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Hmm...well let's see what I'm doing...at this very second, I'm in the back of the ambulance taking a patient to our destination...and she had to take a shit, so being the great EMS provider that I am, I gave her a bedpan so she could do her thing, turned off the lights for her privacy...so u could imagine how it smells back here..we got like 20 mins to go due to traffic....FML

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^^^ Turn on the vents!!!


The other day we were joking about how useless it would be to use a respirator in an ambulance with a patient with TB. It'd be way more effective to open the windows in front, open the doors in back and just crop dust everyone behind you with TB. I suggest you do the same, except with poo smell.


Trust me I turned on the vents, put the ac on so it won't smell as bad...plus I couldn't open windows because its raining, I gowned up and used a respirator...once I got there she threw up of course..just another day..I need a fuckin raise

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