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• standing too close in line (this is not china, a million people aren't going to steal your place in the sandwich line if you step out of my aura)

• singing out loud with headphones on (no, you don't sound like beyonce, shut your fucking piehole)

• seven rounds of edits only to return to the original (listen and learn shitlips)

• people who make weak coffee (make it strong for everyone else and add water to your pansy juice)

• staring at the passenger while you're driving (for fucks sake - PAY ATTENTION!)

• bitching about every aspect of your pathetic life while i eat next to you in the breakroom (establish some life goals —then you can holler at me)

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Girl not telling you whats wrong when obviously there is something wrong.


SOmeone sitting in the middle of a three person couch... I hate that so much.


Girls complaining about their bf being a douchebag all the time instead of just breaking it off


Pets coming near you and just watching you whenever you eat something.

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Girl not telling you whats wrong when obviously there is something wrong.


SOmeone sitting in the middle of a three person couch... I hate that so much.


Girls complaining about their bf being a douchebag all the time instead of just breaking it off


Pets coming near you and just watching you whenever you eat something.


girls are stupid


i do that all the time!


girls are stupid


i think its cute

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my biggest pet peeve is probably when people arent polite at restaurants or to any person in any service industry. each time i see some guy acting like a dick to some poor bastard that's working at a shitty job, i wanna punch his face off.


people who drive less than 5 miles over the speed limit


people who don't pick up their dog's shit at my apt complex

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Choke chain leashes for dogs.


when your mom dresses like a slut (not other moms, just mine)


when the screen at the movies is crooked and stays crooked the whole time


peole who give you funny looks when they see you doing graffiti or peeing in public.

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when your mom dresses like a slut (not other moms, just mine)


Oh man, something tells me this is going to turn out hilarious. Maybe not for you but I just have a feeling about this.


Let's see...as for me-


People who tell you to come through then when you show up on time they don't pick up the phone. Passes given for bad cell reception but on a land line it's just plain rude.


Narrow bars with live music and a stage all the way at the front of the bar next to the door, thereby making easy ingress/egress/drink acquisition completely impossible. I encountered this the other night...some rooms (i.e. ones I can spit across) just aren't meant for shows.


The blister on the top of my big toe. How the hell?


Male cats that are spayed but still act like they got it where it counts. Maybe it's just this particular cat but you know when cats do that kind of grunting/growling meow at you? I think my friend's cat is gay.

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fat people


people that get stressed at work when they just work some bullshit job - i can undrstand if you have a high powered job but if your some office worker why bother


actually just people that get stressed out over any kind of petty bullshit why let it bother you, life is too short


ignorant people/arrogant people


people that shout at/hit their kids

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- hip hop falling off cuz drug dealers can afford drum machines and studio time (die like dj screw already ya fucks)


- dude bros in trucker hats

- graffiti related drama (brickslayers, nuff said)

- the lack of affordable quality ganja in my city

- being fucking broke all the time (^^ these two go together)

- any political argument or discussion


theres more i know it, i'll be back

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