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Police Women of Broward County


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Fuck all these shows that glorify the job, but don't show how shit really goes down when the cameras aren't rolling.


Edit : Only one of those chicks is attractive so...what the fuck are we watching for?


Cheer this man.


Its no wonder half of America is still unaware of what the bastards in blue do, cause whenever they get done in their cubbical or home from church they flip on the tube and throw their feet up and watch johnny law arrest some mexican who stole someones lawnmower, and they get treated like heros. Then when the Rodney King type shit is on, they happen to flip the channel

Fucka cop show

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the other white meat...the only good cop is a dead cop, friend, neighbor, or even a hot bitch cop, "all" better dead, atleast they might have a better chance of serving their community.


and this picture is'nt related to the topic, its just a "pick me up"


...turned my frown upside down.

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