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-People who bum a smoke and then only smoke like half and flick it. get the fuck outta here. Also, people who "don't smoke" aka don't buy their own packs and then try to bum cigarettes from people all night.

-People who don't say thanks when you hold the door for them, especially if you go out of your way and stand there waiting for them to catch up to you.

-People who stay in the left lane on the highway maintaining with the person in the right lane, not letting anyone get past

-people lurking over your shoulder/trying to watch what you're typing/writing/doing on a computer/notebook/whatever

-shitty opening bands playing long sets

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i could post in here all day.


When your too drunk to remember the beer in your hand is empty and you get a mouthful of foam.


velcro shoes on people older than 5. (pass if you are cripple)


baby leashes


stickers that brag about honor students


prop 8

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Youngsters like me who drive super fast in pointless places like it makes u fuckin cool like in parkin lots or outta driveways ...that's y fresh license holders insurance all over the top!


Fat people


Dumb sluts


Tribal tattoos


Bro dudes


Jealous hoes


Rude people who work at restuarants and fast food places


Rich black kids who live in suburbs claimin to be hood and all broke


Indian people who act black


Non black people who act black


Many more to come

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Since the Prop 8 thing came up and I know someone is going to crack wise about it...


The Mormons went WAY out of their way to distort the facts about Prop 8 to the black community. Do you know how the Morons (whoops, Freudian typing slip there)....I mean MORMONS view black folks? Look up "Mormons and the Mark of Cain". Not very cool, right? The LDS officially says "Oh, all that is in the past plus everyone was racist back then" but try talking to Mormons about it some time. They'll either change the subject or tell you some really strange shit.


So that's one reason Prop 8 is evil. Plus, there's this thing called the "separation of church and state" that some people would LIKE to pretend still applied (even though it's pretty much proven out to be a fantasy).


Plus, gay people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. They pay the same fucking taxes and contribute as much if not more to society...if they want to get married it's all good with me, doesn't affect my life in the least. Or yours. Or the Mormons.


edit- I don't have a problem with all Mormons, just the racist/homophobic/bigoted ones.

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people from California are fucking weird. period. i like your pot laws tho.


edit: mark of cain? i asked my mormon boss about this. apparently thats what turned black people black? but after the great flood, those who survived were pure of heart or whatever and even though they had the mark of cain, we still love them.


apparently ur right. weird strange answer from a mormon. which is why "a true christian" believes that a black man is truly an inferior being. i always wondered where this notion came from... the mormons...



well, anywho, i like the darkies. theys funnay.

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people from California are fucking weird. period. i like your pot laws tho.


This is kind of a pet peeve of mine too but I'll explain why.


A lot of California is pretty conservative once you get out of the big cities, so it's just like any other state in that sense. I mean, hang out in the Central Valley or the suburbs of the East Bay for a while...you would have a very hard time believing that you were in California.


As far as the pot laws we shouldn't have any. A lot of people in this state are sick of the issue, even the conservatives are beginning to realize it's a waste of time and money to try to eradicate a plant with a value equivalent to a third of its weight in gold.

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I fucking hate when heads share, drinks and food...I share with my fiancee but I won't even share with my mom.




I hate selfish motherfuckers...like my roommate dude has borrowed shit from me..like aceyalone said, can I have my shit back it's still mine.


I hate fuckers that don't clean up after themselves.


Thats all I got right now.

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I hate it when you're late for something and about to leave the crib in a hurry, but then you feel like you might need to shit soon, but can't shit right that minute, maybee in 15.

What can you do? Call your friends like "I'm waiting for this shit to start dropping, so I don't end up shitting at the bar, sorry I'm late, but I'm squeezing as hard as I can bitch".

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people who scratch off their lottery tix in line after they puchased them

guys who wear tight jeans & bandanas around their necks

Guys who wear flip flops

when you are paint'n with other people & you have that 1 guy constantly ask'n you for a color or if u can sell him a can and always ask'n for caps. basically always that 1 fuker who comes unprepared

when somebody's rats opps i mean kids are in your adult conversations (i.e. asking who is it we are talk'n about or jus putt'n in their 2 cents in tha convo)

opie taylor look'n mutherfukaz bump'n their car stereo real loud, play'n some faggot azz soulja boy or lil gay ass wayne

toy azz fags who been paint'n 15 yrs & still SUCK, but yet wanna act like a stuck up bitch

stuck up bitches

bad ass & disrespectful kids

when ugly hoes can't take a hint.

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I hate it when you're late for something and about to leave the crib in a hurry, but then you feel like you might need to shit soon, but can't shit right that minute, maybee in 15.

What can you do? Call your friends like "I'm waiting for this shit to start dropping, so I don't end up shitting at the bar, sorry I'm late, but I'm squeezing as hard as I can bitch".


The worst....especially if you're late to work.


People at work who complain non-stop about how much they are sick of something and say they aren't going to do it, then the second it comes up they punk out and do it. Just shut up and do it.

People who whistle at an obnoxious level.

People who complain about peoples driving, when that person constantly does the same thing they are complaining about.

Hot bathrooms while trying to poop.

When you grab a door handle and its kinda greasy.

B.O. on people first thing in the morning...

Cubs fans on the El or light rail.

Camera lights.

People walking behind me.

Potholed roads.

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People that come to visit and make messes in my house.

Messy people in general.


Girls who bite their fingernails down to the quick.

Girls who have super bright nail polish that is chipped and crappy looking on their chewed down fingernails.


People who fake tan.

Women who wear a lot of make up.


Teenagers that want to talk to me about my tattoos and claim they want to get one, but they don't have any idea of what they want and have no job/no money and aren't even old enough to actually get a tattoo.


People who want to talk to me about my tattoos and then segue it into showing me their lame tattoo of their spirit animal or a janky shamrock or some crap biomech shit and then expect me to compliment them on it.


Little kids on the train that stand in packs in front of the door.


Sweaty people.


My cat thinking she is in heat and needs to howl nonstop for days on end, when she is fixed and will never get any action so she should just accept it and shut the hell up.


My crappy landlords that have had scaffolding up outside our living room window for 7 months now, but aren't actually doing any work out there.

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Teenagers that want to talk to me about my tattoos and claim they want to get one, but they don't have any idea of what they want and have no job/no money and aren't even old enough to actually get a tattoo.


People who want to talk to me about my tattoos and then segue it into showing me their lame tattoo of their spirit animal or a janky shamrock or some crap biomech shit and then expect me to compliment them on it.


what tattoos do you have, ive seen pictures but not up close.

me myself, i want a sailor jerry sleeve and a calf piece with a big ship that says homeward bound. idk why. it sounds cool and its old school. also i wana get the words "my friends my family" across my collar bones, coz like, that just sums up what i'm about right now...

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waiting for other people.


taking forever to cum.




people rude to food industry workers.


rude food industry workers.


girl drama.


fools who'll stare at your broad and when confronted say they were staring at something else.


underage kids asking me for ciggs/ to buy them a blunt.


fools who wanna talk about it, but not be about it.




fools who will stare at you when youre driving in your car, and even when you pass them they still stare, like they are going to run after your car on some terminator 2 shit.

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