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MTV's Jersey Shore

Gat Bush

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You're a moron




And the term is widely applied to both races


it's not really widely applied to both races. and don't pull a common knowledge card on me. The niggers of europe were always the irish. They were fucked over the most. They were the most enslaved.


I know sicilians who say they have nigger blood in them because there is moor blood in them. But the niggers of europe were always the irish.


Im portuguese and norweigen. so i don't give a shit. You're just wrong big guy.

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Thats a generalized statement and couldn't be farther from the truth...most of those people you are referring to are wannabe fake ass italian idiots, not the real deal. They portray themselves as sterotypes because they want to be italian so bad for some reason. I don't understand it...as for the other "guido" type people...they are an embarassment to the italian community.

You are most likely just basing your ignorant statement on italian stereotypes in movies and television and not from what you see in real life. You probably see plenty of italians on a daily basis and only relate the ones who act like "guidos" as italians and write off the rest as just plain white people. Get your shit right before you go slandering an entire nationality.

I realize you wrote "most italians" but those idiots only make up a very small portion of italians...so your "most" is a poor word choice.


Im basing what i said off of the italians that i know. MOST of them act just as i said. Not all of them.


It doesnt mean they're shitty people, they just act corny.


ps.None of the italians i know are "guidos". No one like that really lives around here.

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New Jersey & Staten Island = New York's retarded cousin




ive always said jerz and staten are for people who cant make it in NY or just dont fit in.


staten island is the boro of misfits, and jerz... well, jerz has its good parts but no self respecting new yorker would ever live there.


take the millionaire living in jersey.... transplant them to manhattan and they instantly become a thousandaire

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Any Italian who would say they aren't white is a moron, although I have known Sicilians who talk about how they have "moolie blood" because the Moors conquered Sicily a long time ago



The only reason people say that shit about Sicily is because they saw True Romance. I doubt any of them have looked into a history book and checked to see if this is an actual fact (though it may be). If idiots want to bank their race or ethnicity on not being corny WASP's because some guys from the middle east reproduced with their ancestors they are fools. Culture and upbringing play a large role in all this shit and the simple fact that some Arab fucked someone you were distantly related to doesn't mean that they bred out your entire lineage and culture. Last i checked, Sicily was not Muslim.


I agree with whoever said that people who say this are trying to latch on to whatever romanticized thoughts they have of organized crime after Only Built For Cuban Linx came out.



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I agree. I don't even say I'm Sicilian (although that's where my dad's family is from) because of people and their retarded "Oh so you have black blood in you" shit.


That's why I proudly go with a basic Italian, and white.


Edit: Go tell some old Sicilian muthafucka he's a nigger though and see what happens haha. Like everyone said, it's black people and SOME of the corny ass young dudes who try and pull that shit

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MTV will not air the scene in "Jersey Shore" in which a drunken idiot coldcocks a female cast-member and knocks her out.

MTV told E!'s Marc Malkin the network consulted with experts (we're guessing Chris Brown) and decided the footage should be 86'd from the show.

The scene, which shows New York gym teacher Dan Ferro clocking Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, was used in the MTV promo and then made the rounds.

MTV told Malkin the scene "has been taken out of context not to show the severity of this act or resulting consequences."

As for resulting consequences, Ferro was arrested, pled guilty and placed on probation.



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Let's be honest, Italians have always been animated people. It's their culture. They talk with their hands, their men have always been mucho machismo, the women have always been drama queens, and they have a heavy duty "connection" to some of the most important crime families in history. The whole "guido" mentality is a part of Italian culture --but not like this Jersey Shore shit. I think it has always been more about Italian Pride and not hair gel and lip gloss.

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Let's be honest, Italians have always been animated people. It's their culture. They talk with their hands, their men have always been mucho machismo, the women have always been drama queens, and they have a heavy duty "connection" to some of the most important crime families in history. The whole "guido" mentality is a part of Italian culture --but not like this Jersey Shore shit. I think it has always been more about Italian Pride and not hair gel and lip gloss.


All I can think now since I read this is Eddie Murphy doing the impression of the Italian guy after he saw Rocky.


"Hey, let me have a box of Juji Fruits and let me have some Bon Bons. I think I'll have some Bon Bons there. And let me have some Junior Mints. And give me another box of Juji Fruits...and the nigger's gonna pay for it."


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^ That is hilarious


"The funny thing about Italians is they act like niggers. They do, they hold their dicks more than us"


Let's be honest, Italians have always been animated people. It's their culture. They talk with their hands, their men have always been mucho machismo, the women have always been drama queens, and they have a heavy duty "connection" to some of the most important crime families in history. The whole "guido" mentality is a part of Italian culture --but not like this Jersey Shore shit. I think it has always been more about Italian Pride and not hair gel and lip gloss.


And this is true. We ARE animated, over the top people. I've definitely beat up a few guidos in my day, but not specifically for being guidos...maybe I will, just for you earl haha

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They obviously are, but those are strictly northeastern GUIDOS. Another acceptable term is "Gotti Fags", which makes me feel bad for John Gotti...his grandkids really ruined his name. Anyways, they're not even close to representative of "American Italians"


Alot of guidos you see out and about aren't even actually Italian. A large percentage of them are Portugese/Lebanese/Armenian/etc etc

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