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I have a interview today with a civil engineering firm to inquire about getting a internship there as a drafter. When I spoke with the gentleman on the phone on Monday he said that they are not really looking for someone but that he would like to talk to me anyway.


Anyone ever done an internship before? If so what are your thoughts?

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for your time spent as an intern, you can put it on your resume. think of it as "hazing" in the business world.






































if you were any kind of smart you'd just make up the shit that goes on your resume and slide through life on charm. i aint never had a job i was qualified for. and i aint never been nobodys bitch.

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Interns are the door mats importants walk on.


Good luck with that.


Oh, and black. No sugar.





What I am concerned with is detail. I asked you go get me a packet of Sweet-N-Low. You bring me back Equal. That isn't what I asked for. That isn't what I wanted. That isn't what I needed and that shit isn't going to work around here.


I, I just thought...


You thought. Do me a fucking favor. Shut up, listen, and learn. Look, I know that this is your first day and you don't really know how things work around here, so I will tell you. You have no brain. No judgement calls are necessary. What you think means nothing. What you feel means nothing. You are here for me. You are here to protect my interests and to serve my needs. So, while it may look like a little thing to you, when I ask for a packet of Sweet-N-Low, that's what I want. And it's your responsibility to see that I get what I want.

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nsmb, I have trained people that bullshitted their way in the door and it is always a pain because they do not want to admit that they don't know anything. As far as being anybodies bitch I have found that if you want to lead you first need to know how to follow.


Calico and Drue, I am glad to learn that you guys have watched some movies and tv shows with which to base your opinions on.


Anyway I predict fail in this thread. Carry on.

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nsmb, I have trained people that bullshitted their way in the door and it is always a pain because they do not want to admit that they don't know anything. As far as being anybodies bitch I have found that if you want to lead you first need to know how to follow.


it's amazing how far I've gotten in life with a smile and quick wit.


Careers require talent. Jobs require you show up on time and do a mundane task.


So you're saying you hire and train people into careers that bullshit their way about knowing what it is you do? Or do you teach them to pull the fries out when it goes "DING!" ?


either way, it's a waste of time.


Careers require education. Education that is a pre-requisite to getting the job. So if you are hiring dummies, that's your fault. A job could be taught to a monkey. Telemarketing, service industry, food service, janitorial... all this shit is basic. No thinking.


I'm curious as to what it is you do that puts arrogant dummies on your door step looking for a hand out.

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What little experience that I have with internships is that it gives you "real experience" to put on the resume, and a slight possibility to work at the firm your interning at. Most likely it will be doing some bitch grunt work that the 'more importants' don't want to do, but when it comes down to applying for the job you truly want, believe that they will call those internships first. A good way to get solid letters of recommendations.

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In the trades it's a good way to get your foot in the door, so go for it. Bullshitting might get you a pussy office or retail job but you can't bullshit a trade job. Men aren't buying that shit. You still unemployed Morton? If so you've got nothing to lose, if it doesn't work out chalk it up to experience. OJT dude.

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i did an internship this past summer at a popular radio station on long island

my main job were creating/maintaining their website and making graphics for whatever they needed. it's probably one of the best jobs i've ever had considering it wasn't paid. everyone was nice as fuck, i got so many free meals for lunch and we always went out after work to local breweries with all expenses paid. also not to mention free shit from giveaways they gave me as compensation since i wasn't paid [gift certificates to dinner, massages and concerts]. i fucking loved it

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Intnerships vary depending on the place, staff, work load, etc. Overall, figure you can get dumped on to do the shit no one else wants, or the beginners level type shit. If you're doing it as part of school or something my experience has been that there are some limitations/boundaries/expectations to help protect you, such as you're there to learn, not clean shit, take out garbage, or fetch doughnuts. If not, you can still set some guidelines w/ them and raise your concerns from the get-go. Some places just need an extra hand free/cheap, other places are genuinely interested in training people for work. They'll give you good experience for your resume and may allow you to do more advanced shit as you prove yourself.

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I had an internship at a hospital this summer, it can really give you good experience, and look really nice on your resume, even if you didn't do all that much. Dont expect to be doing any sort of top notch work though, usually its just busy shit no one wants to do.

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Fuck all these guys and their feelings of self importance. You've got a plan stick to it. from experience i can say that just being around people in the business you want to get into is great, you'll make contacts and gain references which will lead to better things.


Its not what you know its who you know

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Well I met with the guy yesterday and they are not taking prisoners right now so no internship for me. He said that things might start ramping up soon and that he would put me on the short list for employment/internship.


nsmb I am a land surveyor with around nine years in the industry all field work. The work is fairly involved and is certainly not pulling fries out of the fat.


Thanks for the thoughts everyone.

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Many years ago I lied about having bartending experience, skipped the whole barbacking bullshit and just did the damn thing by memorizing drinks the night before my first day. That shit worked out, these days I pay my rent off of 2 nights' work.


I had a graphic design internship in Manhattan right out of college, I had to scan 5,000 images for a coffee table book about Eminem. Then the cropping, re-sizing, categorizing came next. It was a decent firm, they actually brought coffee and bagels to me, and it paid well.


In both of these situations, I would say luck had a lot to do with it.

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