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Area Man's Pop-Culture References Stop At 1988



FLAGSTAFF, AZ—According to sources, area resident Scott Marchand, 37, lives in a state of pop-cultural stasis, never making references to movies, music, or television shows that came after 1988.


"It's strange," said longtime friend Rob Petrakis, 36. "Whenever he quotes lines from his favorite movies—Caddyshack, Wall Street, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Top Gun—it's never anything that came out after 1988. It's always 'I feel the need for speed,' or 'Greed is good,' or 'Those aren't pillows!' I don't know what part of the human brain controls the absorption of pop-cultural stimuli, but 1988 is apparently the year Scott's shut down."


THE REST:http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28796

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this bruno shit is retarded. sacha bara whatever the fuck his name is a just some arrogant french asshole that thinks of himself as a funny person. when i only laughed once in borat.

ill watch the Cosby show and laugh 5 times in 1 minute.


Good job retard. Hes English.

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layed off i been reading this brit murder mystery writer to pass the time.

I still have trouble with the obscenities.... Like go sod your self. The fucks

that supposed to mean. Theres a bunch of them. Past that: conversational

Brittish is hard enough to understand half the time as is. Ive a friend from

Dublin. Ive called her a few times on some... whats a bin man type shit

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