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Whenver you see a dodge charger, more than half the time its actually a cop. Its just another cruiser. Dudes should really change it up at least.


Florida Highway Patrol confiscates cars and then flips them into FHP cars. Saw a corvette once, complete with all the bells and whistles.

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ALways look at the shoes


undercovers shoes don't ever match right- bum undercovers have shoes that are not nearly as grimy or well worn. Wigger undercovers have some dumb shit nobody really wears. Undercover working men wear either too fresh workboots or leather shoes.



As for LP, if you can spot a LP scoping you by now you got no business doing shit LP will bust you for. I don't really rack too much any more, and I don't dress like a shoplifting punk, but I still pull their cards sometimes

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Whenver you see a dodge charger, more than half the time its actually a cop. Its just another cruiser. Dudes should really change it up at least.


Florida Highway Patrol confiscates cars and then flips them into FHP cars. Saw a corvette once, complete with all the bells and whistles.


Here it's mostly Tauruses, but also mad Crown Vics and Chargers.


I've seen the Gang Unit drive all kinds of crazy shit, from a brand new Lexus to mid 80's Hondas

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Whenver you see a dodge charger, more than half the time its actually a cop. Its just another cruiser. Dudes should really change it up at least.


Florida Highway Patrol confiscates cars and then flips them into FHP cars. Saw a corvette once, complete with all the bells and whistles.


Every force around here does this. I've seen a VW cabriole convertable converted to an undercover doing speed detail in a neighboring city , with lights and sirens

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Every force around here does this. I've seen a VW cabriole convertable converted to an undercover doing speed detail in a neighboring city , with lights and sirens


thats nuts, Australian undercovers just drive the normal squadcars without all the shit on them,

and have about thirty seven thousand antenna sticking off them so its always easy to pick em.

fuck that flipping cars shit.

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They have a whole squad here called the "Road Rage Task Force" that drives around in black oldsmobiles that don't even have radios on deck- the cops only have handheld wallow talkies so you can't spot the aentennas. They basically drive the I-40/65/24/440 loop and look for big shady cars doing minor traffic offenses especially with out of state plates, pull them over, check warrants, and find any reason to search for drugs.

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I had the worst floor walker following me around at the supermarket a while back. it always seems to happen when I'm actually not up to anything. I wanted to walk over to him and just ask him to fucking let me breathe and stop sweating my ass all over the store. he was "shopping" in at least 3 aisles I was in yet his basket always had the same 3 items he started off with.

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Me and my homie fucked with the LP's at a bookstore one time for like an hour. Pickin up markers, walking around the corner and ditching them, going in the bathroom, shit like that.


At one point the guy actually dissapeared, then came back out without his glasses and wearing a different shirt :lol:

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just before my friend moved for oklahoma, we had bought some bud and a pipe. we smoked like half of the sac and went to go get some tacos at thi taco hop by our house. and some arizona iced teas. we sat on the corner of the shell station drinking and eating and this cop car rolls by. of course were paranoid because we still had the sac and the pipe on us. and of course they do a U-turn and light us up. the cops get out of the car and ask us what we were drinking because they looked like forties, they said. and we told them arizonas and showed them. they proceeded by asking us where we lived and if they could search us. i thought we were fucked and so did my friend. my friend asked one of the cops "ummm may i ask why sir?" and he replied "oh its just a bad drug neibhorhood and two white guys sitting on this corner at this hour usually either have drugs or are waiting to buy drugs".


so before they search us they ask us if we have anything illegal on us and i say ye i have a knife and my friend was all hesitant and one of the officers said if you have a little bit of weed just tell us now. so my friend did but he forgot to say that he had the pipe. as im getting searched the officer searching me finds my girls expired driver permit and confiscates it saying that it would be a felony if i had it on me and i it down in hand cuffs they find the pipe on my friend. i knew we didnt have enough weed to get in trouble so i wasnt too scared about that. and long story short the cops let us go with a warning and they keep the pipe but tell us to stomp on the weed and rub it in the ground with are feet. lol oh yeah and my friend had one of those mexican us id cards that the court gives you and these racist fucks kept asking him where he bought it and shit. i was mad. but im glad they let us go.


they werent undercoers so idk why im even typing this haha





lol but yeah that will happen should have just not let them search you, they had no probable cause

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yeah i know my right but they were going to search us whether or not we said okay. they usually dont care. ive had some encounters with the cops and usually if you say no you cant search me they still do and if they find hit you are definitly gunna get in trouble for it. unlike that night they let us go because we were co-operating...


havent you seen cops nigga? haha

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here they like to sit outside the spot and anybody that tries to

grab a bag gets they car took. No ticket, no probation, no

nothing but it costs 1000 to get your car back


happened to me. I tried to get a nik, They said they

were breakin it down and to come back in 15 minutes.

soon as i turned the corner i got flikt

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Back in my hs years I got pulled over with 4 forties, trees and a bowl. I just dropped of my girl at the time and there were 3 other dudes n the whip. The po comes up to me and asked I'd he search the car. I thought I was bagged for sure. I was like "what's my rights on this?" popo told me "u could either say yes or no." I told him "no" cuz I already knew it was curtains for me and the crew. The dude went back to the cruiser came back to me and told me to beat it. When I turned around there were 4 fucking squad cars. To this day I still dnt understand why I wasn't locked up that night. Peace to the gods.



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