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Shitty siblings.........or fam in gen


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My shitty brother bought a new house. Needs a fence, asks my Dad if our company has time......Dad pulls out dad wisdom and says no.He then asks me, telling me he would pay me and the guys that work FOR MY DAD AND I. I feel bad and say sure but you gotta help.





















What a fucking cunt





tell me about your shitty family

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why dont you just beat up? thats what family is for


i have on multiple occasions because shes hardly a girl to me, let alone family or a human being. bitch has whipped a wireless mouse at my head from 3 feet away, for no reason/attacked me with glass/has thrown countless expensive things at me


ive falcon punched her/kicked her/destroyed her laptop/etc... in return


funny thing is, we used to be best friends when we were kids, our nickname for each other was "friend"


ex. "hey friend! dad knows you got suspended & hes on his way home early, better hide for a day."






What a fucking cunt


i had to pay the guys, they have to get paid right? so I LOST the money



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I got an aunt who is a shitty bitch.. Has stole all sorts of money from other family members. In real shitty ways, like taking advantage of older family members who can't care for themselves properly.. I also got a shitty uncle who wouldn't even help take care of his mother, but did take her money..


Blood don't make you my family..


Fucking truth in that. I will never back family because they are family. Fuck you.

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my step mom is a bitch not only is she cheating on my dad, shes acting like all the money he makes is hers, and he pays for her 3 kids, who are ungrateful. along with the whole money situation i had to pay for college classes with my own money because my asshole of a father didnt help out because my step mom brain washed him. my girlfriends dad gave me 100 bucks. wtf my own dad gave me nothing, my step mom "volunteers" at the elementary school my siblings go to,. this is where she cheats on my dad with a teacher there. or at least i speculate. you dont hide your emails from your "loved" one for nothing. you dont type "i cant wait to see you, horny boy" to someone who your not married too. im the step son so i get all the shit. and everyone in that house is her blood except my dad and i. so its just got that wierd vibe. i have to pay rent because i eat there food, and i dont clean enough before i go out. i have no job....so wtf


also my step brother is a complete anti-social WoW addict. dude plays non-stop 13-14 hours every day, everything is spoon fed to the kid, hes soon to drop out of highschool cuz he ditcdhes to play WoW. and i stopped buying him ciggarettes (i just turned 18) hes 17. so he gets his mom (my step-mom) to buy them for him. he was also caught smoking weed. she didnt do shit. but they found weed on me when i was 16 and i got grounded for a whole year....



yes i know EPIC FAILURE



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your pops probably works hard & doesnt deserve that shit


why dont you put her on blast


idk actually, i have thought about it. there was this time though that she had bought this teacher guy a sweater or something and told my little step sister not to tell my dad or anyone else for that matter and she told me, anyways. so i found it and hid it in the garage somewhere. she got all like crazy looking for the thing, and finnaly snitched herself out to my dad. then he knew it was me who had hidden the sweater. so we talked about it and he said he had been researching it and watching her carefully and shit but, idk i just dont wanna fuck things up and be bvlamed the rest of my life you know, even my dads whole family hates the bitch.


im probably moving to cali next school semester ahha


oh yeah and he does work hard as fuck

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ive been living with the bitch for almost ten years now, and she was cool for like 2 years and then that "step kid syndrome" set in yah know. idk if any of you are from step families or anything but yeah...



oh also i have a prety wacked out uncle whos a fuckin meth head and does crack and shit, he lives with my "ex-mafia" grandfather in florida where they go alligator hunting and i guess my uncles friend was in a comma cuz my uncle told him to snort draino and the dude did.


i heard taht and lol'd

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idk actually, i have thought about it. there was this time though that she had bought this teacher guy a sweater or something and told my little step sister not to tell my dad or anyone else for that matter and she told me, anyways. so i found it and hid it in the garage somewhere. she got all like crazy looking for the thing, and finnaly snitched herself out to my dad. then he knew it was me who had hidden the sweater. so we talked about it and he said he had been researching it and watching her carefully and shit


im probably moving to cali next school semester ahha


i hear ya vulcan, its a fragile situation

of yourse its your call, but the problem will still be there even if you move


i just hate hearing about good people getting used

good luck to you & your real family, stepmom sounds like a real waste of air

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well me and my girl and my grandma who im really close to, are kind of thinking that maybe when i move hell realize how crazy she is. because when hes angry about something she did he usually talks to me about it, which is a given im his only real kid in that house. so when i leave he wont have anyone to stick up for him. so idk im still kind of thinking about it.

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Dad whooped me but I deserved most of it. Talkin back and throwin a tantrum here and there when I was a kid. It's all good now though. Mom is neurotic, and pulls that "I'm gunna holler about something small instead of discussing the issue." Annyoing as fuck but eh, she works hard and is physically sick.


Usually tell her to smoke some weed and to that I get hit in the head to this day hahaha.


Am I missing the mark with this post since it isn't worthy of an Oxygen movie plot?

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Mom is neurotic, and pulls that "I'm gunna holler about something small instead of discussing the issue." Annyoing as fuck


i get this shit bad at home too, it's fucking ridiculous watching her start losing their mind and making zero sense in an argument, its a good thing im high when most of these arguments happen or else i may possibly give a shit about them though.

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my pops is into me for almost 5G's, not to mention i take care of my younger brother paying his cell bill for years gave him a credit card because pops is a deadbeat, but the second i shut the old man out i become him, and thats what i hate. dude has cashed my checks and all sorts of funnybiz like that but its always better to take the high road. what you did fr8 raper was the right thing and thats what counts you proved to the people that count youre good dude.


dont get it twisted im not some moral bible beater ive got mine here and there, we've all kicked crusty squatter bums in the face for sass-mouthing us on our block, and things of that nature etc. im by far some doo gooder type but you cannot go wrong by helping family. family is a weird animal if you turn your back on them there is pretty much no one worse to snub, if your alive and breathing im going to bet 98% of you its because of some family member extended or not was there at some point to help you out, so dont repeat the cycle. learn from their fuck ups

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my sister-in-law is the motherfuckin spawn of the devil. one day we will get into it and i will beat her fucking ass. she is a pretentious, money hungry, fake ass bitch. she disrespects my parents and thinks she's all that. she cheated me out of a large sum of money and tried talking me out of helping out my own sister. one day i will spit in her fucking acne infested ugly face and i will be happy.

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My Brother is cool, most people think he is a miserable cunt that doesn't takl much but me and him get on like a house on fire (probably cos i'm a miserable cunt that doesn't tlak much either)


Shame he is on the otherside of the country and a student so can't afford to hook up more often


We used to beat the shit outta each other tho, I punched him in the throat once and thought he was gonna die that was kinda skeychy, and he attacked me with a Dlock for my moutain bike swung it straight at my head luckily I got my arm in the way to take the blow, which hurt like hell thought he had broken my arm



If I were you I would go and torch the fence or at least knock it down and then watch and laugh as he has to clean that shit up himself

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