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Survivalist, Self Sustainable Lifestyles or Whatevs....


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abs, Andy and Bax on Grand Ave has a grip of rad survivalist shit. and they have defused grenades for mad cheap


defused grenades look awesome but you can only throw it at a bears head once...


(or the crazy tweeker whos running the meth lab in the middle of the cascades)



Sometimes, I'd love to move to a mountain and live off the land. But I'm not the green thumb type, and I've been spoiled by civilized culture, so it makes it hard to quit cold turkey.


I'd recommend learning as much about the region you're going to be calling your home. Learn what you can eat and what you can't. Learn how to hunt and make your own affective weapons. Do you know carpentry? If not, try learning how to work with wood the old fashioned way (no electricity). Do you want 100% no human interaction? If so, you better learn how to make your own clothes and footwear out of animal pelts.


Oh --and buy a lifetime supply of DD batteries and a "fleshlight."


i feel the same way, im thinkin i just gotta go do it. living in the pacific northwest the opportunity is within reach everytime i leave my house. I know basic carpentry, ive built skateboard ramps since i was like six so if i apply that knowledge to a simple shelter with a furnace/fireplace i got that down but the food part in the cold looks to be more difficult to be able to sustain. I dont want to starve/freeze to death, although i hear it is painless you just kind of fall asleep and never wake up.

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This is somewhat my major. Passive solar energy, thermal mass/density of construction materials, creating and using renewable construction materials, geothermal wells, korean style solar water heaters. Pretty much living off the grid, and being able to build sustainable compounds with limited resources at little to no construction cost.


My goal here is to join up with some humanities group like the peace corps and help desin and engineer refugee camps that'd make all the whiney trendwhore bitches in america go "WE WANT THAT." I'm still an academic for a couple more years tho. Pissed off soup is pissed off.

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Im thinking with something like this, the least planning would be the best, just drive your car some where, pack food, clothes and tent or whatever. Walk and just do your thing wherever it is you want to go.


I did this last year, went on a 3 day walk with 2 mates we didnt take tents and, sure it's no epic adventure but it was great fun, i plan on doing it again fo a longer period of time.

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Sounds a lot more like back country hiking or camping than survivalist type stuff. I used to do one and two week hikes around the cascades when I was a teenager, its no big deal. I say that planning is important, knowing how to use a compass and a map with confidence is important also.


Physical conditioning is important also, I had the desire to go on a big hike in my mid twenties and made the mistake of thinking I could keep the same pace as when I was 15. My muscles were so sore I was walking like a cowboy for a week.


I have never been a fan of going off trail for any long period although I have worked with guys that are into it.


If the weather looks good and it is in the summer, do not bring a tent. Do bring track shoes and pack light, bring iodine and so on.


Being alone or only running into a couple of people a day on the trail is a great way to clear the head.

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-invest in some actually waterproof gear and tent.

-carry as little as you possibly can, bring things that have multiple uses and are lightweight (maps, plastic bags, extra socks, rubber bands or zip ties)

-get yourself a decent multitool and know how to correctly use a knife and sharpen it.

-learn some basic first aid: CPR, dressing wounds, treating burns and different types of bites, etc.

-learn and practice building fires in environments that are windy, cold, wet and lacking in fuel.

-get a compass and learn how to navigate using maps.

-i cannot stress this enough: supportive, rugged, COMFORTABLE boots!!!!

-duct tape is extremely usefull: dont bring an entire roll, rap a small portion around your water bottle/bike/whatever you have.

-a decent length of rope is also very usefull for a washline, makeshift belt, thing to fish stuff out of a river or gutter, in dire need as a tournequette, etc.

-if youre pretty pale like me, sunscreen, a large brimmed hat and decent sunglasses will be very valuable. dont forget to use these on sunny days in winter when snow acts as a giant reflector for the sun.

-spending a little bit more on a few components will save you tons of money and hardship down the road. these things can include a good knife, hiking boots, and warm winter gear especially gloves and jackets.

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I guess back country hiking or camping would be better words until I have more experience.

^I have some pretty nice backpacking gear.. a superlight 3 season northface tent, titanium cooking shit, a good leatherman and so on. I believe I have everything I need with the exception of a few more fuel canisters. I would like a lighter more packable sleeping bag though.


I plan to be well equipped for a season or two while also having knowledge on more minimal ways for practice.

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  • 9 months later...
I think it is more important than ever to be a survivalist especially now that the global economic system is on the verge of collapse. They are already calling this the beginning of the Greatest Depression.


no doubt about it.

if you dont have enough supplies to last at least 3 months things might get fun reaaaaaaaal quick

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  • 4 weeks later...

this thread reminds me that im going to east texas this july..should be fun.theres alot of survivalist out there in the sticks.ive seen guys with rocket launchers and grenades in their houses NO BULLSHIT.





i fucking love texas though.

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i would also like to point out that survivalists i as know them are not very likely to try to take over the nation.really if they feel like the nation is going to shit their more likely gonna haul up into their bunker and shoot anything that comes near them.not go out and start a revolution or anything.thats why they are called survivalists.they are all about hunting and shooting shit up.but not really about taking things over.




jus saying.not much of a threat to the overtaking of america.

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im just speaking out of experience.having lived in east texas for a long time ive met alot of people who were survivalists,they were less about taking over the government and more about protecting themselves against some unforseen turn of events in which the country was gonna get fucked up.honestly if anything like that did happen they would just hold up in their basement or in the woods somewhere..thats how they are.they arent really the type of people who would take over the world or anything.they were just overly paranoid rednecks who spend way to much time in the woods and have more guns than a small country haha.we must have a different terminology to describe these people then.the people im thinking of arent down with the whole fascist takeover as you put it.





just saying.these people really REALLY arent much of a threat unless you happen to step on their property as it were.

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the only people that can even remotely be related to the 'survivalist' movement that advocate 'taking over the US govt' are the idiot neo nazi's. they comprise about .1% of the 'survivalist' movement as a whole. im willing to bet every suburban neighborhood in this country has 1 'prepper' or 'survivalist' on some level.

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sorry man, you are extremely misinformed about the michigan militia. where are you hearing this?

the michigan militia is currently composed of a few separate factions, none of which have any fascist or nazi elements at all and are strictly forbidden from joining any of the michigan militia groups.


the only 'militias' composed of neo nazi's are groups that have no qualms in telling you what they believe. like the aryan nation, etc.


the michigan militia has been featured on various news networks a WHOLE shit load in the past year or so. anyone with half a brain would see that these guys are NOT fascists and definitely not NAZI in any sense of the word. most of these guys are considered to be pansies for some members supporting mccain for president by even someone like a hardcore libertarian leaning tea party person.


this is also the same group that told the FBI that hutaree (the group accused of attempting to over throw the US govt... which during the opening of hte trial the US govts case based on an agent provacateur's infiltration of the group who egged the group on... completely fell apart) that they were dangerous and took offense to the statements they made against muslims because of some of the michigan militia members are muslim.

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i dont know about all u ammo hordin bombshelter buildin lunatics but i do know i can live in the forest with a minimal amount of gear for long amounts of time.


is that what this means? cuz im just sayin when shit hits the fan (if) then im gonna go live in the forest :p

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