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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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stone double bastard


this had a great aroma and i did taste 2 distinct flavors. almost like arrogant bastard plus a shot of bourbon. however balanced enough that it wasn't an overpowering hard liquor taste. this has been the best stone bomber ive had so far.




dogfish head bitches brew


very dark imperial stout. no taste of honey or sweetness that would have been expected from this.

kinda cool to have watch this on discovery channel and then try it a week later. it was good but lacked something. the smokey flavor was a bit overpowering after the first couple sips.




bells christmas ale


comparing this to great lakes christmas ale this loses big time.

it has all the similar tastes but great lakes took it much further to the next level.




smuttynose big a ipa

i had the choice of getting this one or the other smutty nose ipa

and went for this one. decent ipa. but nothing really out of the ordinary about it.



in terms of labeling i usually try a new beer once a week and have alot to choose from and if i dont know what something is going to taste like a good label helps. i feel it shows some sort of pride in your product and being visual i respect a good image. goose island is a great example. that is such a great label and i don't even like goose island's beers. obviously taste is going to win out over graphic design but i'm going to choose a better label over a cheap label if ive never heard about either beers.

i think even the region of where the beer comes from play a part of it as well. i'm much more willing to grab an unknown beer from colorado than i am to choose one from podunk iowa.

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tried this for the first time this week end... just read about the flys in the beer....


anyways, got to enjoy some dogfish head 60 min an the usual genny/pbr which ever one's colder.


also tried this




its made with soju which apparently is some magical japanese vodka that doesn't give you hang overs. i woke up fucked up so i guess it didn't.

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Copped one of these looking to drink it tonight - have no idea really what I'm in store for. From what I can tell it's not a very dark beer, brewers liquorice isn't my favourite flavouring in the world - but it's so hard to get American beer over here I just snapped it up.




On from there, the head honcho at Stones&DFH have stopped sending beer to Australia completely until there is a guarantee that the beer is refridge. boated, redfridge. trucked, and straight to cold at POS. S'pose that's looking out for your brand, but fuck me, I want more Ruination an 90M.


Also got one of these;




For obvious reasons.

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I NEED to try this.. Delirium is my SHIT!

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If anyone gets a chance to buy/try this do so! This is in my top 3 favorite beers, and is off the top of my head is also my favorite winter beer. What a great treat, at 6.9 abv, and the taste and texture is just outta this world. I have been luck enough to be drinking this on tap (!), but im sure it is just as good in a bottle..Anderson Valley has never let me down, and is probably my favorite brewery..

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I NEED to try this.. Delirium is my SHIT!


i prefer it to the nocturnum, it's a shame that it's a pain to get a hold of.


speaking of christmas ale's being pretty good for the most part but hard to get a hold of, i picked up the last 5 st bernardus christmas ale 750's. it cost over 100 just for those, it is stupidly expensive to drink nicely in Australia thanks to all the faggot taxes to curb binge drinking (which is only as bad as everywhere else in the world). making it pretty difficult to save money but fuck it.


also got some other shit, i'll put up flicks soon.

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Split a bottle of this tonight


Here's my friend's official review


A: Pours a crazy dark brown with a thin light brown head that reduced into a thin fuzzy film that left a few soapy streaks of lacing down the glass.

S: Strong rich notes of dark fruits, dates, figs, and prunes as well and sweet molasses, dark chocolate, cherries, slight licorice, damp woody undertones and warm alcohol vapor. Complex and deliciously scented.

T: As rich, warm, and complex as the nose. I get a big dose of the molasses that this beer is brewed with. Very sweet indeed. Hints of raisins and vanilla poke through. The licorice lends some flavor but is definitely overshadowed by the molasses. The aftertaste is full of coco and leaves a sugary sweet fruit coating in your mouth. Very tasty.

M: Soft and smooth carbonation, full body and velvety smooth mouthfeel. Alcohol lends so flavor a touch of warmth but is by any means hot or uncomfortable.

D: Very smooth and delicious. I really enjoyed this one. Almost stout like. Too bad it's my one and only.


Grade: A-

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westmalle dubbel.






i can't tell if you are or aren't but hopefully you aren't just drinking form the bottle.


ran into a dude yesterday who had actually tried Westvleteren ( http://beeradvocate.com/lists/top ) only available at the brewery itself, cases sell on ebay for around 4-500. pretty hyped up but incredible he tells me. fuck i want to go try it when i hit up germany next year.

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A friend of mine has had one or two. Said it's worth the hype, just not the price.


A friend shared a bottle of Westvleteren with me and it was very, very good.


It is pretty pricey to get a bottle in the US, but I have heard it isn't too bad in Europe. The sad thing is the cost of getting a bottle here is starting to seem less and less crazy with the way domestic craft beer prices are rising.


Here's what I started the day with:



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