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there's plenty of Dirt poor whites killing each other over NASCAR and wiskey

But most poor whites live down south in places like jonesboro Arkansas, places way off you guys radar


Trust me, I grew up outside of NYC in the 80s, I was taking the train through south bx in 87 when itvwas really scary, ive done video shoots in Memphis hoods, ATL hoods, Nashville hoods, and the most scared I ever been was stuck in the middle of the hills of south central Kentucky in the hills of appilacia


Why would you be scared in Kentucky?

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Because there's no law, no help coming, no cell service, and a bunch of crazy city boy hating hill-rednecks who have zero problem killing anyone and making your shit dissappear forever


It's hard to discribe, but I also had a manager who was bed stuy born and bread and he felt the same way







In a city if you get caught up there's lots of ways to deal with it



In the hills of appilacia there's nobody except people who dontvwant you there, and I don't care how lawless you think your favorite hood is, people in the hood get caught by the law all the time

There is no law there for miles and miles, natural law is all there is, and I don't care how hardbody you. Are, that's way off home court for everyone



Plus the stories people tell from there are just sick shit, it's scary man, trust me

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How come you never hear of a rapper dying in a heroic way?

It's never "________________ died as a result of burns received while rescuing a baby from a burning building" or "_____________ got hit by a city bus while helping a old lady cross the street", or "________________ died from a serious case of dysentery while in Niger helping distribute aide packs to the impoverished children of the country"


It's always getting shot over some stupid shit.

Way to go rappers.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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If you want to really break it down, it's people trying to be gangsters.

Everyone trying to be hard.


A huge mixed-up culture of fear and loathing, and misplaced values.



i pet puppies oner

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How come you never hear of a rapper dying in a heroic way?

It's never "________________ died as a result of burns received while rescuing a baby from a burning building" or "_____________ got hit by a city bus while helping a old lady cross the street", or "________________ died from a serious case of dysentery while in Niger helping distribute aide packs to the impoverished children of the country"


It's always getting shot over some stupid shit.

Way to go rappers.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.


whether or not you want to consider her a "rapper" left eye from TLC died while setting up a school for impoverished children in Honduras. How come you never hear about black metal dudes dying for something noble?

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And not to justify ignorant actions as such, but....

These are the consequences of treating a race like animals for hundreds of years.

Pick up a book.


trust me homie, i've read plenty, and i agree 100% that things currently are a result of 500 years of oppression, however in 2009, what are blacks doing to turn things around for themselves? they are better off than they ever have been before, yet for some reason seem to be turning back the hands of time on them selves. being ignorant was never 'cool' in black culture. 50 years ago older folks would remind you that they died by the millions in order to bring you freedom, now a days.... motherfuckers love dying over some ignorant shit. they pride themselves on that fact. shit is fucking disgusting.


the class argument is beginning to apply less and less as blacks do more and more to set themselves back. to glorify ignorance, adultery, addiction, teen pregnancy, etc. at the heart it's all about opportunity, not genetics, but theres a cultural cancer in black america that is trying to undue progress from within, an unfortunately stopping it is seen as 'uncool'. TI has a tv show about helping kids, telling them not to do what he did, but then continues to brag about what he did. which lesson you think is gonna ring louder to these kids? thats yalls people, not mine. not to say there isnt racism still in the world, but at this point yall sure as shit arent doing anything to help.


seeks/bill cosby oner

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trust me homie, i've read plenty, and i agree 100% that things currently are a result of 500 years of oppression, however in 2009, what are blacks doing to turn things around for themselves? they are better off than they ever have been before, yet for some reason seem to be turning back the hands of time on them selves. being ignorant was never 'cool' in black culture. 50 years ago older folks would remind you that they died by the millions in order to bring you freedom, now a days.... motherfuckers love dying over some ignorant shit. they pride themselves on that fact. shit is fucking disgusting.


the class argument is beginning to apply less and less as blacks do more and more to set themselves back. to glorify ignorance, adultery, addiction, teen pregnancy, etc. at the heart it's all about opportunity, not genetics, but theres a cultural cancer in black america that is trying to undue progress from within, an unfortunately stopping it is seen as 'uncool'. TI has a tv show about helping kids, telling them not to do what he did, but then continues to brag about what he did. which lesson you think is gonna ring louder to these kids? thats yalls people, not mine. not to say there isnt racism still in the world, but at this point yall sure as shit arent doing anything to help.


seeks/bill cosby oner















On that note, a lot of people feared Obama winning because "black people gonna go crazy now;" but that's just fear of the unknown. Obama winning an election isn't gonna do SHIT for black people because they still have to get up early in the morning to find a job, keep it, and be fathers and mothers.


Now I'm not saying you're ignorant or haven't read - that's not my point. I repeat, I dont condone ignorant shit like buckin' in the middle of the day, but I can understand why it happens because I've lived this shit first hand. I also agree with it not being about genetics, I was born and raised in a South American country and got a strapp at 6 yrs old like it was a normal thing, now I live in a city that has consistently been at the top of murder rates in the US. The only thing that saved me was guidance from parents, which leads me to my last point.


This shit is a vicious cycle because there's no guidance from parents, leading to broken families, broken communities, broken society. The hood is another world, the hood has different rules, the hood is a black hole that'll suck and keep 90% of those born in it. I do think at one point people should all grow up and have a little common sense but that shit isn't going to happen any time soon.



I agree with both sides in this argument....I understand why it happens, but I don't give a shit when karma catches up to niggas.

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c'mon dude, i trust you've been around here long enough to know that i understand the difference between class and race.




poor white people are not shooting eachother at the mall over arguments about shoes or whatever the fuck these two subhumans got into it about.



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