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TRANSFORMERS 2: Awful movie or awfulest movie ever?


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okay i saw the movie last night but there is a few things wrong with it. like really shitty things


1. in the first movie optimus prime was dead and resurrected by the cube right? didn't they have a sliver of the cube the whole fucking time, and instead went around the world and broke into this tomb to save him?


2. Optimus Prime sucks ass in the first movie, on the real if the fallen had come down in the first movie he would have destroyed optimus. also almost all of the robots seemed weak defence, i mean they all were super strong, but anyone could rip anyones head off at any moment.


3. all the transformers look exactly the fucking same when theyre transformed. especially the decepticons. here they are all easily recognizable. in the movie theyre all just different chunks of metal in a vaguely humanoid shape.



4. you don't get to really know any of the transformers which makes you not really care about them, and only about the survival of earth.


5. cheesey comic releif and one-liners were pretty gay








Not to say that there wasnt good points about the movie as well





1. megan fox's titties, and i do like shai hulud or whatever his name is


2. for the most part, alot of the fight scenes were pretty bad ass,


3. alot of people want this movie to top batman or some shit, well it isnt going to. its a cheesey movie about alien robots and a teenage love story, it isn't going to have lots of things to deliver except those.


4. the sector 7 dude didnt piss me off as much.


5. i think Bay did a pretty good job. not many people could pull off a movie as cheesey as this.

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i got thumbs like her's, i feel better about myself now.



I've known 4 or 5 people throughout my life who all had the same exact thumb like that.


I never once thought it was freakish, I'd suck on her funky thumb.




Also, seeing this movie this weekend forgot about it until now.




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I've known 4 or 5 people throughout my life who all had the same exact thumb like that.


I never once thought it was freakish, I'd suck on her funky thumb.




Also, seeing this movie this weekend forgot about it until now.



when i was a kid, i always had problem fitting my thumb in the kids scissors we would get at school.


this caused me mild trauma:



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what they need to do is never touch a classic ever again..the gi joe movie looks WTF GAHEY and im hearing talk of a thundercats movie. next thing you know there is going to be a voltron movie.


these hollywood fucks are ruining my childhood faves.

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i thought the shit was pretty good..i guess it depends on what your lookin for in a movie but i thought it was pretty entertaining..good action..good humor good shots at megan fox...but everyone has their opinion so watch it if u want to..or u can catch that one wit jackass black or wtever

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transformers 2 was a massive let down. it was a movie filmed to be watched on a small screen, packed with more product placement than the first, marketed to the 12-16 year old obese American crowd, and i'm pretty sure it was written by that same crowd.


i hate everything and all that, but this movie was garbage.


a total of 4-5 awesome scenes in the whole movie. don't bother stealing it.

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I agree with Fist and Random, this movie was a complete letdown. I liked the first one, it was the best action movie of that summer.


The "comedy relief" from John Turturro and the "ethnic" autobots was embarrassing at best, and the TPWF neon dunks homo thugs sitting behind me at the theater really liked those parts, which amplified how much it sucked. The part where Shia's mom eats the pot brownies = facepalm.gif


Megan Fox is a babe, and there were about 3-4 excellent battle scenes. do not see in theaters.

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jesus christ you people are impossible. ITS A MOVIE ABOUT ALIEN ROBOTS, how could it not be somewhat corny. i don't see how you can take it so fucking serious. it is worth seeing in theaters if for nothing else than that its cool to watch big robots fight each other on an imax big screen. yes i agree that the cussing was not necessary, but other than that it was fine. fools need to get off the shit talk band wagon.

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jesus christ you people are impossible. ITS A MOVIE ABOUT ALIEN ROBOTS, how could it not be somewhat corny. i don't see how you can take it so fucking serious. it is worth seeing in theaters if for nothing else than that its cool to watch big robots fight each other on an imax big screen. yes i agree that the cussing was not necessary, but other than that it was fine. fools need to get off the shit talk band wagon.



movies about aliens or robots that were not corny, in fact they were awesome:












that's just 4 movies, from 2 franchises. with the right director, the right cast and the right script, any movie's premise can be awesome.


t2 is a great example of a sci-fi/action movie with the right amount of comedy relief done in an intelligent way, along with action that was well thought out and this movie came out in what 1991?

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