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My asparagus is finished, letting it grow and seed again now. Lettuce has been going on for about a month. All the squash(es?) are getting bigger. Corn stalks are about 2 feet high. Tomatoes are about 3-4 feet high. Potatoes are finally flowering. Cabbage, peppers, kohlrabi, spinach and other stuff are doing fine.


Deer ate onions, beets, something else I can't remember right now, and my fucking edamames. I was most pissed about the edamames because it was my first time planting them, but most of them seem to be growing back. Until the deer come back.




This is a family thing, so not all my work.

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i was going to start a thread like this.

i planted 6 tomato, 2 jajapanos, 2 red bell pepper, basil, and cilantro.

the thing is though i had to plant them in 5 gallon buckets on my roof since i have no backyard to speak of. i took before pics with my iphone, but i lost it...

but, things are starting to pop - i'll take pics and post them this weekend.

i find it relaxing/rewarding growing shit.

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it has been proven to be relaxing and it tastes good, way better than store bought.


my broccoli was the greenest i have ever seen and tasted amazing until i found a cooked worm centipede looking thing in it and the little orange tomatos are sweet and tasty. Nothing else is ready except for those two little onions and havent cooked them yet.


I didnt plant a whole lot cause this is my first time growing in the ground.


I planted four different tomato varieties, habaneros, a bunch of anaheim peppers, eggplant, two types of green onions, walla walla onions, parsley, oregano, dill, artichoke, pole beans, zucchini, lemon cucumbers, bok choy, purple bell peppers, and some other shit i cant remember right now.


Most everything is bearing fruit and will soon be edible, fuck yeah!

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havent tried a purple one yet, a while back i grew some sort of green kind they never got very big, im thinking cause i had them in a container. their flavor was really strong but they were super sweet also.


I think the flowers you are seeing is actually my parsley that is trying to take over the world.

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havent tried a purple one yet, a while back i grew some sort of green kind they never got very big, im thinking cause i had them in a container. their flavor was really strong but they were super sweet also.


I think the flowers you are seeing is actually my parsley that is trying to take over the world.


nah, i googled it... they got some zucc look'n flowers but with green pinstripes... at first i thought they were eggplant

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zeebs-- you could always go with container planting or buy whiskey barrels to plant in.


I never got around to planting anything this year.

And from what my mom tells me...the gardens back home aren't doing as well as they normally do.

Probably because I am not there to put my heart into making it grow.


Okra is one of my favorite summer vegetables.

Green beans and tomatoes are up there, as well.


Everytime my family buys fresh pineapple, we cut off the tops and place them in a shallow dish of sand.

Eventually it will root and you can transplant it into a larger pot.

It takes a while for it to grow big and start producing fruit....but it is well worth it.

The pineapples we've gotten have never been as big as the ones in grocery stores, but they always taste super delicious.

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you're gonna get it pretty much everywhere where the weather patterns pass over the midwest towards the east coast, unfortunately. some of the worst acid rain in the region falls upstate in the adirondack park area. :(

get a free soil test at a local extension service or garden center, good soil is most important.

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portland got some really good dirt, back in the day a giant lake of water ruptured from a glacier up north and in its path it covered the willamette valley with prime soil.


here are a few more of my little friends...


these big guys are just chillin




little eggplant




big ass onion




and some zucchinis



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