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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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I'd imagine it'd be a lot harder to get the right mix of stout heaviness/flavor + pumpkin/spice than it is with an ale. Though you said its a mellow stout and there isn't much pumpkin flavor, so i'm not sure how i feel about that. I'd like to find an actual strong/dark stout that somehow gets a nice pumpkin flavor to it. I'll be keeping an eye out for that regardless though.

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i've yet to have a kona that i think is great.


my wife tells me about things she tries while i'm away. it makes me jealous...


leave in november. i wonder if i'll be able to appreciate super hoppy stuff with having had a 6 month break. my palate might be sensitive.

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my wife tells me about things she tries while i'm away. it makes me jealous...


leave in november. i wonder if i'll be able to appreciate super hoppy stuff with having had a 6 month break. my palate might be sensitive.

When the fuck did you get married?


Is your mailing address still the same as the updated version you gave Jon a month or so ago? If so, do you want normal cds, cassettes, or do you have something that can play mp3 cds so i can fit a shit ton of music on each disc? I'm going to send you a grip of music.

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I'd imagine it'd be a lot harder to get the right mix of stout heaviness/flavor + pumpkin/spice than it is with an ale. Though you said its a mellow stout and there isn't much pumpkin flavor, so i'm not sure how i feel about that. I'd like to find an actual strong/dark stout that somehow gets a nice pumpkin flavor to it. I'll be keeping an eye out for that regardless though.



I was sort of thinking of it more like a belgian dubble.


Heavy and dark, but with a spice that is distinct.


At least I hope that is how it is. Or at least that's how I imagine a stout of such form being.

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You should try the Reserve beer made from that. It's a barleywine called Mirror Mirror.


It's pretty fantastic.



Actually, all of Deschutes reserves are fantastic.






This is honestly the least memorable of their reserves. It isn't bad by any means. It is actually a nice subtle barley wine, particularly for the 11 percent by volume this big beer comes in at. Find and try this beer if you haven't. Compare it to DogFishHead, Avery and Stone's version of an American Barleywine and make your own choice.





An interesting Imperial porter. A stronger version of their Black Butte Porter. I often find regular porters to be a bit too watery for my tastes. I can appreciate the roasted malts, but honestly, I would prefer a viscosity to match the depth of the malts and hops. Luckily the imperial version delivers in this way.





A fantastic American sour. A uniquely new world flanders with all the respect such a distinctive style of beer deserves. There is no nuance lost in this interpretation of an esoteric European genre.





This is their piece de resistance. An oak aged stout. Honestly, this is my favorite type of beer, and this is equally one of my favorite of such a beer. This beer is great. It's the type of beer I wish I could drink slower because I don't want it to end. As with most stouts, there is a creaminess that immediately harkens to chocolate milk. The hints of dark chocolate and the fineness of a coffee bean strike the tongue before the smooth and buttery feel of oak hits the pallet. Vanilla follows it all and forces one to consider the difference between root beer and the beauty that is in your mouth currently.


If you have ever wanted to try a decadent carbomb; find a fine bourbon and replicate the common jameson and guinness but with an oak aged stout and said bourbon. The bailey's is not needed because of what the oak does to the flavor and texture of the entire beer.





And for what's on the docket tonight:





This beer is a true red Flanders. The low alcohol content gives way to a breadth of flavors, from plum to a berry tart. The acrid and almost vinegar acidity creates a sourness that attacks one's tastebuds only to be followed by the subtlety and smoothness of the fruit afterwards.


Get this beer. It is awesome.



(my lame attempt at describing beers)

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Spotted some Coopers today at the liquor store, and due to all the praise that its given from the aussies, i figured i had to try it. If this shit isn't good, i'm going to discount all future beer recommendations from australians.





Also grabbed a bottle of Abita Andygator since i've never actually had anything by Abita. I've heard mixed reviews of them, and really wasn't sure which of their beers to grab, so i just snagged this one.



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Coopers Sparkling Ale is delicious. Crisp, clean flavor, incredibly smooth, and you'd never guess its 5.8%ABV. I'm sure I could drink these all day and not get at all sick of it or full. The massive amount of sediment threw me off when i poured it, but goddamn is it good. Definitely already in my top 3 straight forward ales after only 2. I can only imagine it'd be even better on a nice summer day while hanging out outside, grilling, etc.


The stout i'm not so keen on. Its kinda weird. It only has a bit of a stout flavor, and isn't at all strong or thick enough. It is 6.3% ABV, but it tastes like a dark ale to me, not a stout at all. I'd almost say its a summer time stout, or something that would be best enjoyed when you don't want a lighter colored beer but still want something darker on a hot day, that isnt' going to fill you up.


I can't see myself buying the Cooper's Extra Stout again, but the Sparkling Ale will definitely be purchased again. Good looking out Aussies. I seriously approve.

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last night at the bar (in the bottles too):





I love this beer. Its a 70/30 split between a rodenbach yeast and a lambic. Light and sour yet full in its taste. Try this if you haven't. Please. 7% by volume I think. Either that or 6.5%.





This beer was new to me. Was pretty interesting. It is called an imperial tripel, but that seems to be more of a marketing tactic as this beer is much closer to a Belgian dark red ale. Either way it was yummy and it was sittin at 10 % by volume. The alcohol was well masked behind distinct belgian yeasts and the feel of the mouth and nose was not hot at all.







I have talked about a few Mikkeller beers in here before. Hints of raisin bring this closer to a dubble in my opinion. Overall a smooth dark ale that hides the 10% by volume in the depth of its flavor.



I felt validated last night when one of the bartenders at the bar we were at complimented the selection. Even got a high five for our choices. The group I was with left it to me to decide the drinks for the night.



When we got home I had;




I have come to enjoy a lot of Nogne's offerings. Particularly their Stout and Porter. Also their collaboration brew with Mikkeller was pretty great. This beer, pretty pedestrian. Strong, well made triple, but nothing spectacular about it. Would drink this pretty regularly depending on availability. I think I would like this beer with a spicy meal. It would temper the heat of the spice in the food while also providing its own flavors to be amplified by the tastebuds' reaction to the capsaicin in the meal.

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Had this in Vancouver BC the other day. Did not like it. Not exactly a beer connoisseur here, but the fuckin foam was BROWN. It tasted like black bread... I liked every other canadian beer I tried there though. They were all much, MUCH paler though. Moosehead, Kokanee, all bomb. I just liked the bottle so I kept it haha

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