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"False Positive" Negaprop appreciation thread.


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I've gotten a few of these, mostly from when COS went on The Great Registering Campaign and had like 30 names. It stopped being as hilarious to me when I found out people with a certain post count (or something like that) can't negaprop period.


Each actual negaprop I've received, however, has hurt me deeply. All three or four of them.

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I have only received one true nega-prop, an actual tampon for stating I liked Requiem for A Dream better than Black Swan.


I have however, received a ton of hate-filled novels and rants that I believe were meant to be negs, but were green tic-tacs. I always return them the real thing. Thanks losers!

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Negging anyone with 11 bars is retarded.


I only neg newbs to give em actual tampons.

But yeah its hilarious when some rookie tries to send a serious complaint to me when they dont realize


A. theyre about to be on their period

B. if you have less than 1000 post you cant neg anyway

C. Even if you could my clouts too high green jeans.


People take prop shit too serious though

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Back when I was a Senior Mod, I was searching for the secrets of the 12th and black tic-tac and ended up logging onto many of your accounts and reading your prop logs. What I learned is that Senior Mods do not have the power to activate the 12th or deactivate props (black tic-tac) and all I ended up figuring out was who the real heavy hitters are.


No pics, so this never happened.

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