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Summer Smoothies and Milkshake Recipe Thread


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PLEASE if your recipe has more than 50 ingredients, requires 4 exotic fruits from Indoaustraliasia, and I need a math degree to figure out the measurements, go fuck yourselves. No wall of text recipes and instructions please!





anyways, summers coming, and my family has never really been too good on the smoothie milkshake making tip. I have one thing I make, but Id like to expand my smoothie making skills... so share your recipes, PICTURE preferred


heres mine, pretty standard:



* 3 generous scoops of vanilla icecream

* 1 whole/peeled banana

* pour in milk so it fills up half way up the icecream thats in the blender

* blend that shit...


eye ball the measurements, if you want it thicker, add less milk etc...




any others out there you guys came up with or have as your go - to summer refreshment drink, post up

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I worked at a smoothie spot in high school

It was across the street and we just got fucked up and put liquor in the smoothies. It was right outside the mall and I could hook upsales out the back



As a result, I know a lot of complex smoothie recepies




I'll drop some later, but pretty much you use frozen yogurt, banannas, fresh juices, and frozen fruits




They also had a wheatgrass juicer

I drank so much of that crap

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I've never tried that wheatgrass


this is a good Idea for a thread.


I keep it real simple though milk, chocolate topping, ice cream in blender and bang you just hooked yourself up with a nice fuckin milkshake.


I would like to know some recipes though i will be trying it out.

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I gots a good one! Chop some bananas and freeze them, blend with vanilla rice milk. That is all, after you try it you may feel like adding improvising in some berries or something but on its own it is just fine.

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