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Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (NSFW)

twinky the kid

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


nutjobs are mentally challenged.


No, "mentally challenged" means retarded.

It's the politically correct term for a retarded person.

When you refer to somebody as being "mentally challenged", you're calling them a retard.

Christians aren't "mentally challenged", they're just nutjobs.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


that was bullshit. bitch ass uncle tom got a fair fight in his own dojo and when the "tap out" should of happend, and i know pro fighters, he went crazy, tried to kill a man when he was down for giving a fair fight and the want to be "sensai" jocked.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


he wasnt retarded..i agree.

he was a nutjob..i agree.


but mentally challenged is used to refer to someone with a low iq.

i dont know what his iq is, but iq tests are meant to measure intelligence.


and if this man believes that jesus taught him the moves, then he is not being rational and therefore neglecting to use intelligence.



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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


fool shouldnt of been in a fight but was sparing in accordance with most ethics i have seen. those crazys let him get beat like it was prison. no ohnor. none. watch it. he landed blows on a black belt that was heavier. that is hard to do and he took hits and landed more. that other guy out weighed him and he took hits like a champ.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Cali, I know you live in a progressive blue state and all, but if that was really the defenition of retarded, thinking "Jesus taught me ..." or "I talk to god" or " the devil whispers evil in my ear" that makes about half the people down south legally retarded because of their faith




And as much as I really want to agree this Is the case, and it pains me to say this... But in reality it's not. Being retarded means you were born with a mental defect that is much more than an imbalance... This guy had enough agility to at least last for a period of time, and seemed to be able to communicate effectively.


Crazy people either have chemical imbalances or just have a psychotic break from reality for one reason or another. This guy may have been crazy but he didn't seem mentally handicapped to me

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I agree. dude was most likely mentaly ill but I dont think that qualifies as mentally challenged...what happened to him is a shame though...hope that the stomper gets fucked up somehow by somebody somewhere

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Some chick I use to video tape weddings for put me on her spam jesus email list.., she believes the devil whispers bad ideas in her ear. That's nutjob, crazy, but it doesn't make her retarded...

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


he wasnt retarded..i agree.

he was a nutjob..i agree.


but mentally challenged is used to refer to someone with a low iq.

i dont know what his iq is, but iq tests are meant to measure intelligence.


and if this man believes that jesus taught him the moves, then he is not being rational and therefore neglecting to use intelligence.




He thinks Jesus taught him his moves because he's crazy.

That has nothing to do with IQ, or lack of IQ.

It has to do with him being a nut.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Cali, I know you live in a progressive blue state and all, but if that was really the defenition of retarded, thinking "Jesus taught me ..." or "I talk to god" or " the devil whispers evil in my ear" that makes about half the people down south legally retarded because of their faith




i know he wasnt "retarded".....retarded is like down syndrome.


more of a nutjob/crazy/looney...whatever you want to call it.


and the people in the bible belt that say shit like "Jesus taught me" are just basically bullshitting to "show off" who can be more religious.


its the same as speaking in tongues...its all an act to outdo each other.


pretty pathetic if you ask me.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


He thinks Jesus taught him his moves because he's crazy.

That has nothing to do with IQ, or lack of IQ.

It has to do with him being a nut.



oh i agree with you....he is a nut!


and crazy doesn't have anything to do with IQ.



but being mentally challenged, by definition, has to do with IQ....



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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I can't see what everyone is pissed off about, that guy was clearly not retarded, just a Christian.

I did see a few low blows at the end but nothing a christian karate monk dude couldn't handle.

Only way I'd be pissed at the white dude is if he was a cop, but not for running a real dojo where the trash gets taken out.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


From what I've read, the instructor was in good with the cops... which is why the cops never charged him. His dojo was for training bodyguards, and he and many of his students were marines. They said some of his students may have been cops too. The police had gotten tired of dealing with the dude causing mischief around town, and were probably glad the dojo took care of him.


I don't think dude was a Christian... that was probably just one of the many delusional topics he rambled about.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


The term I would use for the guy that got beat up is 'mentally unstable'.


I wonder what would have happened to him if he had kicked the shit outta the black belt guy. I somehow doubt the others in the dojo would have stood around doing nothing.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


regardless....the fight shouldve been broken up before the head stomping thing happened.


and the fact that everyone is too chicken shit to say anything makes them all pussies.


you can tell they were chicken shit when the instructor said "we are here to learn right guys" and some douchebag says answer when sensei is talking to you.


plus that blackbelt wasnt really shit....i know a few people that could beat him down...this is an example of someone that needs to man up and pick on someone his own size.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


The term I would use for the guy that got beat up is 'mentally unstable'.


I wonder what would have happened to him if he had kicked the shit outta the black belt guy. I somehow doubt the others in the dojo would have stood around doing nothing.




Sensei dude said that if it had taken the blackbelt any longer to take dude out, he was about to jump in and beat both their asses.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


Sensei dude said that if it had taken the blackbelt any longer to take dude out, he was about to jump in and beat both their asses.


'cuz thats what a tuff guy would say. You can tell ol' senssi is riddled with " Alpha male moncheezmo syndrome"


Common amongst males with less than average genitalia size. An entire life chasing an invisible carrot to a finish line that won't ever satistfy your insecurity or self worth.







He's somehwere right now doing pushups

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


I'm pretty sure the blackbelt dude was given the "knock him out" signal and had trouble doing it.


and not for nothin, but I been a ton of fights.. all black belt had to do was calm down take a breather and focus, dudes was wild kickin and swingin all over the place. Didnt Semper Fi over there teach you how to calm the fuck down?

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


'cuz thats what a tuff guy would say. You can tell ol' senssi is riddled with " Alpha male moncheezmo syndrome"


Common amongst males with less than average genitalia size. An entire life chasing an invisible carrot to a finish line that won't ever satistfy your insecurity or self worth.







You sound like a fag.

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Re: Bobby Joe Blythe lets his black belt Willie J Dennis beat a mentally challenged man (N


The term I'd use to describe that guy is "everyday average douchebag who needed an ego check, and got one"


He didn't seem like your everyday average guy. The average guy doesn't go around saying Jesus promoted them to 10th degree red belt, and steals pizza off kid's plates.

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