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chubb lubb.


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I think I may send an application into team chubb lubb.

My man friend has put on a good twenty pounds

since we’ve been together. I didn’t like it at first.

Generally I am only attracted to abnormally tall

and thin men, but after awhile the chunk grew

on me because I love cuddling. You can’t beat comfort.

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i watched this mtv special about fat camp and this whale was complaining about her "chubb rubb" then showed the world what she meant. red rug burn on the thighs. if i could find a pic yall would see it. i am an admitted chubby chaser, but that shit was the worst. at least she got outta soccer for the day...



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i fucking hate dumb bitches who act like they survive off water and a piece of lettuce, give me a fucking break. some dude asked me out once and he had a cup of soup while i had egg rolls and an entire entree. he was salivating watching me eat. wtf?


maybe he was nervoused by you because he liked you so much. i love food and eating but sometimes on like a first date or if i really like somebody i get so nervous that i temporarily lose my appetite.

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I'd be a real challence to a feeder. I can eat like 4 big meals, 1 liter of ice cream and a chocolate bar daily for 2 weeks and not gain weight, except maybe to the gut. Belly is the only part of me that actually collects fat.


And if I drink, it's always beer. I sit around all day and do nothing. I use real butter and fry everything I eat. In the military I ate 7oz chocolate bars every other day and didn't get any fatter.


Now I'm absolutely flat broke and have to eat soups. There's a big chance I dissolve in the air within a month


Perhaps I have a parasite in my stomach. I'm guessing it's Slimer from Ghostbusters.

Or maybe the everything I eat just passes through the system and turns into shit

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i used to be about the thick girls,but i think it wasnt a choice,more so a lack of options. then i got my ex gf who is 5'3 120,but all ass and tits. it was like having a a thick girl in all the right places,but not fucking a fatass. i am not fat,just a big,barrel chested type motherfucker and always got stuck with the stragglers.i guess cuz im an asshole. zebra!-6'3,235 get at me!

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