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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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Sam Adams, while better than a lot, is at the low end of the microbrew/craft beers/import beers. I think you have the wrong idea on the beers BTW. There are plenty of newer American made micro/craft brews, but a lot of the European and other non-U.S. beers have been around for years doing it well, long before hipsters came along. Hipster beer = Blue Ribbon.

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In terms of cheap beers, Premium has gotta be my favorite. Probably because i lived in Minneapolis forever and its the local cheap beer of choice. Way better than Coors, Miller, Bud, and other American Lagers in my book.


Chances are, not many people outside of Minnesota have had it though. And if they did, it was probably overpriced due to shipping it out of state. At the liquor store i usually went to at my old apartment, it was only $2 or 3 more for a 24pack of bottles of Premium than it was for a 24pack of any of the generic light brand cans, excluding the super extra dirt cheap stuff.




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hipster beer my ass. hipsters buy pabst.

overpriced? compare the alcohol and do the math

shit beer at 4% and some strong 9% "hipster beer".

i drink 6 delicious beers while you have to drink 13 bottles of nastiness.

the piss beer gives me a headache after 1 or 2




green flash west coast ipa


this was tasty

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I am likin green flash more and more.


Their barleywine was pretty on point.


As far as shit vs nice beer goes, I'll drink both. I ain't hatin. But I do have my preferences even in cheap beer, if I'm gonna buy it.


Modelo Especial, Tecate, (yes...) PBR, Lone Star and Olympia. Those are my cheap choices. Oh hell, toss in Black Label too.



Then there are mid range drinkables, pale ales, not too bad of lagers, e.g. Stone pale ale, Session Black Lager, blah blah blah


all the rest, I'll drink nice beers. I'll drink the shit out of a nice beer.

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if i didn't drink good beer i wouldnt drink beer at all.

i drank piss beer since i was 9

by the time i was 18 i thought guinness was awesome

i was stuck drinking kirin, asahi, and sapporo for way too long. (kirin being my fave)


now if i couldnt drink the good stuff i'd probably just stop drinking beer all together.

i'm probably more of a bourbon/cognac drinker than anything but i stay away because i only buy one botttle of xo a year and if it wasn't for my willpower of steel i'd probably be an alcoholic waiting to happen.

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I had this last night in the parking lot of my work:




It was very very very good.


It is honestly one of the best beers I have ever had. I liked last years a little more. But this beer is by far fucking amazing.


This led to a night of drinking I didn't expect.


I am at work at 5.30 in the morning...still drunk.




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The abyss is made with licorice and molasses and then aged in oak barrels.


The bourbon is on the back end of the sip. It left the back of your throat and tongue a little hot at the end and was actually quite nice.


The mouth on this one was a little more watery than I remember its predecessors, but I think that is just a factor of aging. Interestingly though once it was swallowed, you sorta felt like your mouth was coated by the licorice and molasses. Not in a "flavored" sort of way, but in a legitimate viscosity that seems hidden when the beer is actually in your mouth.


I'm pretty certain my girl and I are splitting the cost on a case tomorrow. Gotta keep a few for at least a year.

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This isn't really in the spirit of this thread, but I've got a question about LAGER.


What's up w Yuengling Premium being both cheaper and shittier than the original lager?


For follow up, any Philly/east coasters have any suggestions for good, relatively inexpensive domestic beers besides Yuengling? Been drinking a lot of Lion's Head, which is decent, but not really noteworthy.

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This isn't really in the spirit of this thread, but I've got a question about LAGER.


What's up w Yuengling Premium being both cheaper and shittier than the original lager?


For follow up, any Philly/east coasters have any suggestions for good, relatively inexpensive domestic beers besides Yuengling? Been drinking a lot of Lion's Head, which is decent, but not really noteworthy.



good session beer, good price, available at most distributors in philly

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I think Corona is OK as a beverage, since people drink ice tea, bacardi breezers and other types of soft drinks anyway.

The clear bottle just wont do any good to it's beer qualities. IMO there are several cheaper beers just as good, with low carbonation (?) and bland taste.


It's ben a while since I had one though... I should try again to see if I can enjoy it.

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since i've been stateside i've been drinking more vodka than beer, and most of the beer i've had i posted about in the past. tonight i'll be trying a few more at my favorite WA pub.


i did try rogue's YELLOW SNOW IPA. as with most ipa's its important to let it warm up a bit after pulling it from the fridge, in a rush i tasted it while it was still cold and wasn't really sold. i let the glass sit for about 10 minutes and "temper"and the beer opened up completely differently than i'd initially tasted. it was a great beer. solid body with minimal citrus aspects (my least favorite part of ipas) and a long lasting body flavor that flows into a smooth finish. i would definitely buy it again.


also ninkasi tricerahops. so win. and rogue dead guy. and pyramid snowcap was okay.alaskan amber, i don't get the hype. too smokey for me.


will post more later.

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