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The New NHL just in time for Round 2 of the playoffs thread.


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your opinion really isn't unbiased though cause all you do is hate on "cindy crosby" and the pens....

but yea dude your right...the nhl is all set up so crosby can have the cup....cause its not like the pens just won three games straight or anything after being in a 2-0 hole...


i think someones just mad that crosby is outshining ovechkin:lol:


my opinion isn't biased other than I'd rather see the capitals win, but either way I really don't give a whole lot of a fuck because the oilers aren't in the playoffs and it doesn't matter to me who wins the cup this year

I call em like I see em, that was some pretty bullshit "professional referee'ing" in OT


and for the record, I only bashed crosby because I can't stand him due to the bullshit media storm that went on in canada.

I never do any pens bashing, just crosby.

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the penguins put a jumbotron sized tv outside the arena for people to come watch its awesome draws a coulpe thousand people even for away games.


i dont know why they call him geno, yinzers?



that board kicks ass, watched the ottowa series there last year


can't drink there though or i'd hook up with the 12oz yinzers

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man if fucking boston had a screen outside the arena for away games, and home games.

i'd be there every game hanging out.


boston turning it around, b's winning in 7.


edit to bostonnewstink


they are talking about outside the arena, mellon arena has a huge screen outside where people can go and stand around and watch away games and home games i think...

they don't serve booze outside the arena is what they are talking about.

they do serve it inside or else they'd be fucking stupid.

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heres the screen and they serve beer inside just not outside.....i think its mainly cause they don't want people brining coolers full of beer


i can't go down there though cause if i don't smoke at least a blunt per period i'll lose my mind...the playoffs are too intense:lol: :lol:






and even though we are getting a new arena, ima still miss mellon....its couldn't have been a more perfect builiding for the pens to play in






the pens need to end this series tonight. i dont want it to go back to washington

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ohhh, i thought you meant they didnt sell beer period, i didnt check the previous page to see what was going on, thats ill they got a screen though.


are there cops that are outside watching over the crowd watching on the screen? they probably dont want people drinking outside cause im sure fights/small riots/tit flashings, ect.. would happen more frequently im sure, especially if theres no cops.

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every time i watch a pens game, they always show the progress on it.

and man every time they show it it seems like they've done so much work on it since the previous time they showed it, oh! and the stadium is going to be the first "go green" or "all green" or something stadium because it's going to help the environment or some crazy shit which is real cool.


it supposedly will still be called MELLON ARENA, i don't know if they will keep the nickname "the igloo" skeed maybe you got more insight and knowledge on this, since this is all i know from watching some of the pens games haha.

here is an artists rendering of what it will look like (i don't know how true this is, best picture i could find on google, i'll keep looking because i'm intrigued now also) supposedly it says it's going to be called the consol energy center or something... again i'm not 100% sure it being the internet and all.



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man if fucking boston had a screen outside the arena for away games, and home games.

i'd be there every game hanging out.


boston turning it around, b's winning in 7.


edit to bostonnewstink


they are talking about outside the arena, mellon arena has a huge screen outside where people can go and stand around and watch away games and home games i think...

they don't serve booze outside the arena is what they are talking about.

they do serve it inside or else they'd be fucking stupid.


for sure man... i used to think about this all the time, because i used to have anger-management right across the street from the garden, and when i'd be gettin out, everyone would be going into the games... c's and b's - i thought to myself it would be sick if they set up a little theatre-type joint out here for people to come rage


anyways - go B's!!! we're gonna do it in 7!


what's good BNI !?

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damn how did a fucking shitty play like that turn into a goal!?

that was all luck of where the puck ended up being for perry to pick it up.


i also smell Franzen having a hat trick, i don't like how every time one team gets a penalty the other team seems to get a penalty like 10 seconds into the power play it is like these refs don't want either team having a 5 on 4 advantage at all for longer then like 10 seconds.. it's fucking ridiculous but then again they are taking some pretty shitty fucking penalties in my opinion that shouldn't be taken.


i feel you... i don't know how long you've been a hockey fan for, i've been playing for 15+ years now, still to this day...


it almost makes makes me sick of how much of a pussy sport this has turned into....


did you see the penalty chara got the other night? because he lifted dude's stickup from under?!


that was the first thing i learned in in-house hockey... it seems like as soon as you touch someone, it's a fuckin penalty.... shit is disgraceful.

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