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I'm looking in the fridge for food. Do you ever keep walking back to the fridge and open it thinking there is gonna be something different in there even though you know its empty?


yeahh like the 3 minutes you walk away something is going to magically appear. i do that.

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for CALIgula


12oz will soon be the next facebook...and get his own movie

"12oz a graffiti chat room for artist and vandals to gather around to make friends

and talk about their life..also a place to release your anger at random people

or just have a good time trolling in here"


i already had that sorta idea two months ago.

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I have to choose a job offer this weekend, then accept & decline offers on Monday.


It is tough choosing my career path for the next ten years, and I have a lot of good options.

The hardest part is telling people NO after they busted their ass recruiting me and I smiled and acted like they were winning.


Should I work from home?

OR at an office with t-shirts/jeans and games and beer?

OR go 'johnny corporate' for a little bit more money?


I have friends already at all three of those options.


I will go stir crazy working at home for next 5-10 years.

My party at work days should be behind me.

I think it is time to upgrade the wardrobe and go corporate.

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work at the office. with the beer and shit. it seems like fun. with medium pay and you still get to have/make friends. at the corp. you make more money but it may be overly regulated and they skin you if they catch you mess up once, and working at home might be fun but youll always be destracted with the feeling that you actually dont have a job and totally forget about the task at hand.

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Well I guess corporate is a bad term. It is dress shirt and khakis. it is just a professional environment working with fucking gurus of the industry. It is not like going to work for AmEx or Apple with HR stalking. 5 years there and I'll be able to do anything I want. These are also director/manager positions, so I'll be the man.


keep in mind I am 35, with two kids. The pay bump is an extra 10k for the professional environment. But damn, old school Internet company of having fun is very effing tempting. Damn, I'm torn.

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