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COPS.(the television show)

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I saw an episode of cops tonight where there was a fire and this 4 eyed dumb fuck thought the fire was at the wrong house and started smashing this poor old blacks womans windows in tell her to get out of the house.

She was shocked and got out, then he got a call on his radio saying "where the fuck are you?" and realised the fire was next door.




haha....this was one of my favorite episodes.

..he didnt just break one or two either...he smashed about 8.

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Guest 50million

i like this show. it teaches me what they can get away with and what not to do.



and its a bit entertaining.

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the first "pilot episode" of cops was great.....it was in florida, and the cop is chasing some guy and he yells out something like:


"if you dont stop running im going to fucking shoot you"





oh yeah.....co-signed 50mill.....from watching the show, ive learned alot about what to say to cops and what not to say to cops.

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Yeah I did some searching... found some descriptions, looks like it was Philly. From the 92-93 season, Season 5. Might have to get it on DVD. It says the dude whose pants were falling down was high on angel dust.




Dust was huge in Philly back in the 90's. Especially around 93ish.

Even all the suburban and Jersey kids would come down north to cop wet.



(Down north... I shoulda put that in the slanguage thread)

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i enjoy nothing more then seeing the 1999-2004 opening of cops where this nigga runs infront of the cop car chasing him and just leaps up a 8 foot wall foot first.... i always say "THIS NIGGA IS OUT!". im pretty sure too that the dude gets away too.

haaa, i was just talking to someone about this the other day. That jump is ridiculous. I'd imagine pcp was involved.

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anyone seen the baltimore? episode where the dude high on pcp breaks into a school and sprays fire extinguishers at the crowd of neighborhood heads lining up? pretty old


saw this a couple days ago again....your talking about the naked black guy right?

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haaa, i was just talking to someone about this the other day. That jump is ridiculous. I'd imagine pcp was involved.



real talk that shit was mind blowing../NH


watching cops right now..


some Hindu begging to not go to jail for coke.

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Nah the best was the dude on dust who was walking down the street naked, then stright punched a hole through a wooden fence and tried to climb through it when the cops surrounded him




fuck yeah I tell people about that one all the time...

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I think the dude who got maced out was the Oakland warrior with the samurai swords, he was all dusted...


So when I was real young, too young to drive legal, I used to take my boy Pat across the bayso he could crack out, I just had to steal a car, and he'd give me a 1/2oz just to hang out with him and his crackhead friends (this is like '87) and one saturday night we were over there and I met my first Crip, anyway, dude leaves the room and the other fuckers were all pointing out that this dude was THAT dude on tv...this was before Americas Most Wanted plus i ain't a snitch nigga... never been totally sure if it's true but THEY SAID....

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