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The best thing that came out of that place is MIRANDA KERR! OOOHH WHEE!


I'd insert fIicks of her but I'm on a mobile.


Anyway maybe Mero can go down and start a new crip/blood (whichever's clever...) gang. Here are some names:


1. Da Krikey Kangaroos

2. The Bloody Bloods

3. The League of Extraordinay Niggas (picture this with an aussie accent)

4. Trifflin' Lads Gang

5. Butterfly Soldiers


Im a bit curious of some of the names of some actual gangs from there. Ive heard my fair share of some goofyness.

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SSP, or South Side Posse, was the heaviest gang going around when I was a youth. Other than the 6108 boys who used to steal cars and shit all the time (pre common-place immobilizers).


Mostly the gangs here are bikie related though, so you have your Coffin Cheaters, Rebels, Club Deroes etc. but there is a Lebanese gang called the Sword Boys that are just a gang the bikies use to deal drugs and whatever. And no, I am not snitching, this shit is common knowledge and there is a story in every 2nd days paper about it, so don't make it seem like I am blowing anyone up here lol.


And there is a shitload of asians here. Pretty soon we will all be speaking Chinese if you ask me...

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Mero you're too hiphop for australia...poeople were lookin at me crazy when I had a fitted on...this was in 2003 though maybe they caught on by now...I did meet these 2 puertoricans from Bushwick there in a club I had on a Yankees fitted so they treated me to about 178 bottles of Moet...real random like

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haha we actually had Judge Joe Brown on t.v here a while ago, but im more of an old school white boy and preferred to loud pitch screaming of Judge Judy.




Judge Judy is an annoying fucking cunt.

In the American sense of "cunt" where it's the most derogatory word you could call a bitch, not the Australian sense where everybody and their grandmother and grandfather is a "cunt".

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this him EXACTLY. ever since his 5 minutes of fame he's pulled some decent girls though. last i heard he had a girlfriend with her own place.


but yeah he's your typical hang at the station begging for money, goon drinkin,g fake bape hoodie wearing, bent scungy fake new era hat having scum rat.




Mero should go to Australia and IRL slay this homo and take his girl.

And you should film the shit and put it on youtube and post the link.

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you would have a laugh at how there is no real 'Australian' identity anymore as it just seems there is just different races that all hang in their own little circles. It is rather funny actually to me, but fucked at the same time.




I thouhgt you white European niggas wiped out the "Australian identity" over a hundred years before you were born?

The fuck you taklin bout "anymore"?

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I've heard this before. It's an untapped market apparently, muthafuckas could be making a killing




Me you and Mero should all move to Australia.

You can hold down the local yak supply and get rich as fuck.

Mero can hold down the "slayin niggas" market and become a comedy king or whatever. And get rich as fuck.

And I'll just write on shit while my wife throws some shrimp on the barby and my youngboul throws rocks at Kuala bears.

And since you and Mero will be rich as fuck, yall can supply the beers. :krunk:

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Apparently I'm mad out of the loop on this one...who the fuck is this dude?


Some 17 year old kid who held a party in the burbs of Melbourne, he used myspace to advertise and a lot of people showed up.

When the cops where called people threw bottle etc and they had to call back up.

The media got involved and blew it WAY out of proportion. The cops where embarrassed by the media coverage and blew it further out of proportion. Then the media made this Corey kid a semi celebrity by following him around for the next two weeks.

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I thouhgt you white European niggas wiped out the "Australian identity" over a hundred years before you were born?

The fuck you taklin bout "anymore"?


Haha This dude is a pretty good example of your suburban Aussie racist.

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And neither am I. I am sure that if you actually knew me IRL you would totally relate, but fact is, I am sick of people moving here without any regard for our language or culture, instead they come here and make it seem like it is my problem I don't speak chinese. Thing is, if the place where they can speak that language in day to day life is so fucking shit that they move here, then they can at least adopt the way of life here and make an effort. It really isn't that hard seriously.


And if you are baiting me for one of your famous 'DAO arguments' you are seriously barking up the wrong tree so to speak. I have seen how this place has changed over the past 20 years, and lets say, it isn't as good as it was back then for the aforementioned reasons.

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And neither am I. I am sure that if you actually knew me IRL you would totally relate, but fact is, I am sick of people moving here without any regard for our language or culture, instead they come here and make it seem like it is my problem I don't speak chinese. Thing is, if the place where they can speak that language in day to day life is so fucking shit that they move here, then they can at least adopt the way of life here and make an effort. It really isn't that hard seriously.


And if you are baiting me for one of your famous 'DAO arguments' you are seriously barking up the wrong tree so to speak. I have seen how this place has changed over the past 20 years, and lets say, it isn't as good as it was back then for the aforementioned reasons.


Haha Dude. Im not baiting shit...

You are racist. Its cool, do your thing, its not like your alone in this country. But you cant say shit like that and not acknowledge that you have prejudice against people that aren't white and don't speak your language.

Nationality is a social construct. People migrate, languages change and culture evolves. What you are talking about is some romantic idea of nationalism where 20 years ago we where all Aussies and all got along. THIS NEVER HAPPENED.

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