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I don't understand the American College system.


The main problem with it is that everyone has a college degree these days, they are becoming worthless. I don't know a single person with a job in the field that they went to school for.


Half of the world has a job that they could have gotten without the degree and been further up the ladder after working for four years then they are just out of the gate (college) with the degree in hand.

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The main problem with it is that everyone has a college degree these days, they are becoming worthless. I don't know a single person with a job in the field that they went to school for.


Yeah the work I do has nothing to do with my degree. But I like it that way. The degree was more of a safety net more than anything.

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I don't understand the American College system.


Injury's Guide to the American College System


1. Private colleges cost significantly more than public ones, usually.


2. Public schools consist of state universities and community colleges.


3. If a state runs its state school(s) well it can feel free to bias its admissions and blatantly pick some candidates over others simply because of where they live. Similarly, the difference between in-state and out of state tuition can be $20,000 or more.


4. Community colleges are easy to get into and provide you with a degree that is functional but not necessarily the reputation, alumni networks, or overall support of state and private universities.


5. A degree from a decent four-year institution is one of the most expensive things you can buy, and doesn't guarantee a whole lot in terms of future success. You will probably not do anything remotely close to what you majored in. Also if you get a liberal arts degree you're probably retarded.


6. Because alcohol is illegal until age 21 colleges openly claim to be tough about drinking but are really very lax about it. Local police around college campuses are always assholes, and will push for the maximum sentence and do whatever they can to fuck you royally. Some colleges will devastate your asshole for drug charges and some will not.


7. There are TPWF's and corny faggots at college, and shitty music too. TONS of shitty music.


8. Financing means taking loans unless you have trust fund money. Loans come from either private lenders who will rape you, or the government, who will also rape you. However, if you're a minority or can prove you have more that 1/16 indian blood you get hooked the fuck up.


9. Textbooks are a scam.


10. Asher Roth.


11. You may get shot and/or die.


12. Facebook


13. College is when you realize you are an antisocial vandal asshole who will probably die alone, or develop a raging drug problem, or both.

/No emo




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Yeah the work I do has nothing to do with my degree. But I like it that way. The degree was more of a safety net more than anything.


Smart move, you should always have a back up plan...


Most people I know that are in a different field aren't there by their own accord. I hope that one day their degree will do something them since they're all swiming in debt.

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College is easy as hell for me so far. Hardly have any homework and I only have one midterm thats gonna be on tuesday. Shits just like high school but shorter classes and bigger breaks, not stuck there all day. I learn stuff real easy too, doesn't take me long to get the hang of it and know what I need to do to just be a step above others. Fuck I got an a class at 8 tomorrow morning tho and thats my only regret..


God damn morning classes

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10yrs? WTF

Took me 5 to finish, but I got a double and did the last 2 part time.


yeah...i spent tons of time failing classes and having to repeat.


did to much drugs and got caught up in crime


but I can say that my degree helped me to get my last raise (even if it doesn't relate to my work)


for the most part I think it is more of a this person remained dedicated and achieved something.


then you got hte cats like my cousin who got an electrical engineering degree and masters in 4yrs and end up making 6 figures

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college is pretty much the time where you get drunk as frequently as possible, hook up with randoms, get your graff n dance on every day, sleep through your alarm no matter how hard you try to get up, eat terrible food all the time, never have money, begin to become clepto, and have a crazy ass roommate that you are forced to live with for a year,

aka college is the shit

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I graduated on stage with the rest of my class in June..... but i still dont have my HS diploma because i failed that bullshit ass class English 1. I am currently in the process of finishing it by mail.


Once Im done with that Il get my Associate's in graphic/web design and I'm off to NY.

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