% had feline AIDS and that I had to put him down. I asked the vet to run bloodwork, and they told me they couldn't because they were closing.


I asked to be referred to a different vet, which turned out to be the one I took Pooty to today. Anyways, long story short he didn't have feline AIDS at all, but there was still something wrong with him. Payed like $800 for them to hold him overnight and check him out, knowing the best option was gonna be about $2,000 in surgery. Got a call the next day telling me they were sorry, but that he had severe stomach cancer and there was nothing they could do.


Picked my girl up, drove there, and put him to sleep and it was the hardest shit ever. Like I said, that wasn't that long ago, and I honestly can't even imagine going through this shit again already...this fuckin sucks.


Edit: While waiting for Pooty today in the waiting room I almost shit myself, because I was SURE I saw the ghost of my cat in a pane of glass. I freaked out, looked around for a mintue, and then finally realized it was actually an enclosed glass case where the vet's blood donor cats live. What I had actually seen was a DIFFERENT fat, fluffy, orange cat jumping, but holy shit I was convinced I was seeing a ghost kitten haha. RIP Heroin, miss you little buddy.

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