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Gangster in our ranks


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Re: Hipster in our ranks


how would one spot a "chucklefuck"?


They usually have an opinion that's based largely upon the opinion of others which in turn is also based upon the opinion of others. Notably they dress hip or retro, hang out in trendy circles, and say lots of ironic and condescending things yet claim to be "not hipsters" without realizing that a) no one really cares and b) even if they do, they aren't fooled.


Chucklefucks have also been seen marching in gay pride parades wearing fairy wings, combat boots and a jockstrap with the words "I'M NOT GAY" tattooed across their shaved, oiled-up muscular chests.

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Re: Hipster in our ranks


Psht, I was rocking a fixed gear back in 89*.





















*I took apart the breaking mechanism of my kiddie bike (the ones you pedal backwards to stop) and tried to put it back together, except I did it completely wrong and ended up with a fixed gear bike that looked kind of like this:


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Re: Hipster in our ranks


Yeah, I've reassembled a couple of coaster brake hubs wrong too...those were some thrilling test rides, let me tell you.


It's funny that riding a certain bike or writing your name on things a certain way or drinking a certain kind of beer in a certain bar while wearing a certain shirt is going to make someone pissed off enough to single you out and call you names....but that person doing the name-calling isn't guilty of saying "I'm better than him because I'm different than him and hence more manly and tough." Come on, now! If you're going be on some Vice Do and Don'ts type shit face facts...you're a spot-jocker and a trend watcher. You may not do whatever it is that makes you mad but you notice it and then proceed to cluck your tongue in disapproval like some amateur Mr. Blackwell...please believe, people notice THAT way more than the guy you're putting down.


Fashion forward, boys!

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Re: Hipster in our ranks


Actually, some of the art and craftwork out of the steampunk genre is incredible. Unfortunately, I don't have the skill or the patience to make stuff like that, but one day I plan to make a steampunk desktop case...lots of polished wood, brass, throw switches, analog dials, and rivets.

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Re: Hipster in our ranks


If you REALLY want to be cool, just ignore whatever bothers you...aspire to new heights in your shun game.


(This doesn't apply if some retard is heading at you full speed on a bike with no brakes and making panicked sounds/faces....just get back on the curb and commence shunning everything around you.)

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Re: Hipster in our ranks


Ok, i'll give explaining this a shot.


I HATE hipsters.

I really like the concept of a fixed gear.

They look fun to ride.

I might even build one so I don't have to worry about my touring bike getting jacked.

BUT, I hate hipsters.

So if you don't have hipster clothes (pink shirts, etc) and are pretty cool, I would say "cool bike".

If you ARE a hipster, I would day "nice bike, faggot."


There, I said it.

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Re: Hipster in our ranks


Oh snap! This thread is about me. Damn.


Yes...I said it. But it actually wasn't a fixed gear in hindsight.


I could coast on it and it had a coaster brake.


More like a single speed, stripped down 10 speed.



I'm back on my 14 speed anyways.


It's 13 times cooler than a fixed gear.




P.S. I'm more of a recovering wigger than any type of hipster.

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