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once upon a crime

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* new figures show new unemployment numbers up to 10.3% highest in 25 years

* deficit added 133 billion in month of october lowering the u.s. dollar value even more.

* troops still not withdrawn from overseas theatres of war.

just to name a few.


but who cares as long as illegal immigrants are inluded in the new health care plan paid by taxpayers that had to be rushed to be voted on. looks like this guy might be as big a baffoon as bush became. my freind sais obama is a plant to destroy america, i laughed and said nah he wouldnt fuck up this bad and be this obvious about it if he was....hmmmm, either way i think alot of people who voted for him are even losing patience.

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Unemployment, well that is down to the economy and businesses not recruiting, not really his fault if companies aren't hiring due to uncertainty in the world wide markets, why should they take on additional costs of employment and training if there isn't a strong looking future, It isn't just down to Obama this is a worldwide issue, the sameis happening in the UK, there are jobs but not very many, unemployment here is the highest it has been for ages.


The defict is again to do with the stupid mistakes that all world leaders made to prop up the financial systems, they should have let companies fail rather than bail them out.


Troops, well I agree they should be withdrawn, however it would be pretty irresponsible for the UK and America to withdraw troops when they have managed to destabilise the region to such a degree, they need to at least make sure there is some kind of democratically elected and working government in place, rather than just storming in then fucking off and allowing the different sides to just fight it out. We ruined these countries and seem to be prepared to continue to do so.


I don't think he is a plant, that is just tin foil hat style thinking, however to think that one man can change so many things is just ludicrous, everyone knows the power is with the big businesses not the government.

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The fact that it's such a "major issue" with conservatives says more about them than it does about Obama


the issue of taxpayer dollars going to illegal immigrants...


why should i pay for emergency room visits for someone who isn't even a citizen of this country? and especially if they came here illegally? i don't know if that makes sense to you... but it makes sense to me.


i don't see why we don't enforce the immigration law either.


mexico is not an especially friendly country; they can't keep control of drug lords or their own police forces. and, by virtue of being their geographic neighbor, we naturally get some overflow from them, i.e. drugs and guns, and their owners, drug runners and gun runners. the only reason that mexico and the rest of central america doesn't want us to seal the border is because it benefits from remittances sent to them FROM america.


a recent cnn story pointed out something else thats a casualty of the border protection, or lack thereof.. instead of growing drugs in central/south america and transporting them here, the drug cartels have the ability to transplant their operations to this country. i know it's weed; and if the growers weren't connected to cartels routinely known for executing their enemies i wouldn't have as much of a problem.


do you see the issue though?


i am not against immigration. as an american i can't be. this country needs immigrants for a variety of reasons. Additionally, it is a country founded by immigrants. my great-great grandparents migrated here; everyone else did too. yet why can't we expedite the legal immigration process and make it easier and cut off illegal immigration? that way immigrants can get the benefits of living here legally, the US can know who's here, and as I see it, nobody loses.


but back to obama, enough of that.


the public option is a good idea that is being very poorly executed, especially timewise. especially now, why is it smart to add a $1.2 trillion charge to the national debt which is already 11 trillion and counting?


Don't even get me started on the bailouts.


i think the issue of having a public option can't be debated. it's a good idea. but it is not a good idea now. obama, i think, is realizing this. he probably stands to lose the democratic control of the house and/or the senate when midterm elections come up.. and where he goes from there, we'll see.

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If you knew how hard it is for someone even from a wealthy background to get in here legally you might understand why people don't always go the legal route.

I'm just not sure what the issue is, they broke a law and therefore can be singled out as not deserving anything besides hate.

I could see if the vast majority of illegals here didn't come here to work and I'm sure there might be rare examples of illegals like that.

Fact is, there are illegals here, a lot of them working under forged papers, paying taxes.

Another fact is there are tons of Americans not contributing to our country also.


A good way to Unite people behind a political cause is the whole "it's us against them" argument.

Generally, an illegal being here does nothing to inconvenience you in the slightest bit.

Again, I'm sure you could dredge up some bullshit reason why they do, just like you could dredge up reasons why they are a benefit.

As far as this health care shit goes, I bet less than .01% of your tax money would ever go towards saving an illegal immigrants life or health here.

I'm all for saving every penny possible but why focus your platform on such minute bullshit when there is so much other waste?



Again, my question is, why is this a major issue with Neocons?


I think it's a distraction that holds us back from focusing on more important issues.

Like why are people who sodomised little boys in front of their mothers in Iraq not in jail being sodomised.

Why do we no longer have most of the constitutional protections of our rights in place?

Why are we wasting trillions protecting a fragile government in Iraq that isn't capable of protecting itself?

Why is our infrastructure still being based on cheap oil and automobiles when that shit is running out a generation or two down the road?

Why are our schools laughed at by other countries even with generally less income per person?



Every time I hear someone bring up illegal immigration I feel they are probably less of an asset and not worthy of living here themselves.

Like sheep to be gently placed into a false sense of complacency as the shepherds point out new members of the flock to be upset about.

"Look at them, they're eating grass and planning on eating more of you're grass, for shame"

All the while their rights are being prepared for slaughter and future being sold for profit.

Enjoy your meaningless issue.

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I wouldn't be able to come into the US to live, I have a couple of convictions from when I was a juvenile which I reckon would probably stop me from being allowed to live there.


I remember watching a documentary about the fruit industry in California and basically with immigrant workers they would not be able to survive as an industry, all those shit jobs that AMericans don't want to do get snapped up by immigrants, also due to them not wanting to be deported they tend to be reliable and hardworking too.

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I wouldn't be able to come into the US to live, I have a couple of convictions from when I was a juvenile which I reckon would probably stop me from being allowed to live there.


I remember watching a documentary about the fruit industry in California and basically with immigrant workers they would not be able to survive as an industry, all those shit jobs that AMericans don't want to do get snapped up by immigrants, also due to them not wanting to be deported they tend to be reliable and hardworking too.



That job could be done just as well without using illegals and migrant workers.

Problem is, it can't be done here, the farms in other countries would just take up the slack.

You could still buy the fruit for around the same price or a little more,

it would just mean your money isn't supporting a local economy in the US.

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Enjoy your meaningless issue.


Brought it up in response to you, mercer. to call me a relentless bill o'reilly neocon is pretty far from the truth...


I also said we should expedite the legal immigration process. To seal the border and then make it impossible to get in here would strangle this country. You're right, too, that an illegal immigrant or 20 million, isn't really hurting me.


But it's a principle issue. Even for things as small as driving; I don't want people who don't know how to drive on the roads operating motor vehicles, for safety's sake. Is this a valid point?


I don't want an entire undocumented population over which we have virtually no control living here. I'm not trying to attach ID chips (or national IDs..) to anyone. Just to have records of who they are like everyone else.. so they exist. It's gotta suck having to fly under the radar for your entire life. Am I right? Is that a way to live?


Nor do I fall into the "let's unite everyone and segregate and punish one group" argument. I'm not a Nazi, thanks.

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Your not going to see any real change's until hes almost out of office from his first term, if he only has one. Remember he was brought in behind 8 years of GWB. Give him at least another year before you start attacking him.


Bush did a good job of cock blocking Obama well before he got into offices as well. By setting some things up, so they couldnt be changed for 4 to 6 or even 8 years from when they were put into effect.


Honestly the guy was handed a big pile of shit when he walked in the front doors of the whitehouse.


Do you know why Obama is looking to send 40,000 more troops the the middle east? Theres a few reasons. But I will touch only on one of them.


#1. WAR's make money. Money thats spent on U.S. industry's. That means money he is hoping is going trickles down from the top and get used in are economy. Again remember BUSH put us in the middle east. The same guy that bankrupt the UNITED STATES. After Clinton fixxed it. From the first Bush fucking it up.


Truth be told pretty much every one thats been president sence Gorge Washington has been either usless for what ever reasons or a total P,O,S.

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okay i just wrote a whole freakin page that got deleted before i posted it. so im pissed and will only highlite some main points, to be expanded on upon critiques.


Barack Hussein Obama hates everything about the U.S. He doesnt think its fair that we are the "most prosperous" or what have you.


Consider this when reviewing Obamas policies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqG_zFQaB18


Another issue you all brought up: Iraq. Why would we leave Iraq when we can stay under the name "stabilizer" or "democracy builders" and continue to extract their resources? ExxonMobile has made more profits than any other company in recorded history(We spent money getting you into office Bush, thanks for the payoff! Oh, and former Exxon chairman Cheney: heres enough money to live comfortably forever. Thanks again guys!)


These people dont want nor care about democracy. They have lived under religious clerics and regimes for 5000 years-thats what they like, and all they know. Why do we care? To educate and show our fellow human theres a better way to live or better system of government? EFF THAT. If that were true, why arent we in Burma? Africa? BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ANY RESOURCES WE WANT.


_"Theyre scared for their lives if they vote for democracy!" They know who the people are that are threatening this, but cant tattle on their muslim bros, especially to an infidel! We paved the way(nomore sadaam or secret police), so KILL THOSE FOOLS! What, our Founding Fathers werent scared when they fought the biggest power on earth? They werent scared when they signed theyre own death sentence as a traitor by signing the Declaration? THEY TOOK THE RISK, now we are the greatest nation on earth. Noone, especially Iraqis, have any right to complain about not having democracy when they dont take the risk of death and just erradicate the small number of idiots running around threatening people!

Democracy isnt the only way anyway. Prolly the best in my opinion, but why force it on people who dont want it? Let them practice islam and be controlled by the clerics like they always have. All they do is kill each other anyway, when theres not a common enemy to protect islam from. What has any middleeastern country done for the rest of the world, or humanity for that matter? All they do is cause problems and bother people who dont believe what they do. Any great minds come outa there that have come up with an idea to better the world? Didnt think so.


_"If we leave, a power grab will occur and it will be a haven for terrorists!"---okay, LET IT! a few guided missiles and a week later, that regime will be gone like the last two times we did it.


Obama understands this, being an elitist and highly intellegent individual that "knows best" for the lower classes. Plus he hates democracy anyway, so theres a differant reason we are there; maybe to sit and watch known al quaida operating there, or to gather further intel. Or the most obvious: take their oil. This way, we wont have to kill a kangaroo rat by extracting our own resources in Alaska! YAAAAAAAYY!!!


freakin unbelievable.

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Do you know why Obama is looking to send 40,000 more troops the the middle east? Theres a few reasons. But I will touch only on one of them.


#1. WAR's make money. Money thats spent on U.S. industry's. That means money he is hoping is going trickles down from the top and get used in are economy.



So then where is the "change" that he ran for president on. bush did that for the last 8 years. remember haliburton?

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if i break my leg, get a serious injury, wife has a baby, i pay for that. if an illegal who doesnt pay into it does the same i again have to pay...is that fair??? This whole hate, racist name calling doesnt have real clout anymore. With an extremely high unemployment rate, 401k's in the toilet, american manufacturing basically non existant, a debt exploding out of control, why is giving illegal immigrants healthcare more important to the obama administration? its an insult to america's working class, he will feel it in the midterms as he already has in the lost governorships.

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if i break my leg, get a serious injury, wife has a baby, i pay for that. if an illegal who doesnt pay into it does the same i again have to pay...is that fair??? This whole hate, racist name calling doesnt have real clout anymore. With an extremely high unemployment rate, 401k's in the toilet, american manufacturing basically non existant, a debt exploding out of control, why is giving illegal immigrants healthcare more important to the obama administration? its an insult to america's working class, he will feel it in the midterms as he already has in the lost governorships.

agreed. people are not happy.

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If they just had a heathcare system like in the UK where you don't have to pay for any insurance or anything like that and tax dollars went to supporting the health service then I don't see any problems with that.

I know that my taxes that I pay contribute to healthcare, I know that people who are on welfare who don't pay taxes can get treatment, doesn't bother me in the slightest, I don't mind that immigrants can get healthcare either I don't understand why people have such a selfish approach. If you have to pay taxes towards healthcare and that won't change whether illegals or anyone else us the service then why moan about it.


The thing is, is an illegal immigrant actually going to go to the hospital when their details will just be handed over to immigration control? It seems to me that illegal immigrants are being blamed for something when they are really a tiny percentage, the vast majority of them try to stay under the radar so why the hell would they go to the hospital where they will be found out as an illegal?


This is why the proposed healthcare plan in the US is rubbish, if it is forcing people to have insurance then it is pointless the whole point in a health service is to take it away form insurance companies and big business and have a blanket healthcare system for every single person in the country whether they want an abortion or have broken their leg. The only things that shouldn't be covered are things like cosmetic surgery (unless for medical purposes such as implants for a woman who has had a breast cancer and lost a breast)

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Do you know why Obama is looking to send 40,000 more troops the the middle east? Theres a few reasons. But I will touch only on one of them.


#1. WAR's make money. Money thats spent on U.S. industry's. That means money he is hoping is going trickles down from the top and get used in are economy. Again remember BUSH put us in the middle east. The same guy that bankrupt the UNITED STATES. After Clinton fixxed it. From the first Bush fucking it up.



obama is sending more troops to the middle east and replacing iraq troops with contractors because is a war monger plain and simple. because obama inherited a war in the middle east... and obama promised to bring the troops home, you dont do that by sending more troops over seas. wtf. you dont end a war by sending in more troops. you bring them HOME. declare victory as they say and come on home.

look if the policy is bad, you dont continue it. you stop it. if a doctor prescribes a certain treatment and it was wrong, the next doctor you go to shouldnt keep up the same idiotic treatment just because he 'inherited' you and your symptoms from another doctor.


its funny you say bush bankrupted the US... the US has been bankrupt since way before bush got into office. obama is well on his way with his new proposals to make bush look like a spend thrift.

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  • 3 weeks later...
* new figures show new unemployment numbers up to 10.3% highest in 25 years

* deficit added 133 billion in month of october lowering the u.s. dollar value even more.


I mean wtf! Everything was perfect when he became president right? Can't believe he screwed it up this bad.



okay i just wrote a whole freakin page that got deleted before i posted it. so im pissed and will only highlite some main points, to be expanded on upon critiques.


Barack Hussein Obama hates everything about the U.S. He doesnt think its fair that we are the "most prosperous" or what have you.


Consider this when reviewing Obamas policies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqG_zFQaB18


Another issue you all brought up: Iraq. Why would we leave Iraq when we can stay under the name "stabilizer" or "democracy builders" and continue to extract their resources? ExxonMobile has made more profits than any other company in recorded history(We spent money getting you into office Bush, thanks for the payoff! Oh, and former Exxon chairman Cheney: heres enough money to live comfortably forever. Thanks again guys!)


These people dont want nor care about democracy. They have lived under religious clerics and regimes for 5000 years-thats what they like, and all they know. Why do we care? To educate and show our fellow human theres a better way to live or better system of government? EFF THAT. If that were true, why arent we in Burma? Africa? BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ANY RESOURCES WE WANT.


_"Theyre scared for their lives if they vote for democracy!" They know who the people are that are threatening this, but cant tattle on their muslim bros, especially to an infidel! We paved the way(nomore sadaam or secret police), so KILL THOSE FOOLS! What, our Founding Fathers werent scared when they fought the biggest power on earth? They werent scared when they signed theyre own death sentence as a traitor by signing the Declaration? THEY TOOK THE RISK, now we are the greatest nation on earth. Noone, especially Iraqis, have any right to complain about not having democracy when they dont take the risk of death and just erradicate the small number of idiots running around threatening people!

Democracy isnt the only way anyway. Prolly the best in my opinion, but why force it on people who dont want it? Let them practice islam and be controlled by the clerics like they always have. All they do is kill each other anyway, when theres not a common enemy to protect islam from. What has any middleeastern country done for the rest of the world, or humanity for that matter? All they do is cause problems and bother people who dont believe what they do. Any great minds come outa there that have come up with an idea to better the world? Didnt think so.


_"If we leave, a power grab will occur and it will be a haven for terrorists!"---okay, LET IT! a few guided missiles and a week later, that regime will be gone like the last two times we did it.


Obama understands this, being an elitist and highly intellegent individual that "knows best" for the lower classes. Plus he hates democracy anyway, so theres a differant reason we are there; maybe to sit and watch known al quaida operating there, or to gather further intel. Or the most obvious: take their oil. This way, we wont have to kill a kangaroo rat by extracting our own resources in Alaska! YAAAAAAAYY!!!


freakin unbelievable.


You are fucking retarded.

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My screename is after obama, other than that, I guess I can contribute by giving my opinion:

1) wars- we should not have went, its bushes fault, now were there, we should get the fuck out asap, so its now obamas fault too.


2) illegal immigrants- their humans, they deserve healthcare, fuck you "all-americans", this land is for native americans, taken from them illegaly and about 1/3 brought here illegally, or do you not know that about the origins of the USA?

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