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All I got was a new computer chair, some chocolates, some drinks and some razor blades. I didn't want anything (other than the new computer chair) as I would rather my family spend money on other things like their mortgage or whatever, add to the fact i already have everything I want, and if I don't have it I just go and buy it for myself.


I guess you could say this past week I bought myself a Xmas present as I had to buy a new PC monitor as my old one died after 3 years, if that counts.


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Every year my parents get me a piece of clothing, and every year it's something I don't really like that much. I thought they had cracked it this time though until I unfolded it and saw the daft extra pockets and and flaps haha. I still quite like it though.




Also received about £50 from some relations, a book, and some chocolate etc.


Some people get wild presents.

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some clothes- ( 2 pairs of jeans // 3 or 4 shirts // 2 hoodies ))


dvd's ( the hangover and extract - havn't watched extract yet, heard it was good )



anddd some pics, for the talking -





so ii take it your a yankees fan




ed hardy cologne=douchebag




ballin ass cubic z's




good jacket




meh on the phone


---- best gift though, by far - was getting a letter from my homie in jail... i've been trying to get a hold of him and write him for almost 2 months now.


hope everyone had a good day!


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since i didnt get a single thing the question will be answered by posting a picture of what i did for myself.




For dinna i made myself two cheap steaks that had been marinating since yesterday, mashed baby red tatas, corn, and creamy dill marinated cucumbers. with a 40oz of OE to wash it all down.





Dam didnt know you get down like that..

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